Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Atti della Giornata della Ricerca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. Il contributo della ricerca per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio.
2024-01-01 De Dominicis, F.; Maiezza, P.; Montuori, P.; Rotilio, M.; Abita, M.; Alicandro, M.; Pasquali, D.; Di Nino, S.; De Rubeis, T.; Sciomenta, M.; Fiorini, L.; Saganeiti, L.; Zollini, S.; Marchionni, C.; Aloisio, A.
Timber-timber composite (TTC) joints made of short-supply chain beech: Push-out tests of inclined screw connectors
2024-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina; Gualtieri, Pasqualino; Spera, Luca; Contu, Francesco; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Experimental investigation of the mode I fracture toughness behaviour of timber adhesive joints The synergistic effect of the adhesive type and the bondline thickness
2024-01-01 Stamopoulos, Antonios; Paoletti, Alfonso; Sciomenta, Martina
Out-of-Plane Strengthening of Existing Timber Floors with Cross Laminated Timber Panels Made of Short Supply Chain Beech
2024-01-01 Spera, Luca; Sciomenta, Martina; Bedon, Chiara; Fragiacomo, Massimo
The effects of timber species and adhesive type on the behavior of finger joints in tension under fire conditions
2024-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina; Vihmann, Jane Liise; Tuhkanen, Eero; Just, Alar; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Experimental and Numerical Column Buckling Analysis of Hardwood Cross-Laminated Timber Panels
2024-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina; Bedon, Chiara; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Predicting the non-linear behaviour of cross laminated timber shearwalls with cut-out openings
2024-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina; Fanti, Riccardo; Doudak, Ghasan; Polastri, Andrea; Casagrande, Daniele
2023-01-01 Sciomenta, M.; De Santis, Y.; Bedon, C.; Fragiacomo, M.
2023-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina
The Role of In-Field Experiments for the Definition of Procedural Guidelines on the “CASE Project” Timber Buildings in L’Aquila
2023-01-01 Sciomenta, Martina; Bedon, Chiara; Ranalli, Danilo
Experimental investigation and beam-theory-based analytical model of cross-laminated timber panels buckling behavior
2023-01-01 Fabrizio, C.; Sciomenta, M.; Spera, L.; De Santis, Y.; Pagliaro, S.; Di Egidio, A.; Fragiacomo, M.
Preliminary Results in the Design and Testing of Earthquake-Resistant School Furniture
2023-01-01 Gioiella, L; Micozzi, F; Zona, A; Dall'Asta, A; Sciomenta, M; Tamagnone, G; Fragiacomo, M
L’infrastruttura ospedaliera per l’emergenza Covid-19: strategie costruttive sostenibili. Healthcare setting enhancements for Covid-19 emergency: sustainability and seismic management.
2022-01-01 Marchionni, Chiara; Sciomenta, Martina; D'Alessandro, Giulio; Francesco, Carozza; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Capacity model of CLT walls with openings and timber plasticization
2022-01-01 De Santis, Y.; Aloisio, A.; Sciomenta, M.; Fragiacomo, M.
Rocking capacity model of CLT walls with openings and timber plasticization
2022-01-01 De Santis, Y.; Aloisio, A.; Sciomenta, M.; Fragiacomo, M.
Healthcare setting enhancements for Covid-19 emergency: sustainability and seismic management
2022-01-01 Marchionni, C.; Sciomenta, M.; D'Alessandro, G.; Carozza, F.; Fragiacomo, M.
Mechanical characterization of homogeneous and hybrid beech-Corsican pine glue-laminated timber beams
2022-01-01 Sciomenta, M.; Spera, L.; Peditto, A.; Ciuffetelli, E.; Savini, F.; Bedon, C.; Romagnoli, M.; Nocetti, M.; Brunetti, M.; Fragiacomo, M.
Effect of Interlayer and Inclined Screw Arrangements on the Load-Bearing Capacity of Timber-Concrete Composite Connections
2022-01-01 De Santis, Y; Sciomenta, M; Spera, L; Rinaldi, V; Fragiacomo, M; Bedon, C
Timber structure inclusions in historical masonry heritage: Intervention techniques and durability details
2021-01-01 Fragiacomo, Massimo; DE BERARDINIS, Pierluigi; Sciomenta, Martina; Spera, Luca; Rinaldi, Vincenzo; DE SANTIS, Yuri; Marchionni, Chiara; D’Alessandro, Giulio
Correlation approach for the Push-Out and full-size bending short-term performances of timber-to-timber slabs with Self-Tapping Screws
2021-01-01 Bedon, C.; Sciomenta, M.; Fragiacomo, M.