La strategia e il modello interpretativo della Commissione Europea relativa alle Macro-regioni che tende verso un approccio integrato in cui diversi attori, politiche e programmi coesistono nella misura in cui l’azione è collettiva e comune, possono essere applicati alla cosiddetta Macroregione Centrale per sperimentare un approccio caratterizzato dal ruolo dei Sistemi di reti di diversa natura, tra di loro dipendenti e che possono essere riguardati come superamento di modelli interpretativi tradizionali quali il policentrismo o il dualismo (città/campagna, infrastrutturazione/naturalità, tutela/sviluppo, etc). I modelli concettuali tradizionali che spesso vengono richiamati nella predisposizione delle politiche regionali dell’Italia centrale si riferiscono ad analisi socio-economiche e demografiche che ne rappresentano bene la dualità: la costa, alla quale appartengono i territori a maggiore dinamicità, l’area collinare e montuosa, alle quali appartiene il sistema della criticità insediativa (sottoutilizzo e ricostruzione). Tali politiche hanno prodotto lo sviluppo delle aree relative al corridoio adriatico e alle penetrazioni verso le città capoluogo, con la conseguenza che le azioni messe in campo non sono riuscite a riconnettere i territori regionali, ma spesso hanno creato una maggiore ed evidente rottura tra Regione interna e costa. Superare questi schematismi e interpretare il sistema dell’Italia centrale all’interno dell’Area mediana europea comporta necessariamente l’abbandono del modello duale e policentrista verso un’interpretazione per Sistemi Territoriali di cui studiare le relazioni interne di rete (reti corte) e le relazioni esterne con la rete di Global Cities (reti lunghe) nell’ambito di Macro-regioni a geometria variabile. Il Sistema Insediativo regionale, considerato pertanto nel suo insieme e nella sua complessità, può essere interpretato in relazione ai caratteri demografici dei centri, a quelli morfologici dei sistemi e nelle sue interazioni con i paesaggi agrari e naturali ma soprattutto nelle sue relazioni con gli altri Sistemi e le altre città (Core o Global Cities / Global City Regions). Una sperimentazione condotta nell’ambito degli studi per il Quadro Strategico Nazionale ha consentito di riconoscere sul territorio della Regione Abruzzo quattro Sistemi Territoriali di diverso livello: i (1) Poli urbani, nodi principali della rete di città, la (2) Città lineare della costa, la fascia continua insediata della costa, la (3) Rete dei borghi o dei Poli minori, la rete dei centri urbani dell’interno con peso insediativo medio basso, e infine i (4) Paesaggi abitati, cioè i piccoli centri diversi dai Poli minori e ubicati prevalentemente nel territorio collinare e montuoso interessato dai parchi e dal progetto APE. In questa interpretazione, le città, come nodi dei flussi relazionali, e le loro reti, come aste non solo materiali di questi flussi, divengono gli elementi essenziali di Progetto, ad essi ed alla loro caratterizzazione bottom-up è affidata la risoluzione dei problemi locali, ma anche la definizione del futuro spazio regionale. La integrazione tra i quattro sistemi territoriali e di questi con le reti di rango superiore, formata dalla Core Cities, deve essere una strategia primaria a base della definizione delle Macro-Regioni; questo sia in relazione alla valutazione della massa critica ma soprattutto in relazione alla messa in rete di tutti quelle realtà locali altrimenti escluse dalle strategie di sviluppo per le Macro-regioni.
