L’articolo ha per oggetto una breve presentazione delle comunità vegetali (associazioni) forestali sino ad oggi riconosciute per il territorio del Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga (Appennino centro-meridionale). I dati sulle formazioni forestali che vengono forniti riguardano una sintetica diagnosi dell’associazione con l’indicazione delle specie caratteristiche ed un rilievo fitosociologico esemplificativo, la distribuzione nel Parco Nazionale e i relativi riferimenti bibliografici. Le comunità forestali vengono presentate in relazione con il macrobioclima e le caratteristiche del substrato. Le stesse vengono suddivise nei seguenti gruppi: boschi zonali, legati al clima regionale e caratteristici di una zona bioclimatica (boschi mesofili di caducifoglie (faggete), boschi termofili e submesofili di caducifoglie (querceti a Roverella e Cerro e boschi di Carpino nero), boschi di Pioppo tremolo; boschi extrazonali, presenti al di fuori della zona biogeografica e bioclimatica tipica (boschi misti di sclerofille sempreverdi e di caducifoglie); boschi azonali, svincolati da un’area biogeografica e bioclimatica (boschi di Carpino bianco e Nocciolo, boschi di forra con Aceri, Tigli e Olmo montano, saliceti arboreo-arbustivi e ontanete). Vengono in totale discusse e presentate 26 associazioni forestali appartenenti a 4 classi di vegetazione, la cui posizione gerarchica risulta dall’allegato schema sintassonomico. Da ultimo viene presentato il quadro delle tipologie di habitat forestali, sensu Direttiva (92/43/CEE), presenti nel Parco, che rappresentano una parte importante della biodiversità ricadente nel suo territorio.
The forest vegetation of the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga The paper deals with a short presentation of the forest plant communities (associations) so far recognized for the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga (located in south-central Apennines). The data on forests that are here presented consists in a brief diagnosis of each association with the indication of the characteristic species, in a phytosociological survey as an example and in the distribution in the national park and its bibliographic references. Forest communities are presented according to the macrobioclimate and the characteristics of the substrate. These communities are classified into the following groups: zonal forests, linked to the regional climate and typical of a bioclimatic zone (mesophilous deciduous forests, beech), thermophilous and submesophilous deciduous woods (downy oak and Turkey oak woods and hop hornbeam woods), aspen forests, extrazonal woods present outside the typical bioclimatic and biogeographic zone (mixed forests with evergreen sclerophyllous and deciduous trees), azonal forests, unrelated to any biogeographic and bioclimatic area (hornbeam and hazel woods, ravine woods with maple, linden, and mountain elm, willow and alder formations). A total of 26 associations are discussed and presented, belonging to 4 classes of forest vegetation and their hierarchical position is showed in the syntaxonomical scheme. Finally, the framework of the different forest habitats, sensu Directive (92/43/EEC) present in the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga is showed, as they are an important part of the biodiversity of its territory.
The forest vegetation of the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga The paper deals with a short presentation of the forest plant communities (associations) so far recognized for the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga (located in south-central Apennines). The data on forests that are here presented consists in a brief diagnosis of each association with the indication of the characteristic species, in a phytosociological survey as an example and in the distribution in the national park and its bibliographic references. Forest communities are presented according to the macrobioclimate and the characteristics of the substrate. These communities are classified into the following groups: zonal forests, linked to the regional climate and typical of a bioclimatic zone (mesophilous deciduous forests, beech), thermophilous and submesophilous deciduous woods (downy oak and Turkey oak woods and hop hornbeam woods), aspen forests, extrazonal woods present outside the typical bioclimatic and biogeographic zone (mixed forests with evergreen sclerophyllous and deciduous trees), azonal forests, unrelated to any biogeographic and bioclimatic area (hornbeam and hazel woods, ravine woods with maple, linden, and mountain elm, willow and alder formations). A total of 26 associations are discussed and presented, belonging to 4 classes of forest vegetation and their hierarchical position is showed in the syntaxonomical scheme. Finally, the framework of the different forest habitats, sensu Directive (92/43/EEC) present in the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga is showed, as they are an important part of the biodiversity of its territory.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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