Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Damage classification after the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake using multinomial logistic regression and neural networks
2023-01-01 Aloisio, A; Rosso, Mm; De Leo, Am; Fragiacomo, M; Basi, M
Improvement of the dynamic and seismic response of non-structural rocking bodies through the ability to change their geometrical configuration
2023-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; de Leo, A. M.; Contento, A.
Protection from overturning of rigid block-like objects with linear quadratic regulator active control
2020-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Contento, A.; Olivieri, C.; de Leo, A. M.
Dynamic and Seismic Protection of Rigid-Block-Like Elements and Structures on Deformable Ground with Mass-Damper Dynamic Absorbers
2020-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Contento, A.; De Leo, A. M.; Gardoni, P.
Seismic performance of frame structures coupled with an external rocking wall
2020-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.; de Leo, A. M.
Visco-elastic coupling between a linear two-dof system and a rocking rigid block to improve the dynamic response
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Contento, A.; Fabrizio, C.; De Leo, A. M.
Probabilistic Models to Assess the Seismic Safety of Rigid Block-Like Elements and the Effectiveness of Two Safety Devices
2019-01-01 Contento, A.; Gardoni, P.; Di Egidio, A.; De Leo, A.
The use of a pendulum dynamic mass absorber to protect a trilithic symmetric system from the overturning
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; De Leo, A. M.; Contento, A.
Analytical and experimental investigation into the effectiveness of a pendulum dynamic absorber to protect rigid blocks from overturning
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Alaggio, R.; Aloisio, A.; de Leo, A. M.; Contento, A.; Tursini, M.
Dynamic response of a linear two d.o. f system visco-elastically coupled with a rigid block
2019-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Pagliaro, S.; Fabrizio, C.; de Leo, A. M.
Tuned mass damper and base isolation: A unitary approach for the seismic protection of conventional frame structures
2019-01-01 Fabrizio, C.; de Leo, A. M.; Di Egidio, A.
Seismic demand model for coupled tuned mass damper and rigid block-like element system on elastic soil
2018-01-01 Gardoni, P.; Contento, A.; de Leo, A. M.; Di Egidio, A.
Active Control Methods to Improve the Seismic Response of Slender Rigid Block-Like Structures
2018-01-01 Di Egidio, A.; Simoneschi, G.; de Leo, A.
Rigid blocks coupled with a pendulum mass damper on deformable ground under impulsive excitation
2018-01-01 Contento, A.; Gardoni, P.; Di Egidio, A.; de Leo, A. M.
Pole placement method to control the rocking motion of rigid blocks
2018-01-01 Simoneschi, G.; Olivieri, C.; de Leo, A. M.; Di Egidio, A.
Effectiveness of mass-damper dynamic absorber on rocking block under one-sine pulse ground motion
2018-01-01 Di Egidio, Angelo; de Leo, Andrea M.; Simoneschi, Giorgia
Comparison of the effectiveness of two safety devices for rigid block subject to seismic excitation
2017-01-01 Contento, Alessandro; Gardoni, Paolo; DI EGIDIO, Angelo; de Leo, Andrea M.
Protection of slender rigid blocks from the overturning by using an active control system
2017-01-01 DI EGIDIO, Angelo; Simoneschi, Giorgia; Olivieri, Carlo; de Leo, Andrea M.
Protection of a trilithic structure from the overturning by using a pendulum mass damper
2017-01-01 de Leo, Andrea M.; DI EGIDIO, Angelo
Probability models to assess the seismic safety of rigid block-like structures and the effectiveness of two safety devices
2017-01-01 Contento, Alessandro; Gardoni, Paolo; Egidio, Angelo Di; De Leo, Andrea M.