La pubblicazione di questa “prima bozza” di un Catalogo della biblioteca della famiglia Caccia, di Scoppito (L’Aquila) risponde, anzitutto, all’intento di informare studiosi e studenti dell’Ateneo di L'Aquila, e in prospettiva l’intera comunità scientifica, dell’esistenza e della consistenza di un fondo librario privato prossimo a essere reso pubblico e dunque disponibile per la ricerca. Il volume ha rappresentato uno dei risultati dell’attività scientifica e didattica del Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia dell’Educazione della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell’Università di L’Aquila, sorto con l’obiettivo di avviare, attraverso una serie di ricerche-intervento, un’azione sistematica di recupero, catalogazione, studio di fondi bibliotecari e archivistici, pubblici e privati, sconosciuti o scarsamente noti, nell’intento di far emergere quella parte della memoria storica e del patrimonio culturale della città e della provincia di L’Aquila, in particolare, e dell’Abruzzo, in generale, sinora non adeguatamente valorizzata. Le finalità scientifiche del Laboratorio, attivo dal 2002 al 2004, sono state perseguite dal Coordinatore M. A. D’Arcangeli in stretta connessione con quelle didattiche, nell’intento di offrire agli studenti della Facoltà una significativa opportunità di formazione teorico-pratica all’indagine storiografica, consentendo l’acquisizione di sistemi di conoscenze-competenze utili, fra l’altro, nella definizione di profili professionali nell’ambito del management culturale.
The publishing of an early draft of the Catalogue of the Caccia family library, located in Scoppito (L’Aquila) is first and foremost an attempt to inform scholars and students of l’Aquila University and, broadening the perspective, the whole scientific community, of the existence of such a private library fund which is about to be made public, and therefore available for research. The book has represented one of the results of the scientific and teaching activity of the History of Education laboratory of the Faculty of Education Sciences of l’Aquila University, built with the aim to start a series of researches and measures geared towards a systematic recovery, cataloguing and study of libraries and archives, both public and private, unknown or next to unknown, with the aim of bringing to the surface that part of historical memory and cultural heritage of the city and province of L’Aquila in particular and of Abruzzo in general, so far never properly enhanced and valorized. The scientific purposes of the Laboratory, which operated from 2002 to 2004, have been pursued by its Coordinator M. A. D’Arcangeli in close partnership with the laboratory’s learning purposes, with the aim of providing Faculty students thus offering a significant opportunity for theoretical-practical learning and training on historical research, thus allowing acquisition of useful knowledge and skills that may be useful also in the definition of cultural management.
Il Fondo prof. Filippo Caccia
The publishing of an early draft of the Catalogue of the Caccia family library, located in Scoppito (L’Aquila) is first and foremost an attempt to inform scholars and students of l’Aquila University and, broadening the perspective, the whole scientific community, of the existence of such a private library fund which is about to be made public, and therefore available for research. The book has represented one of the results of the scientific and teaching activity of the History of Education laboratory of the Faculty of Education Sciences of l’Aquila University, built with the aim to start a series of researches and measures geared towards a systematic recovery, cataloguing and study of libraries and archives, both public and private, unknown or next to unknown, with the aim of bringing to the surface that part of historical memory and cultural heritage of the city and province of L’Aquila in particular and of Abruzzo in general, so far never properly enhanced and valorized. The scientific purposes of the Laboratory, which operated from 2002 to 2004, have been pursued by its Coordinator M. A. D’Arcangeli in close partnership with the laboratory’s learning purposes, with the aim of providing Faculty students thus offering a significant opportunity for theoretical-practical learning and training on historical research, thus allowing acquisition of useful knowledge and skills that may be useful also in the definition of cultural management.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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