Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Cognitive biases in accounting judgment and decision making: a review, a typology, and a future research agenda
2025-01-01 Camilli, R; Cristofaro, M; Hristov, I; Sargiacomo, M
HistoryofaccountingresearchonArtificial Intelligence applications (1984-2023): a bibliometric analysis.
2024-01-01 Camilli, R; Hristov, I; Mechelli, A
Understanding behavioral strategy: a historical evolutionary perspective in “Management Decision”
2024-01-01 Cristofaro, M.; Giardino, P. L.; Camilli, R.; Hristov, I.
System Dynamics Approach to the Balanced Scorecard: A Review and Dynamic Strategy Map for Operations Management
2024-01-01 Hristov, I; Cristofaro, M; Camilli, R; Leoni, L
Integrating sustainability with corporate governance: a framework to implement the corporate sustainability reporting directive through a balanced scorecard
2024-01-01 Hristov, I.; Searcy, C.
Unlocking the sustainability of medium enterprises: A Framework to Mitigate Cognitive Biases for Medium Enterprise Performance Management
2023-01-01 Cristofaro, M; Hristov, I; Giardino, P; Camilli, R
Non-Financial Resources to Enhance Companies’ Profitability: A Stakeholder Perspective
2023-01-01 Hristov, I; Cristofaro, M; Cimini, R
Cognitive Biases in Accounting Activities: Debiasing Strategies to Support Decision-making Process
2023-01-01 Camilli, R; Hristov, I; Mechelli, A
La pianificazione della sostenibilità nelle aziende familiari: il ruolo dei key value drivers.
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Chirico, A; Ranalli, F; Camilli, A
Cognitive biases in implementing a performance management system: behavioral strategy for supporting managers' decision-making processes
2022-01-01 Hristov, I.; Camilli, R.; Mechelli, A.
The cultural dimension as a key value driver of the sustainable development at a strategic level: an integrated five-dimensional approach
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Chirico, A
The role of Key Performance Indicators as a performance management tool in implementing corporate strategies: A critical review of the literature
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Chirico, A; Camilli, R
The strategic alignment between the Enterprise Risk Management and the Performance Management System: new managerial trends and innovative measures
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Mechelli, A; Camilli, R
Measuring and managing on performance for strategic alignment between Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Chirico, A; Mechelli, A
The adoption of the key performance indicators to integrate sustainability in the business strategy: A novel five-dimensional framework
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Appolloni, A; Chirico, A
Enhancing the strategic alignment between environmental drivers of sustainability and the performance management system in Italian manufacturing firms
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Appolloni, A; Cheng, W; Venditti, M
Aligning corporate social responsibility practices with the environmental performance management systems: a critical review of the relevant literature
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Appolloni, A; Cheng, W; Huisingh, D
The integration between enterprise risk management and performance management system: managerial analysis and conceptual model to support strategic decision-making process
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Camilli, R; Chirico, A; ., Mechelli A
Assessing Stakeholders' Perception Influence on Companies' Profitability: Evidence from Italian Companies
2022-01-01 Hristov, I; Cimini, R; Cristofaro, M
Corporate strategies oriented towards sustainable governance: advantages, managerial practices and main challenges
2021-01-01 Hristov, I; Chirico, A; Ranalli, F