The need for action in historical heritage, after a disaster like the 2009 earthquake, imposed the start of studies and researches with the aim of implementing intervention methods compatible with the historical and architectural values in the parts to be recovered and at the same time capable of raising the performance levels required by the current rules regarding seismic safety. In this technical-legal context, a particular case can be recognized in the repairs of facing wall claddings of the aristocrat palaces, such as Palazzo Vastarini Cresi, built in L'Aquila in the seventeenth century, severely damaged by the 2009 earthquake. Among the main components of the Palace, the main facades are certainly the characterising and value elements which, for various vicissitudes, were never completed, leaving exposed the masonry, on which the distinguishing stone elements partial tiling, helped to historicize the peculiar character of "unfinished building" ,that identifies the Palace. This circumstance forced the implementation of intervention methods capable of raising the performance levels of the original envelope, without altering or modifying the value and characterization elements of the property to be protected.
La necessità di intervenire sul patrimonio storico a valle di un evento calamitoso come il terremoto del 2009, ha dato l’avvio a studi e ricerche con l’obiettivo di mettere in atto metodiche di intervento compatibili con i valori storico-architettonici presenti negli organismi architettonici da recuperare e nel contempo capaci di innalzare i livelli prestazionali richiesti dalle normative attuali in materia di sicurezza sismica. Nell’ambito di tale contesto tecnico-normativo, un caso particolare può essere riconosciuto negli interventi di riparazione dei paramenti a faccia-vista dei palazzi nobiliari, come nel caso di Palazzo Vastarini Cresi, costruito a L’Aquila nel XVI sec. e gravemente danneggiato dal sisma del 2009. Tra le componenti peculiari del Palazzo, le facciate principali sono certamente gli elementi di valore le quali, per diverse vicissitudini non furono mai ultimate lasciando a vista il paramento murario sul quale, la parziale posa in opera degli elementi lapidei di definizione dei partiti architettonici, ha contribuito a storicizzare quel carattere di “edificio incompleto” che ha da sempre identificato il Palazzo. Tale circostanza ha imposto metodiche di intervento capaci di innalzare i livelli prestazionali dell’involucro originario, senza alterare o modificare gli elementi di valore e di caratterizzazione del bene da tutelare.
Di Giovanni G. Il recupero dei paramenti murari a faccia-vista nel centro storico dell'Aquila. Colloqui.AT.e 2016 Mater(i)a MATER(i)A. Materials, Architecture, Technology, Energy/Environment, Reuse (Interdisciplinary), Adaptability
The need for action in historical heritage, after a disaster like the 2009 earthquake, imposed the start of studies and researches with the aim of implementing intervention methods compatible with the historical and architectural values in the parts to be recovered and at the same time capable of raising the performance levels required by the current rules regarding seismic safety. In this technical-legal context, a particular case can be recognized in the repairs of facing wall claddings of the aristocrat palaces, such as Palazzo Vastarini Cresi, built in L'Aquila in the seventeenth century, severely damaged by the 2009 earthquake. Among the main components of the Palace, the main facades are certainly the characterising and value elements which, for various vicissitudes, were never completed, leaving exposed the masonry, on which the distinguishing stone elements partial tiling, helped to historicize the peculiar character of "unfinished building" ,that identifies the Palace. This circumstance forced the implementation of intervention methods capable of raising the performance levels of the original envelope, without altering or modifying the value and characterization elements of the property to be protected.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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