Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Bouc–Wen-like hysteresis model with asymmetry and versatile pinching for deteriorating reinforced-concrete elements
2024-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Differential model of biaxial hysteresis with coupled principal strengths and cyclic deterioration for reinforced-concrete elements
2024-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Effect of earthquake statistically correlated vertical component on inelastic demand to regular reinforced-concrete frames
2020-01-01 Colangelo, F.
Rotation ductility demand to reinforced concrete frames subjected to correlated vertical seismic component
2019-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Domanda di duttilità in rotazione in telai di calcestruzzo armato soggetti alla componente sismica verticale correlata
2019-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Effect of axial force-bending moment interaction on stochastic nonzero mean seismic response of reinforced concrete frames
2018-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Interaction of axial force and bending moment by using Bouc-Wen hysteresis and stochastic linearization
2017-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Statistical linearization of frames with the Bouc-Wen model and axial force-bending moment interaction
2017-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Modello costitutivo di Bouc e Wen con interazione P-M per la linearizzazione stocastica delle intelaiature piane
2015-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Verifica secondo norma degli elementi strutturali per limitare il danno alle tamponature non strutturali
2015-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
On the code-compliant verification of seismic damage to non-structural masonry infills
2015-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Modello probabilistico analitico per stimare la fragilità sismica in presenza di aleatorietà e di vaghezza
2013-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Probabilistic characterisation of an analytical fuzzy-random model for seismic fragility computation
2013-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Drift-sensitive non-structural damage to masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames designed to Eurocode 8
2013-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Fuzzy-random fragility model to estimate non-structural damage to reinforced-concrete frames
2012-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
A simple model to include fuzziness in the seismic fragility curve and relevant effect compared with randomness
2012-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Nonstructural damage of infilled RC frames designed to Eurocode
2009-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Numeric estimation of fragility curves
2009-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
On the computation of seismic fragility curves
2008-01-01 Colangelo, Felice
Quantificazione del danno delle tamponature di muratura non strutturale tramite lo spostamento relativo e la riduzione della rigidezza
2007-01-01 Colangelo, Felice