Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Prove con cono sismico (SCPT) e dilatometro sismico (SDMT)
2024-01-01 Bosco, G.; Monaco, P.
Prova penetrometrica statica (CPT, CPTU)
2024-01-01 Bosco, G.; Monaco, P.
Raccomandazioni sulla programmazione ed esecuzione delle indagini geotecniche in sito
2024-01-01 Bosco, G.; Monaco, P.; Soccodato, C.
Prova con dilatometro piatto (DMT)
2024-01-01 Bosco, G.; Monaco, P.
The JELLYFISh Project: Medusa SDMT testing at the NGTS Geo-Test sites, Norway
2024-01-01 Monaco, P.; Chiaradonna, A.; Marchetti, D.; Amoroso, S.; L'Heureux, J.; Le, T.
DMT-based seismic liquefaction assessment accounting for the fines content effect: a case study in Emilia-Romagna, Italy
2024-01-01 Cecchi, R.; Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.
Semi-empirical assessment of soil liquefaction in Gölbaşı (Adıyaman/Türkiye) after the 6th of February 2023 earthquakes
2024-01-01 Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.; Karray, M.; Gul, T. O.; Sezer, A.; Karakan, E.; Kıncal, C.; Lanzo, G.
Characterization of intermediate soils by innovative in-situ testing procedures using Medusa DMT
2024-01-01 Monaco, P.; Amoroso, S.; Chiaradonna, A.; Marchetti, D.; Le, T. M. H.; L'Heureux, J. -S.
Specific site response analysis of Antakya Basin using historical ground motion data
2024-01-01 Sezer, A.; Karakan, E.; Kıncal, C.; Chiaradonna, A.; Gul, T. O.; Verret, D.; Karray, M.; Monaco, P.; Lanzo, G.
Investigations and liquefaction assessment at the Pagliare di Sassa site (L'Aquila, central Italy)
2024-01-01 Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.; Tallini, M.
Study of valley effects in Göksun district (Türkiye) during the 6th February earthquakes
2024-01-01 Gul, T. O.; Karakan, E.; Sezer, A.; Chiaradonna, A.; Kincal, C.; Karray, M.; Lanzo, G.; Monaco, P.
Simulation of the seismic response of vertical instrumented arrays in liquefiable sites
2024-01-01 Mohammadi, R.; Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.
An overview on the nonlinear behavior of intermediate soils under seismic conditions
2024-01-01 Monaco, P.; Tonni, L.; Chiaradonna, A.
Variability of the seismic response of a liquefiable soil with the fines content as estimated via dilatometer tests
2024-01-01 Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.; Tropeano, G.
Preliminary findings on the experimental investigation of the small-strain behaviour of Pizzoli silty sand
2024-01-01 Chiaradonna, A.; Monaco, P.
Türkiye Mw 7.7 Pazarcık and Mw 7.6 Elbistan earthquakes of February 6th, 2023: Contribution of valley effects on damage pattern
2024-01-01 Karray, Mourad; Karakan, Eyyub; Kincal, Cem; Chiaradonna, Anna; Gül, Tolga Oktay; Lanzo, Giuseppe; Monaco, Paola; Sezer, Alper
Improved Liquefaction Resistance with Rammed Aggregate Piers Resulting from Increased Earth Pressure Coefficient and Density
2024-01-01 Amoroso, Sara; Rollins, Kyle M.; Minarelli, Luca; Monaco, Paola; Wissmann, Kord J.
Medusa SDMT testing at the Onsøy Geo-Test Site, Norway
2024-01-01 Monaco, P.; Chiaradonna, A.; Marchetti, D.; Amoroso, S.; L’Heureux, J-S.; Le, T. M. H.
Potential of the Medusa DMT for offshore geotechnical investigation
2023-01-01 Monaco, P.; Chiaradonna, A.; Marchetti, D.; Amoroso, S.; L’Heureux, J-S.; Le, T. M. H.
In-depth third level Seismic Microzonation studies in pilot areas of L'Aquila Municipality (Central Italy)
2023-01-01 Tallini, M; Spadi, M; Morana, E; Chiaradonna, A; Monaco, P; Compagnoni, M; Pergalani, F; Di Giulio, G; Milana, G; Vassallo, M; Cattani, C; Montaldi, C; Zullo, F; Sciortino, A; Basi, M