Il contributo, inserito negli atti della Giornata di studio di Sondrio del 16 ottobre 1999, che ha segnato, a due decenni dal Convegno internazionale Luigi Credaro nella scuola e nella storia, ospitato sempre dal capoluogo valtellinese il 15-16 settembre 1979, un primo significativo rilancio di attenzione e di interesse per la figura e per l’opera del Valtellinese, traccia un ampio bilancio della “fortuna” e dello “stato dell’arte”, degli studi e della letteratura critica concernente Luigi Credaro, concludendo per la necessità di riconsiderazione unitaria della sua fisionomia di intellettuale impegnato a tutto campo, fra politica e cultura, valorizzando però, in misura maggiore che non in passato, il suo apporto teorico, dello “studioso” e del “docente universitario”, a partire dal corpus delle trascrizioni dei suoi corsi alla “Sapienza”, di argomento storico-educativo e storico-pedagogico, in alcuni casi inedite, per il resto circolate unicamente fra i suoi studenti, risalenti ai primi venti anni del suo magistero romano (1902-03 – 1922-23) rinvenute dall’autore del saggio e di cui si dà qui una prima notizia.
This paper, part of the acts of the Giornata di studio di Sondrio on October 16, 1999 that, two decades after the International Meeting Luigi Credaro nella scuola e nella Storia, which had taken place in Sondrio on September 15-16, 1979, marked the first significant revival of attention and interest on the works and personality of Credaro and also draws a balance of the "fortune" and of the "state of the art" of critical literature and studies on Luigi Credaro. The paper concludes that there is the need to reconsider Credaro's figure of an all-round scholar, fully committed both to the cultural and political scene of the day, while also valorising (more than in the past) his theoretical contribution, i.e. his "researcher" and "university teacher" figure, starting with the whole corpus of transcriptions of his classes at the Sapienza university (all focusing on educational-historical or pedagogical-historical issues) which had either remained unreleased or circulated only among his students. This material dates back to the first 20 years of his teaching in Rome (1902-03 – 1922-23) and were later uncovered by the author of this paper.
Credaro fra critica e storiografia
This paper, part of the acts of the Giornata di studio di Sondrio on October 16, 1999 that, two decades after the International Meeting Luigi Credaro nella scuola e nella Storia, which had taken place in Sondrio on September 15-16, 1979, marked the first significant revival of attention and interest on the works and personality of Credaro and also draws a balance of the "fortune" and of the "state of the art" of critical literature and studies on Luigi Credaro. The paper concludes that there is the need to reconsider Credaro's figure of an all-round scholar, fully committed both to the cultural and political scene of the day, while also valorising (more than in the past) his theoretical contribution, i.e. his "researcher" and "university teacher" figure, starting with the whole corpus of transcriptions of his classes at the Sapienza university (all focusing on educational-historical or pedagogical-historical issues) which had either remained unreleased or circulated only among his students. This material dates back to the first 20 years of his teaching in Rome (1902-03 – 1922-23) and were later uncovered by the author of this paper.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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