Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.378
EU - Europa 1.758
AS - Asia 1.285
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
OC - Oceania 5
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 6.437
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.365
IE - Irlanda 611
CN - Cina 483
TR - Turchia 444
SG - Singapore 315
DE - Germania 229
UA - Ucraina 207
GB - Regno Unito 187
IT - Italia 170
FI - Finlandia 113
SE - Svezia 113
FR - Francia 97
IN - India 38
BE - Belgio 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
CA - Canada 9
EU - Europa 9
AU - Australia 4
MX - Messico 4
CH - Svizzera 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
IL - Israele 2
JP - Giappone 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
NL - Olanda 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 6.437
Città #
Jacksonville 816
Chandler 673
Dublin 609
Boardman 283
Singapore 266
Izmir 214
Santa Clara 204
San Mateo 175
Nanjing 145
New York 112
Lawrence 102
Princeton 102
Wilmington 97
Ann Arbor 71
Milan 54
Nanchang 49
Ashburn 43
Beijing 43
Shenyang 43
Verona 36
Jiaxing 26
Tianjin 25
Seattle 24
Des Moines 21
Hebei 21
Jinan 20
Ningbo 18
Changsha 17
Kunming 16
L'aquila 16
Woodbridge 16
Los Angeles 14
Pune 13
Norwalk 12
Brussels 11
Mountain View 11
Helsinki 9
Taizhou 9
Bremen 8
Changchun 8
Auburn Hills 7
Guangzhou 7
Shanghai 7
Fremont 6
Zhengzhou 6
Houston 5
Lanzhou 5
Hangzhou 4
Venezia 4
Barletta 3
Chengdu 3
Dallas 3
Melbourne 3
Phoenix 3
San Francisco 3
Toronto 3
Brno 2
Cava De' Tirreni 2
Düsseldorf 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Hanover 2
Lappeenranta 2
Mexico City 2
Rome 2
Trento 2
Atlanta 1
Auckland 1
Aurora 1
Avezzano 1
Ballarat 1
Bethlehem 1
Brescia 1
Cambridge 1
Chicago 1
Chihuahua City 1
Cork 1
Cricklewood 1
Dearborn 1
Dubai 1
Edinburgh 1
Fairfax 1
Forest City 1
Foshan 1
Geneva 1
Glasgow 1
Grottazzolina 1
Guayaquil 1
Haikou 1
Homewood 1
Kiev 1
Kitchener 1
Langley 1
Ljubljana 1
Markham 1
Massa 1
Montevallo 1
Mullingar 1
Munich 1
New Delhi 1
Newnan 1
Totale 4.577
Nome #
Nitric Oxide Chemical Donor Affects the Early Phases of In Vitro Wound Healing Process. 108
Effect of Bifidobacterium infantis on Interferon- gamma- induced keratinocyte apoptosis: a potential therapeutic approach to skin immune abnormalities 98
Agenti antiinfiammatori non-steroidei (Nota III). Sintesi ed attività analgesica - antiinfiammatoria di 4 - (pirrol-1-il) - fenilacetamidi e di 4 - (pirrol-1-il) - fenetilamine. 91
Involvement of cPLA2 inhibition in dexamethasone-induced thymocyte apoptosis 87
Agenti antiinfiammatori non steroidei: nota V. Sintesi di acidi 1-aril-5-(1-pirril) pirazolil-4-acetici a potenziale attivita` antinfiammatoria. 85
Batteri dell’acido lattico e tumori. EOS - Journal of Immunology and Immunopharmacology, vol.XXII – 2002 – n.1: 17-19 83
La premedicazione orale con clonidina come alternativa nella pratica odontoiatrica: effetti sulla soglia del dolore, pressione sanguigna e flusso salivare. Minerva Stomatologica, 1998; 47 n.9: 453-64 81
Performance nello sportivo e trattamento non farmacologico dell’ansia e dello stress (Nota 1: utilizzazione delle onde UHF in Medicina Sportiva Russa). 78
Sistemi di rilascio dei farmaci 77
Acidi 5-aroil-5,6-diidro-4H-pirrolo(1,2-a)(1,4) benzodiazepin-4-carbossilici: sintesi ed attività analgesica e neurocomportamentale. Il Farmaco, 109-123, Febbraio 1989 76
Ricerche su nuovi agenti psicotropi. Nota II. Sintesi ed attività farmacologica di derivati della 5H - pirrolo - (1,2 -5), (1,2,5) benzotriazepine. Il Farmaco Ed. Scientifica, dicembre 1985, anno XL, n.12 pag. 930-941 75
Benzodiazepines with both sedative and analgesic activities. Eur. J. Med. Chem. - Chim. Ther., 1986-21, vol. 5, pag. 445-449 75
C.N.S. agents: neuropsychopharmacological effects of 5H-pyrrolo (2,1-c) (1,4) benzodiazepine derivatives. 75
