Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
On the analytical solution of PDEs in bounded domains and applications to inhomogeneous tapered elastic solids
2024-01-01 Migliaccio, Giovanni
Solution of the Biharmonic Problem with the Steklov-type and Farwig Boundary Conditions
2024-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Matevossian, H. A.
Non-Linear dynamics of simple elastic systems undergoing friction-ruled stick-slip motions
2024-01-01 Barsotti, R.; Bennati, S.; Migliaccio, G.
Analytical prediction of the dynamics of beams travelled by moving forces and external resonance phenomena
2024-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Ferretti, M.; Di Nino, S.; Luongo, A.
On the role of different nonlinear damping forms in the dynamic behavior of the generalized Beck’s beam
2024-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; D’Annibale, F.
Dynamics of beams travelled by equally spaced forces via transfer matrix approach
2024-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Ferretti, M.; Di Nino, S.; Luongo, A.
On the influence of external damping on the dynamics of a generalized Beck’s beam
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, Giovanni; Ferretti, Manuel; D'Annibale, Francesco
Dynamics of beams travelled by equally spaced forces via transfer matrix approach
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Ferretti, M.; Di Nino, S.; Luongo, A.
Analytical solutions of partial differential equations modeling the mechanical behavior of non-prismatic slender continua
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, G
Mechanical properties of cables made with helically wound carbon-nanotube fibers for advanced structural applications
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, Giovanni; Reginald, Desroches; Gianni, Royer-Carfagni
Stress and strain fields in non-prismatic inhomogeneous beams
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, Giovanni
The influence of non-uniform cross-sectional properties in non-prismatic components of wind turbines
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; D'Annibale, F.
Steklov-Farwig Biharmonic Problem in Exterior Domains
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Matevossian, H. A.
Analytical prediction of the cross-sectional shear flow in non-prismatic inhomogeneous beamlike solids
2023-01-01 Migliaccio, Giovanni
Analytical evaluation of stresses and strains in inhomogeneous non-prismatic beams undergoing large deflections
2022-01-01 Migliaccio, G
Mixed biharmonic problem with the Steklov-type and Neumann boundary conditions in unbounded domains
2022-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Matevossian, H. A.
Theoretical mechanical properties of strands and cables made of wound carbon nanotube fibers
2022-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Desroches, R.; Royer Carfagni, G.
Analytical determination of the influence of geometric and material design parameters on the stress and strain fields in non-prismatic components of wind turbines
2022-01-01 Migliaccio, G
A new shear formula for tapered beamlike solids undergoing large displacements
2022-01-01 Migliaccio, G.; Ruta, G.; Barsotti, R.; Bennati, S.
Structure that can be made with carbon nanotube fibers but not with other materials
2022-01-01 Desroches, R.; Migliaccio, G.; Royer Carfagni, G.