Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
A Proposal of Integration of Point Cloud Semantization and VPL for Architectural Heritage Parametric Modeling
2024-01-01 Tata, A.; Maiezza, P.; Brusaporci, S.; Di Angelo, L.
An enhanced statistical shape model for automatic feature segmentation of human vertebrae
2024-01-01 Marzola, A.; Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Volpe, Y.
Spinal Apophyses Localization in Discretized Models of Human Backs by Shape Index Analysis
2024-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.; Morabito, A.
Data Handling of 3D Geometric Model with Augmented Information for Cultural Heritage
2024-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.; Mancuso, A.; Marannano, G.
Spine Line Identification from Human Back Discretized Models by Geometric Differential Properties Analysis
2024-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.; Morabito, A. E.
Automatic analysis of pottery sherds based on structure from motion scanning: The case of the Phoenician carinated-shoulder amphorae from Tell el-Burak (Lebanon)
2024-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Schmitt, A.; Rummel, M.; Di Stefano, P.
Enhancing traditional museum fruition: current state and emerging tendencies
2024-01-01 Furferi, R.; Di Angelo, L.; Bertini, M.; Mazzanti, P.; De Vecchis, K.; Biffi, M.
High strain rate investigation on the mechanical anisotropy induced by SLM technology on a 3D printed steel
2024-01-01 Mancini, E.; Utzeri, M.; Cortis, G.; Marco, S.; Cortis, D.; Orlandi, D.; Cortese, L.; Di Angelo, L.
An Accuracy and Repeatability Analysis on the Approximation of Non-ideal Roof Features by Ideal Planes
2024-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.
Experimental Data Collection of Surface Quality Analysis of CuCrZr Specimens Manufactured with SLM Technology: Analysis of the Effects of Process Parameters
2023-01-01 Caravella, I.; Cortis, D.; Di Angelo, L.; Orlandi, D.
Can MaWR-Method for Symmetry Plane Detection be Generalized for Complex Panfacial Fractures?
2023-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Governi, L.; Marzola, A.; Volpe, Y.
The Morphological and Geometrical Segmentation of Human Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae: An Automatic Computer-Based Method
2023-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.
Automatic Multiview Alignment of RGB-D Range Maps of Upper Limb Anatomy
2023-01-01 Di Angelo, Luca; Di Stefano, Paolo; Guardiani, Emanuele; Neri, Paolo; Paoli, Alessandro; Razionale, Armando Viviano
Development of an automatic methodology for the recognition and dimensional characterization of constant-radius sweeping features from ancient ceramic artefacts
2023-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.; Morabito, A. E.
An Automatic Method for Geometric and Morphological Information Extraction and Archiving of Ceramic Finds
2023-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.; Morabito, A. E.
High-Strain-Rate Behavior of 3D-Printed CuCrZr
2023-01-01 Sasso, M.; Mancini, E.; Utzeri, M.; Chiappini, G.; Cortis, D.; Orlandi, D.; Di Angelo, L.
Automatic Point Clouds Alignment for the Reconstruction of Upper Limb Anatomy
2023-01-01 Paoli, A.; Neri, P.; Razionale, A. V.; Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Guardiani, E.
A computer-based method for the accurate analysis of the trilobate spouts found in the cathedral of Amiternum
2022-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Forgione, A.; Guardiani, E.; Pane, C.
Measurement of constant radius swept features in cultural heritage
2022-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Morabito, A. E.
Automatic Segmentation of Sweep Features of Constant Radius from Archaeological Artifacts
2022-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Morabito, A.