New models of Circular Building in Finland, supported by the public body, always involve a special attention to social issues on different levels, according to their referential and programmatic context. If on the one hand, circularity is mainly 799related to sustainable processes and products for new constructions, on the other, it is introduced by social welfare and it concerns later building activities, also regarding the re-use of existing architectures. In the programs supporting new constructions, a key role is played by wood, traditional material that is used to the best of the technological makings, developed through latest industrial researches with consequences on production and regulation involving different players and actions ranging in size that aim to the extensive use of wood – from structures to finishes – overcoming the dimension of the house and reaching multi-storey buildings, also addressed for special functions. Correctly integrated in their urban context, they are built using raw material that is largely suitable, and involves cost-competitive manufacturing of reusable, recyclable and ready to assembly CLT or LVL components, always respecting the environmental control of forests growth models. Circular processes are also sustained by the government through specific plans that concern social topics. With the program “Housing-first”, adopted since 2008, the number of homeless people is largely decreased giving them a permanent home in new housing blocks or offering them a shelter thanks to a diffuse hostel network. This program shows features of circularity, especially for the improvement of existing urban buildings where homeless could find a shelter and for the management of this building properties run by NGO’s organizations, that acquire rental dwellings behaving as real estate companies, but offering affordable homes and communal services for the complete reintegration of “outsiders” into society.
I nuovi modelli di edilizia circolare in Finlandia promossi dal settore pubblico, implicano da sempre un’attenzione che pone la loro rilevanza sociale su piani diversi a seconda del contesto programmatico di riferimento. Se da una parte la circolarità è in primo luogo riferita a processi e prodotti sostenibili per nuove costruzioni, dall’altra ha come incipit il benessere sociale e pone in secondo piano ciò che riguarda l’edilizia anche in termini di riuso di manufatti esistenti. nei programmi a sostegno delle nuove costruzioni, ha assunto un ruolo primario il legno, materiale tradizionale che viene sfruttato al massimo delle sue potenzialità tecnologiche, ridefinite da nuove ricerche in ambito industriale con ricadute in contesti produttivi e regolamentari che implicano attori vari e iniziative di diversa scala con l’obiettivo primario di un uso estensivo del legno - dalle strutture alle finiture – uscendo dalla dimensione della casa unifamiliare, per giungere a edifici multipiano, anche a carattere specialistico. Tutti sapientemente integrati nel loro contesto, sono costruiti impiegando materia prima facilmente reperibile, e coinvolgono processi produttivi a basso costo di componenti in CLT o LVL, riutilizzabili e riciclabili, che rispettano i modelli di accrescimento delle foreste. Processi circolari sono sostenuti dal governo anche attraverso specifici progetti che riguardano temi ispirati al sociale. Con il programma “Housing-first”, adottato dal 2008, il numero dei senzatetto è ampiamente diminuito, dando loro un alloggio permanente in nuovi edifici residenziali o offrendo un rifugio grazie ad una rete diffusa di ricoveri. Questo programma presenta caratteri di circolarità nella riqualificazione di edifici esistenti in ambito urbano, dove i senzatetto possono trovare rifugio, e nella gestione di questo patrimonio edilizio da parte di ONG che acquisiscono gli immobili da affittare, comportandosi alla stregua di compagnie immo-biliari, ma offrendo case a basso costo e servizi comuni, volti a favorire la reintegrazione degli “ultimi” nella società.
Morganti R
;Tosone A
;Abita M
;Di Donato D
New models of Circular Building in Finland, supported by the public body, always involve a special attention to social issues on different levels, according to their referential and programmatic context. If on the one hand, circularity is mainly 799related to sustainable processes and products for new constructions, on the other, it is introduced by social welfare and it concerns later building activities, also regarding the re-use of existing architectures. In the programs supporting new constructions, a key role is played by wood, traditional material that is used to the best of the technological makings, developed through latest industrial researches with consequences on production and regulation involving different players and actions ranging in size that aim to the extensive use of wood – from structures to finishes – overcoming the dimension of the house and reaching multi-storey buildings, also addressed for special functions. Correctly integrated in their urban context, they are built using raw material that is largely suitable, and involves cost-competitive manufacturing of reusable, recyclable and ready to assembly CLT or LVL components, always respecting the environmental control of forests growth models. Circular processes are also sustained by the government through specific plans that concern social topics. With the program “Housing-first”, adopted since 2008, the number of homeless people is largely decreased giving them a permanent home in new housing blocks or offering them a shelter thanks to a diffuse hostel network. This program shows features of circularity, especially for the improvement of existing urban buildings where homeless could find a shelter and for the management of this building properties run by NGO’s organizations, that acquire rental dwellings behaving as real estate companies, but offering affordable homes and communal services for the complete reintegration of “outsiders” into society.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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