CUTILLI, Tommaso
CUTILLI, Tommaso
Hand-carried ultrasonography instrumentation in the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction
2021-01-01 Severino, M.; Caruso, S.; Rastelli, S.; Gatto, R.; Cutilli, T.; Pittari, L.; Nota, A.; Tecco, S.
Rare case of inverted impacted canine in infra-orbitary position requiring surgical therapy on
2019-01-01 Falisi, G.; Cutilli, T.; Rastelli, E.; Bernardi, S.; Continenza, M. A.; Vittorini Velasquez, P.; Severino, M.
Very large Ameloblastic Fibroma with Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst in an 8-year-old child. Histological and immunohistochemical characterisation.
2019-01-01 Cutilli, T; Coletti, G; Fatayer, Mw; Caruso, S; Tecco, S; Gatto, R; Leocata, P.
Antiresorptive drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaws, literature review and 5 years of experience
2019-01-01 Bernardi, S; Di Girolamo, M; Necozione, S; Continenza, M A; Cutilli, T
Rare and life-threatening complication after an attempted lower third molar extraction: Lemierre syndrome
2019-01-01 Varvara, G.; Bernardi, S.; Piattelli, M.; Cutilli, T.
Different solutions for damaged nasotracheal tube during maxillofacial surgery: a case series
2019-01-01 Piroli, Alba; Cutilli, Tommaso; Lupi, Ettore; Marinangeli, Franco; Varrassi, Giustino; Paladini, Antonella
Bilateral Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the mandibular angle in three females from the same family.
2019-01-01 Tecco, S; Caruso, S; Nota, A; Leocata, P; Cipollone, G; Gatto, R; Cutilli, T
Cervical injury related to mandibular fractures. A retrospective study of 315 cases
2019-01-01 Cutilli, T.; Scarsella, S.; Di Fabio, D.; Oliva, A.; Continenza, M. A.; Sollecchia, G.; Necozione, S.; Bernardi, S.
Giant follicular cysts extended in pterygo-maxillary fossa, antro-naso-ethmoidal and orbital space associated to exophtalmos and diplopia in young patients
2018-01-01 Bernardi, Sara; Scarsella, Secondo; Di Fabio, Desiderio; Oliva, Antonio; Di Girolamo, Mattia; Continenza, Maria Adelaide; Cutilli, Tommaso
Ultra-low-frequency transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (ULF-TENS) in subjects with craniofacial pain: A retrospective study
2018-01-01 Mummolo, Stefano; Nota, Alessandro; Tecco, Simona; Caruso, Silvia; Marchetti, Enrico; Marzo, Giuseppe; Cutilli, Tommaso
Anti-inflammatory steroid use in impacted third molar surgery: a systematic review
2017-01-01 Varvara, G; Bernardi, S; Cutilli, T; Bianchi, S; Sinjari, B; Piattelli, Marco
Association between p53 status, human papillomavirus infection, and overall survival in advanced oral cancer after resection and combination systemic treatment
2016-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Leocata, Pietro; Dolo, Vincenza; Altobelli, Emma
p53 as a prognostic marker associated with the risk of mortality for oral squamous cell carcinoma
2016-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Leocata, Pietro; Dolo, Vincenza; Altobelli, Emma
Advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the lip (T4b): Is HDR-interstitial brachytherapy a successful alternative to the surgical treatment ?
2015-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Bonfili, P; Oliva, A; DI CESARE, Ernesto
Oral lymphomatoid granulomatosis, the first sign of a ‘rare disease’: a case report
2014-01-01 Cargini, P; Civica, M; Sollima, L; Di Cola, E; Pontecorvi, E; Cutilli, Tommaso
Oral cancer: the importance of the evaluation of p53 as a prognostic factor in the surgical and multidisciplinary treatment .
2014-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Leocata, Pietro; Dolo, Vincenza; Altobelli, Emma; Cargini, E; Scarsella, S.
Mandibular fractures: repercussion on the atlanto-axial joint and acute cervical sprain
2014-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Cargini, P; Civica, M; Pontecorvi, E; Sollecchia, G; Scarsella, S.
Epidemiology, pharmacology and clinical characterization of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. A retrospective study of 70 cases.
2014-01-01 Pelaz, A; Junquera, L; Gallego, L; García Consuegra, L; García Martínez, L; Cutilli, Tommaso; Olay, S.
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung and the maxillary region: a benign lesion with aggressive behavior.
2013-01-01 Gallego, L; Santamarta, Tr; Blanco, V; García Consuegra, L; Cutilli, Tommaso; Junquera, L.
Pathological (late) fractures of the mandibular angle after lower third molar removal. A case series.
2013-01-01 Cutilli, Tommaso; Bourelaki, T; Scarsella, S; DI FABIO, D; Pontecorvi, E; Cargini, P; Junquera, L.