Gli attuali dispositivi amministrativi utilizzati nelle procedure di ripristino dei luoghi colpiti da calamità naturali partono da un limite cognitivo causato dalla non comprensione di una questione fondamentale: dentro le zone colpite da calamità, il danno si manifesta seguendo una distribuzione quali-quantitativa estremamente differenziata. Vale a dire che una catastrofe produce sia un dislivello socio culturale esterno (che delinea l’ampiezza dell’area colpita) sia una serie di dislivelli interno ad esso (dati dalle differenze degli esiti dell’evento calamitoso nell’area colpita). Ciò evidenzia l’utilità di un dispositivo che – attraverso il censimento di un numero limitato di parametri, a partire dalle condizioni dell’abitazione e di lavoro – possa dare conto della varietà del danno che, nelle zone colpite da calamità naturali, può essere colto a partire dall’unità base data dal livello di ciascun nucleo familiare. In tal modo si può ottenere un’anagrafe del danno che, attraverso una rappresentazione dettagliata dello stesso, permette di passare da una strategia di sostegno generalizzato (“a pioggia”) a una di sostegno selettivo (“a goccia”); modulando gli aiuti erogati in base ai bisogni concreti. Questo sistema – orientato a fornire alla popolazione e alle istituzioni una possibilità di rappresentazione culturale dei connotati del danno sociale – ha lo scopo pratico di promuovere un miglioramento nella gestione delle procedure di ripristino del luogo, in termini di efficacia sociale e di risparmio economico.
EVALUTION SCALE OF HOUSEHOLD DAMAGE CAUSED BY CATASTROPHIC EVENTS Usually, in complex societies, events like earthquakes produces a sporadic mortality and a diffuse and differentiated material damage, which runs over people, houses, infrastructures. All the scales employed in the world measures the strenght of the natural event from the phisical power or the complessive caused damage, but there are no scale to evaluate the long term damage (the cultural duration of a catastrophic event concern its social consquences, that is the needed time for the reconstruction). A catastrophic event put difference into the society, and almost always this difference bring a disorder increase, which claim to be re-organized by a re-appropriation of the world, first simbolic then material. On which we must consider the possibility of access to interventions for usually is not available immediately and for all at the same time: there are times of diffusion involving different waiting times: some people get the help first and some other people will wait. To modulate the social aids aiming on maximizing the effectiveness of interventions, we require to interpret the damage in its extreme variability. For the overall long-term reconstruction time, to select criteria that guide the procedures for rehabilitation, means also to set precedence spectrums over the real conditions and real needs can ensure maximum efficiency and transparency in relation to. I.e. think about criteria for protection of work, allocation of housing, tax relief. This makes it necessary to have general principles able to define priorities over the allocation of resources used in each phase of restoration; year by year, for all the long-time which define the social duration of a catastrophic event. This also means the need of a follow-up based on subsequent measurements during the all the recovery time of the damage. From the perspective of local governments is also clear that a tool which is able to describe in detail the concrete situation of the population would allow a streamlining of decision-making processes. This can eliminate the need to decipher each time the scenario where to place institutional strategies; allowing to reach - instead of a perception "myopia" - a long-term wiew.
Per una scala di valutazione del danno domestico causato da eventi catastrofici
EVALUTION SCALE OF HOUSEHOLD DAMAGE CAUSED BY CATASTROPHIC EVENTS Usually, in complex societies, events like earthquakes produces a sporadic mortality and a diffuse and differentiated material damage, which runs over people, houses, infrastructures. All the scales employed in the world measures the strenght of the natural event from the phisical power or the complessive caused damage, but there are no scale to evaluate the long term damage (the cultural duration of a catastrophic event concern its social consquences, that is the needed time for the reconstruction). A catastrophic event put difference into the society, and almost always this difference bring a disorder increase, which claim to be re-organized by a re-appropriation of the world, first simbolic then material. On which we must consider the possibility of access to interventions for usually is not available immediately and for all at the same time: there are times of diffusion involving different waiting times: some people get the help first and some other people will wait. To modulate the social aids aiming on maximizing the effectiveness of interventions, we require to interpret the damage in its extreme variability. For the overall long-term reconstruction time, to select criteria that guide the procedures for rehabilitation, means also to set precedence spectrums over the real conditions and real needs can ensure maximum efficiency and transparency in relation to. I.e. think about criteria for protection of work, allocation of housing, tax relief. This makes it necessary to have general principles able to define priorities over the allocation of resources used in each phase of restoration; year by year, for all the long-time which define the social duration of a catastrophic event. This also means the need of a follow-up based on subsequent measurements during the all the recovery time of the damage. From the perspective of local governments is also clear that a tool which is able to describe in detail the concrete situation of the population would allow a streamlining of decision-making processes. This can eliminate the need to decipher each time the scenario where to place institutional strategies; allowing to reach - instead of a perception "myopia" - a long-term wiew.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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