Effects of extracts from lactic acid bacteria on tumor cell invasiveness in vitro 74
Determination of rufloxacin, a new tricyclic fluoroquinolone in biological fluids using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 13: 448-451, 1991 73
HPLC method for evaluation of aldrin epoxidation by cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase in small liver samples. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, V.7, n.6, p. 783-788, 1989 72
Sistemi eterociclici. Nota III. Sintesi ed attività sul S.N.C. di derivati della pirrolo (2,1c) (1,4) Benzodiazocina. Il Farmaco 1981, giugno n.6, pag.425-431, vol.36. 71
Pharmacological studies on furprofen: its pharmacokinetic profile and antiinflammatory action following oral administration. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Vol. 4, 2, p. 85-90, 1991 71
Farmaci ergogeni ed oligoelementi nella performance atletica: valutazioni farmaco-tossicologiche. 70
Comparison of high performance liquid chromatography and microbiological assay for the determination of ofloxacin in serum and urine in humans. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Vol. 3,3, p. 159-165, 1990 70
Attività analgesica, neurocomportamentale di pirroli analoghi all'N, N - Dimetil - 1,2 - Difeniletilamina (Lefetamina). 70
The hippocampal dopamine role on the rat behavior. 69
Behavioral effects induced by hippocampal dopamine depletion in the rat. The European Journal of Neuroscience. Suppl. 2, 275, 1989. 69
Azioni comportamentali indotte da ioni positivi e negativi ed interazioni farmacologiche con Metrazolo ed Imipramina. 69
Metodo pratico e preciso per la misurazione delle ulcere gastriche sperimentali in piccoli animali di laboratorio. Rass. Med. Sper. Anno XXX, n.8, 1983, pag. 390-400. 68
Influenza dell’invecchiamento sull’attività fisica e sportiva. 68
Behavioural responses to amphetamine challenge following 6-hydroxidopamine hippocampal lesions in the rat. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Vol. 5, 1, 43-50, 1992 67
Agenti antiinfiammatori non-steroidei. Nota IV. Sintesi ed attività farmacologica di acidi aroiltiofenacetici contenenti un gruppo pirrolico. Il Farmaco Ed. Scientifica, aprile 1986, pag. 281-291. 67
Behavioral effects of aldicarb on rats. 67
Modificazioni del comportamento indotte da deplezione di Dopamina nell'ippocampo di ratto. 67
Behavioral effects of PCBs in mice. Behavioral Pharmacology, Vol 1(6), p. 505-510, 1990 66
Effects of Maternal exposure to Polychlorobiphenils (PCBs) on F1 generation Behavior in the rat. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 11, 440-449,1988 66
Fetus and endogenous opioids: pattern of studing and hypothesis of functional role. Journal of Fetal Medicine, 1-4, p.37-41, 1992 66
A new GABA-A receptor subtype coupled with Ca++/Cl- synporter modulates aminergic release from rat brain neuron terminals. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 51: 15-22, 1998 66
Azione teratogena e mutagena dei farmaci. In: Patologia orale in corso di malattie sistemiche, Ed. F. Marci, F. Antenucci, D. Fanini, B. Grilli, M.C. Marci. A.M. Mazza, A. Monaco; UTET Periodici: Il Dentista Moderno, 6, 11-23, 1997 66
Evaluation of the mutagenic activity of 14 5-nitroimidazole derivates and their metabolites in rats. 66
Behavioural profile of hippocampal dopamine depleted rats following d,l-amphetamine treatment. 66
Pain during injection and venous sequelae: thiopentone versus propofol. 66
Patologia odontostomatologica da fattori incidenti in età prenatale e postnatale: Azione teratogena e mutagena dei farmaci. 66
The relationship between pharmacokinetic modifications and the onset of withdrawal syndrome signs with sedative-hypnotic drugs. Note 2. 66
