Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Seismic Performance of Frame Structure with Hysteretic Intermediate Discontinuity
2023-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Contento, A.
Improving the dynamic and seismic behaviour of rigid block-like elements through active mass dampers
2023-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Olivieri, C.; Contento, A.; Pagliaro, S.
Experimental investigation and beam-theory-based analytical model of cross-laminated timber panels buckling behavior
2023-01-01 Fabrizio, C.; Sciomenta, M.; Spera, L.; De Santis, Y.; Pagliaro, S.; Di Egidio, A.; Fragiacomo, M.
2022-06-05 Pagliaro, Stefano
Improvement of the seismic response of frame structures through the coupling with an external structure equipped with inerter
2022-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Contento, A.
Seismic benefits of deformable connections between a frame structure and an external structure with inerter
2022-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Contento, A.
Archetype Dynamically Equivalent 3-DOF Model to Evaluate Seismic Performances of Intermediate Discontinuity in Frame Structures
2022-01-01 Pagliaro, S.; Di Egidio, A.
Elasto-Plastic Short Exoskeleton to Improve the Dynamic and Seismic Performance of Frame Structures
2022-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Contento, A.
Dynamic and seismic protection of rigid-block-like structures with Combined Dynamic Mass Absorbers
2022-01-01 Contento, A.; Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.
Dynamic and seismic performance of a two d.o.f. system coupled with a rigid block with inerters
2021-01-01 Pagliaro, S.; Di Egidio, A.
Combined Use of Rocking Walls and Inerters to Improve the Seismic Response of Frame Structures
2021-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.
Improvement of dynamic and seismic behaviour of cabinets through controlled deformation
2021-01-01 Pagliaro, S.; Di Egidio, A.; Contento, A.
Base versus top active control to improve dynamic and seismic performances of rigid blocks
2021-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Contento, A.; Pagliaro, S.
Investigation into benefits of coupling a frame structure with a rocking rigid block
2020-01-01 Pagliaro, S.; Aloisio, A.; Di Egidio, A.; Alaggio, R.
Rigid block coupled with a 2 d.o.f. system: Numerical and experimental investigation
2020-01-01 Pagliaro, Stefano; Aloisio, Angelo; Alaggio, Rocco; Di Egidio, Angelo
Seismic performance of frame structures coupled with an external rocking wall
2020-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.; de Leo, A. M.
Improvement of the seismic performance of frame structures through a visco-elastic connection with a rocking block
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.; Contento, A.
Dynamic response of a linear two d.o. f system visco-elastically coupled with a rigid block
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.; de Leo, A. M.
Investigation into the benefits of coupling a frame structure with a rocking rigid block
2019-01-01 Pagliaro, S.; Aloisio, A.; Di Egidio, A.; Alaggio, R.