La crisi finanziaria del 2007, nata nel mercato statunitense dei mutui subprime, ha coinvolto banche ed investitori in Nord America, Europa, Australia e Asia e determinato serie ripercussioni su imprese di tutto il mondo. Il presente lavoro si propone di fare luce sugli effetti della crisi bancaria – causata dalla crisi dei mutui subprime (subprime banking crisis) – sulle imprese, contribuendo così al dibattito in merito agli effetti reali della crisi finanziaria. Dopo aver ripercorso la concatenazione di eventi economici, finanziari, giuridici e comportamentali che hanno determinato il sorgere e lo sviluppo della crisi, il lavoro passa ad esaminare le conseguenze prodotte sulle imprese e sulla loro struttura finanziaria. Tali conseguenze possono essere ricondotte a quattro principali tipologie di problemi. In primo luogo, come affermato dalla letteratura prevalente, la contrazione del ricorso al credito e/o la crescita del suo costo (fenomeno del credit crunch) induce una riduzione degli investimenti. Inoltre, si sottolineano gli effetti determinati dal credit crunch in termini di rischio finanziario e rischio sistematico gravanti sulle imprese e sui loro azionisti. La stessa scarsità di risorse liquide da impiegare profittevolmente e l’aumento del rischio percepito dalle banche e dai creditori in generale nei confronti delle aziende finanziate, hanno probabilmente causato un peggioramento della loro redditività netta, per il tramite della manovra della leva finanziaria. Infine, il presumibile aumento del tasso di redditività minimo richiesto dagli apportatori di risorse di debito e di mezzi propri ha dato luogo ad una marcata riduzione del valore attuale netto dei progetti di investimento aziendali e quindi della ricchezza dei proprietari delle aziende. La relazione tra credito bancario, variabili economico-finanziarie, e investimenti aziendali in un periodo di crisi è stata indagata anche sotto il profilo empirico, attraverso la costruzione di un modello econometrico applicato al settore della fabbricazione di computer e prodotti per l’elettronica, consentendo di addivenire ad interessanti conclusioni.
the 2007 financial crisis, started in the subprime mortgage market in the U.S.A., has turned into the biggest crisis since the Great Depression. It has involved banks and investors in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia and affected firms all around the world. The purpose of this work is to shed light on the effects of the banking crisis, which took place because of the subprime crisis (“subprime banking crisis”), on firms, thus contributing to the debate on the real effects of this financial crisis. After reviewing the main economic, financial, legal and behavioural events which caused the subprime credit crisis to occur and develop, this paper concentrates on the effects on firms. The subprime banking crisis appears to have essentially generated four kinds of effects on firms. The first one is connected, as shown by relevant international literature, with the lack of liquidity which then has made it difficult for enterprises to finance their investments, at least at affordable costs (credit crunch), especially for those financially constrained or with low cash reserves or with long term banking debt that expired soon after the eruption of the subprime banking crisis. The second consequence arises from the financial and systematic risk borne by enterprises and their shareholders. The third effect is associated with the fact that this lack of liquidity probably caused the return on equity to worsen, through the increase of the return on debt and the slowdown of the return on investment. The last outcome concerns the likely reduction of the net present value of firm investments and the wealth of shareholders owing to an increase of the expected weighted average cost of capital, which is in turn produced by the perceived growing risk of investments. An empirical analysis is conducted to basically understand the characteristics of the relationship between bank debt and firm investments, during the subprime banking crisis, in a sample of Italian medium-sized companies. The results show that the credit crunch determines a reduction in bank debt, while, at the same time, there is a growth in long-term investments. Therefore, despite the subprime banking crisis and lack of banking liquidity, Italian firms continue to pursue a value creation policy, by increasing investments in fixed assets which are financed through equity and long-term liabilities. The authors believe that in the next months, theoretical and empirical research will probably keep on studying the real effects of the subprime banking crisis on firms and correlated topics, such as: the necessity of conceiving new international systems of monitoring and control to prevent financial shocks like this (for example, Basel 3); the features of public policies in favour of banks during periods of banking crisis, considering the role they play on firms and investors’ wealth; the establishment of new systems of corporate risk management and corporate governance, in both the context of financial enterprises and industrial and commercial ones.
Mutui subprime, investimenti e struttura finanziaria: gli effetti reali della crisi finanziaria sulle imprese
the 2007 financial crisis, started in the subprime mortgage market in the U.S.A., has turned into the biggest crisis since the Great Depression. It has involved banks and investors in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia and affected firms all around the world. The purpose of this work is to shed light on the effects of the banking crisis, which took place because of the subprime crisis (“subprime banking crisis”), on firms, thus contributing to the debate on the real effects of this financial crisis. After reviewing the main economic, financial, legal and behavioural events which caused the subprime credit crisis to occur and develop, this paper concentrates on the effects on firms. The subprime banking crisis appears to have essentially generated four kinds of effects on firms. The first one is connected, as shown by relevant international literature, with the lack of liquidity which then has made it difficult for enterprises to finance their investments, at least at affordable costs (credit crunch), especially for those financially constrained or with low cash reserves or with long term banking debt that expired soon after the eruption of the subprime banking crisis. The second consequence arises from the financial and systematic risk borne by enterprises and their shareholders. The third effect is associated with the fact that this lack of liquidity probably caused the return on equity to worsen, through the increase of the return on debt and the slowdown of the return on investment. The last outcome concerns the likely reduction of the net present value of firm investments and the wealth of shareholders owing to an increase of the expected weighted average cost of capital, which is in turn produced by the perceived growing risk of investments. An empirical analysis is conducted to basically understand the characteristics of the relationship between bank debt and firm investments, during the subprime banking crisis, in a sample of Italian medium-sized companies. The results show that the credit crunch determines a reduction in bank debt, while, at the same time, there is a growth in long-term investments. Therefore, despite the subprime banking crisis and lack of banking liquidity, Italian firms continue to pursue a value creation policy, by increasing investments in fixed assets which are financed through equity and long-term liabilities. The authors believe that in the next months, theoretical and empirical research will probably keep on studying the real effects of the subprime banking crisis on firms and correlated topics, such as: the necessity of conceiving new international systems of monitoring and control to prevent financial shocks like this (for example, Basel 3); the features of public policies in favour of banks during periods of banking crisis, considering the role they play on firms and investors’ wealth; the establishment of new systems of corporate risk management and corporate governance, in both the context of financial enterprises and industrial and commercial ones.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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