Simultaneous determination of 5.aminosalicylic acid, acetyl-5-aminosalicylic acid and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid in endoscopic intestinal biopsy samples in humans by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 14, 175-180, 1995 64
Determination of 5-aminosalicylic acid, acetyl-5-aminosalycilic acid and 5-hydroxysalicylic acid in endoscopic intestinal biopsy in humans by high-performance liquid chromatography. 64
Determination of 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine in biological samples using high performance liquid chromatography. 64
Effects of combined Aluminium and Zinc paternal exposure on the behavioral development of F1 generation in Fischer 344 rats. 64
Behavioral effects induced by hippocampal dopamine depletion in the rat following d.l-amphetamine treatment. 63
The study of Pshyco-Phisical addiction to sedative-hypnotic drugs by the statistically optimalized evaluation of stress - dependent ulcers in the rat (Note I). 63
Effects of extracts from lactic acid bacteria on tumor cell invasiveness in vitro.Abstrac 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS – July 18-23, 2004 Montreal , Canada. Clinical and Investgative Medicine, Vol. 27, n.4, August 2004 62
Modificazioni comportamentali indotte da Dipeptidi con strutture tricicliche. 62
Ethylene dibromide: effects of paternal exposure on the neurotransmitter enzymes in the developing brain of F1 progeny 61
C.N.S. agents: neuropsychopharmacological effects of 5H-pyrrolo (2,1-c) (1,4) benzodiazepine derivatives. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1983- 18, n.4, pag. 347-350 61
Attività mutagena di 14 derivati 5-nitroimidazolici valutata col test di Ames. II rapporto dose-effetto nella bile di ratto. 61
Effects of acute and chronic Acrylonitrile exposure on Metrazole induced seizures in the rat. 61
Modificazioni comportamentali e recettoriali prodotti sulla prole da esposizione materna alla amfetamina. 61
A sequential quantitative screening method to assess and monitoring neurobehavioural effects of environmental agents and industrial pollutants. 61
Attività farmaco-tossicologica di nuovi sali di Eritromicina con attività mucolitica. 61
Effects of Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phtalate treatment of lactating mothers on the behavioral development of F344 rat pups. 61
Pharmacokinetics of intra-arterial Mitomycin C with extracorporeal detoxification in humans 60
Interazioni tra policlorobifenili (PCB), esteri dell'acido ftalico (ftalati) Esaclorobenzene (HCB). 60
Influenza dell’invecchiamento sull’attività fisica e sportiva. 60
High-dose intra-arterial infusion of mitomycin C combined with haemofiltration and haemodialysis. 60
Attività sul S.N.C. della 4H 6H-Pirrolo(1,2-a) (4,1) Benzossazepina e di alcuni suoi derivati. 60
Decreased stress resistence (DSR), sedative - hypnotic drugs induced withdrawal syndrome and low-fat diet in the rat. 60
New derivates of 4 - (pyrrol-1-yl) Phenylacetic - acid with analgesic antiflammatory activities. 59
Evidence of interaction between morphine and bleomycin. Note I: analgesia and gastrointestinal tract. 59
Evidence of interaction between morphine and bleomycin. Note II: antagonism in morphine-dependent rats. 59
Effects of paternal exposure to polychlorobiphenils (PCBs) on F1 generation behavior in the rat. 58
Influence of polychlorinated biphenils (Fenclor 54) on the behavior and reproduction of the mouse. 58
Sistemi eterociclici (nota V). Sintesi ed attività sul S.N.C. di derivati della 6H-Pirrolo (1,2-a) (1,4) benzodiazepina. 57
Presenza di inquinanti ambientali nel sistema nervoso centrale di mammiferi: significato farmacologico. 57
Effects of extracts from lactic acid bacteria on tumor cell invasiveness in vitro. PROBIOTICS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT: MECHANISMS AND EFFICACY, Rome-Italy, April 163D.16-17, 2004 57