The strategy and interpretative model of the European Commission on the Macroregion tends towards an integrated approach in which different actors, policies and programs co-exist insofar the action is collective, common and across different scales, can be applied to test the so-called Central Macroregion, an approach characterized by the role of network systems of different nature (infrastructure, natural-environmental, historical-cultural) among their employees and can be regarded as overcoming of traditional interpretative models such as the polycentrism or dualism mountain / sea (and the others around it are reflected: city / country - infrastructure / naturalness - protection / development), but also in more diffuse networks of cities. The traditional conceptual models that are often mentioned in the predisposition of regional policies, and particularly in the Abruzzo (which must be overcome for a logic in which prevail the relations between "territorial systems" and not the underlying models), refer to socio-economic and demographic analisys, which represent well the duality of Macroregion central: the coast, which belong to the more dynamic areas, the hilly and mountainous area, which belongs to the system of the critical establishment (reconstruction and underuse). These policies have resulted in the development of areas on the Adriatic corridor and penetration into the regional capital, with the result that the actions put in place have not been able to reconnect the region territory, but often they have created a greater and more obvious break between the internal Abruzzo and Adriatic. Overcoming these schematics and interpret the Abruzzo system within the Macroregion Central necessarily mean the abandonment of the dual model and polycentric, and more generally the departure of nominalism easy replacement of the real solutions. The regional settlement system, therefore, considered as a whole and in its complexity, can be interpreted in relation to demographic characteristics of the centers, those morphological systems and its interactions with natural and agricultural landscapes, especially in its relations with other systems and other cities. It follows the recognition of four territorial systems: the (1) Urban Poles, the main nodes of the network of cities of Abruzzo, the (2) Linear City along the coast, which is the continuous band settled on the Abruzzo coast, the (3) Network of villages or the Minor Poles, the network of internal Abruzzo urban centers with weight average settlement, and finally (4) Inhabited Landscape, the small towns and smaller than the poles, mainly located in hilly and mountainous territory of the parks and the APE project, whose consistency is closely related to the landscapes they produced. The matrix within which relationships are developed, however, has originated in Landscapes. The landscape paradigm is the more appropriate, both in terms of complexity of the factors to represent it and in terms of scale, to support this systemic interpretation and translate it into tools (Landscape Projects and Plans) and related governance processes. This is not a partition for homogeneous geographical areas, nor a subdivision to allocate economic resources, but a representation of quantity and quality involved and their territorial articulation and their role, which wants to take into account both the areal paradigm and the networks paradigm, or better, both local and identitary factors and relational factors. In this interpretation, the cities, as nodes of relational flows, and their networks, such as linkage (also immaterial) of these flows, become essential elements of the Project (of Territory) promoted by the Region; to them and their bottom-up characterization is entrusted the solving local problems, but also defining the future regional space.
Evoluzione delle reti di città nella macro-regione centrale tra ricostruzione e sottoutilizzo. Evolution of the network of cities in the central macroregion between reconstruction and underuse.
The strategy and interpretative model of the European Commission on the Macroregion tends towards an integrated approach in which different actors, policies and programs co-exist insofar the action is collective, common and across different scales, can be applied to test the so-called Central Macroregion, an approach characterized by the role of network systems of different nature (infrastructure, natural-environmental, historical-cultural) among their employees and can be regarded as overcoming of traditional interpretative models such as the polycentrism or dualism mountain / sea (and the others around it are reflected: city / country - infrastructure / naturalness - protection / development), but also in more diffuse networks of cities. The traditional conceptual models that are often mentioned in the predisposition of regional policies, and particularly in the Abruzzo (which must be overcome for a logic in which prevail the relations between "territorial systems" and not the underlying models), refer to socio-economic and demographic analisys, which represent well the duality of Macroregion central: the coast, which belong to the more dynamic areas, the hilly and mountainous area, which belongs to the system of the critical establishment (reconstruction and underuse). These policies have resulted in the development of areas on the Adriatic corridor and penetration into the regional capital, with the result that the actions put in place have not been able to reconnect the region territory, but often they have created a greater and more obvious break between the internal Abruzzo and Adriatic. Overcoming these schematics and interpret the Abruzzo system within the Macroregion Central necessarily mean the abandonment of the dual model and polycentric, and more generally the departure of nominalism easy replacement of the real solutions. The regional settlement system, therefore, considered as a whole and in its complexity, can be interpreted in relation to demographic characteristics of the centers, those morphological systems and its interactions with natural and agricultural landscapes, especially in its relations with other systems and other cities. It follows the recognition of four territorial systems: the (1) Urban Poles, the main nodes of the network of cities of Abruzzo, the (2) Linear City along the coast, which is the continuous band settled on the Abruzzo coast, the (3) Network of villages or the Minor Poles, the network of internal Abruzzo urban centers with weight average settlement, and finally (4) Inhabited Landscape, the small towns and smaller than the poles, mainly located in hilly and mountainous territory of the parks and the APE project, whose consistency is closely related to the landscapes they produced. The matrix within which relationships are developed, however, has originated in Landscapes. The landscape paradigm is the more appropriate, both in terms of complexity of the factors to represent it and in terms of scale, to support this systemic interpretation and translate it into tools (Landscape Projects and Plans) and related governance processes. This is not a partition for homogeneous geographical areas, nor a subdivision to allocate economic resources, but a representation of quantity and quality involved and their territorial articulation and their role, which wants to take into account both the areal paradigm and the networks paradigm, or better, both local and identitary factors and relational factors. In this interpretation, the cities, as nodes of relational flows, and their networks, such as linkage (also immaterial) of these flows, become essential elements of the Project (of Territory) promoted by the Region; to them and their bottom-up characterization is entrusted the solving local problems, but also defining the future regional space.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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