CARTOGRAFIA E RACCONTO LETTERARIO NEL KENYA COLONIALE – Sia nelle carte geografiche sia nelle forme narrative è possibile cogliere la storia del Kenya coloniale come produttrice di un nuovo movimento insediativo che si sovrappone all’assetto sociale e territoriale tradizionale. Tra Ottocento e Novecento la cartografia coloniale europea elabora un modello cognitivo che, mentre si appropria dell’altrove attribuendogli un ordine spaziale basato sulla rappresentazione, genera sapere come necessaria conseguenza del proprio oggetto e lo impone come vero nonostante le sue aporie discorsive e le omissioni delle sue raffigurazioni. In Kenya, misconoscendo l’autonomia culturale dell’altro e riducendo l’altrove a mera natura, la cartografia ha assicurato una conoscenza tecnica del territorio favorendo le dinamiche politiche del colonialismo inglese. Accogliendo le sollecitazioni analitiche della geografia umanistica, il saggio affianca al predominio dell’informazione cartografica coeva la produzione letteraria di Karen Blixen, con particolare riferimento a Out of Africa, interpretandola come “racconto del territorio” a partire dal paesaggio culturale.
CARTOGRAPHY AND LITERARY NARRATION IN COLONIAL KENYA - It is possible to have a good grasp of the history of colonial Kenya both from geographical charts and narration forms as producing a movement towards new settlements superimposed upon traditional social and territorial order. Between eighteenth and nineteenth century, European colonial cartography elaborates a cognitive model which takes ownership of “the Elsewhere” by establishing a special order based on representation, and generates knowledge as a necessary consequence of its object forcing it as it were true, mistakes in discourse and omissions in representation notwithstanding. In Kenya, while disregarding the cultural autonomy of the “Other” and reducing the “Elsewhere” to mere nature, cartography has achieved technical knowledge of territory, thus giving support to British colonialism. The following paper responds to the analytical suggestions of humanistic geography and joins the dominance of contemporary cartographic information to Karen Blixen’s literary production, particularly Out of Africa, seen as “tale of the territory” starting from cultural landscape.
Cartografia e racconto letterario nel Kenya coloniale
CARTOGRAPHY AND LITERARY NARRATION IN COLONIAL KENYA - It is possible to have a good grasp of the history of colonial Kenya both from geographical charts and narration forms as producing a movement towards new settlements superimposed upon traditional social and territorial order. Between eighteenth and nineteenth century, European colonial cartography elaborates a cognitive model which takes ownership of “the Elsewhere” by establishing a special order based on representation, and generates knowledge as a necessary consequence of its object forcing it as it were true, mistakes in discourse and omissions in representation notwithstanding. In Kenya, while disregarding the cultural autonomy of the “Other” and reducing the “Elsewhere” to mere nature, cartography has achieved technical knowledge of territory, thus giving support to British colonialism. The following paper responds to the analytical suggestions of humanistic geography and joins the dominance of contemporary cartographic information to Karen Blixen’s literary production, particularly Out of Africa, seen as “tale of the territory” starting from cultural landscape.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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