Ioni positivi e negativi: agenti che inducono modificazioni funzionali e fattori di interazione farmacologica. Nota III - Interazioni neurocomportamentali: Memoria, Analgesia, Aggressività. 56
Perinatal d,l-amphetamine exposure: behavioral development and striatal dopamine levels in male and female Fischer 344 rats. 55
Behavioral profile of hippocampal dopamine depleted rats. 55
Il trattamento farmacologico di supporto in parodontologia. 55
The hippocampal dopamine role on the rat metabolism. 55
Tossicità perinatale del Di-(2-Etilhexyl) Ftalato nel ratto F-344. 55
Effects of parental exposure to Polychlorobiphenils (PCBs) on F1 generation behavior in the rat. 55
Variazioni del pH salivare in relazione a trattamenti conservativi e protesici nel cavo orale. 55
Modificazioni comportamentali indotte da deplezione di dopamina nell'ippocampo di ratto a seguito di trattamento con d,l-amfetamina. 55
Effects of paternal exposure to Aluminium on F1 generation behavior in the rat. 54
A simple method for determination of 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine and 5-fluorouracil in human serum and ultrafiltrate by HPLC with ultraviolet detection 53
Immunofarmacologia dei prodotti cosmetici. EOS n.1-2 vol. XXV,19-34 2005- Ed. sigma-tau 53
Analysis of 5'-d FUDR in tissue homogenates by high-performance liquid chromatography with direct injection and column switching. 53
Effetti comportamentali indotti da esposizione perinatale a Policlorobifenili (PCBs) nel ratto. 53
Male-transmitted developmental and neurobehavioral deficits. In "Environmental Influences on Fertility, Pregnancy and Development. New York, 1985 53
Effects of dopaminergic mesolimbic system on the rat metabolism. 53
Influence of polychlorinated biphenils (Fenclor 54) on the behavior and reproduction of the mouse. 2- Effects of PCBs on the growth of follicular cells "in vitro". 52
Quantitation of enantiomers of furprofen in biological fluids by high performance liquid chromatography. 52
Ioni positivi e ioni negativi: agenti che inducono modificazioni funzionali e fattori di interazione farmacologica -nota IV- interazioni con Isoprenalina e Nicotina nei microinfarti sperimentali. 52
Positive and negative ions: functional modifications inducing agents and pharmacological interactions factors. Note I: interactions with Metrazol and electroshock. 52
Effects of paternal ethylene dibromide exposure on F1 generation behavior in the rat 51
Effect of acute Acrylonitrile exposure on Metrazol induced seizures in the rat. Neurotoxicology, 50
Neurobehavioral effects of paternal drug exposure on the development of the offspring. 1987, Teikyo University Press. "Functional Teratogenesis", T. Fujii and P.M. Adams eds., p. 147-156 50
Positive and negative ions: functional modification inducing agents and pharmacological interactions factors. Note II: interactions and comparison with Imipramine on experimental depression in the rat. 50
The effect of paternal exposure to ethylene dibromide on the behavior of the F1 progeny. 50
The influence of electrical-atmospheric alterations on man. 49
The effects of maternal and in utero-exposure to polychloribiphenils (PCBs) on the behaviour of the F1 progeny. 48
Effect of Aldicarb administration on monoamine and monoamine metabolites concentration in rat brain. 45
Totale 6.382
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.248
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.248

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020505 0 0 0 0 0 104 145 2 122 18 8 106
2020/2021812 16 109 4 109 108 11 121 7 102 16 198 11
2021/2022478 16 82 39 17 19 0 7 33 37 6 39 183
2022/20231.878 130 84 60 179 216 189 1 128 807 6 48 30
2023/2024412 58 22 14 100 33 140 12 10 0 11 3 9
2024/2025634 18 20 158 24 307 107 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.467