Dopo una breve premessa, dedicata a una sommaria ricostruzione delle origini e degli sviluppi della pubblicistica periodica pedagogica e scolastica nella Capitale, dalla Breccia di Porta Pia all’età giolittiana, centrata sui primi lustri del XX secolo, il saggio ricostruisce analiticamente la “mappa” della stampa periodica educativa nella Roma fascista. Tenuto presente l’ampliarsi e il complessificarsi della “funzione” educativa e formativa in una società come quella italiana degli anni ‘20 e ‘30, che si avvia sempre più decisamente a farsi “di massa”, ove cresce la diffusione e l’incidenza dei media, e in presenza di un regime che persegue, in varie guise, un progetto formativo “totalitario”, l’autore ha ritenuto necessario, rispetto alle ricerche precedentemente effettuate, del resto assai scarse, ampliare l’orizzonte dell’analisi oltre il tradizionale versante della pubblicistica scolastico-pedagogica includendo nell’oggetto d’indagine i periodici delle organizzazioni giovanili ed universitarie fasciste e la pubblicistica destinata a fanciulli, adolescenti, giovani, che anche quando non presentava il “marchio di fabbrica” del PNF certamente non sfuggiva alla vigilanza del “MinCulPop”, nonché le riviste “giovanili”, “fondate e dirette da giovani”, le cui tematiche centrali erano rappresentate, appunto, dalla “gioventù” e dal “rinnovamento della cultura”, dalle funzioni senz’altro anche “educative”, sia pure per ristrette élites (contigue ed anzi in taluni casi da includere senz’altro nelle due precedenti categorie).
This paper, after a short reconstruction of the origins and development of the pedagogical and school periodicals in Rome, from the Breach of Porta Pia to the Giolitti era performs an analytical reconstruction of the "map" of the educational and school periodicals in Rome under the Fascist regime. By taking into account the increase in size and complexity of the educational "Function" in the society of 1920s and 1930s Italy that was becoming a "mass" society in which the media were growing in reach and impact and that was also under a regime that pursued a "totalitarian" education project the author has regarded it necessary to broaden the scope of the analysis going beyond the mere school-pedagogical publications and adding the periodicals of the Fascist youth and students organisations, the magazines for children, teenagers and young people in general and even those periodicals that were not an open emanation of the National Fascist Party and also the "juvenile" magazines, i.e. those "founded and directed by young people", which mainly dealt with issues regarding "youth" and "renovation of culture" but also had educational purposes and aims, albeit dedicated to small elites (which were partly or fully also part of the aforementioned categories).
I periodici educativi a Roma (1922-1943)
This paper, after a short reconstruction of the origins and development of the pedagogical and school periodicals in Rome, from the Breach of Porta Pia to the Giolitti era performs an analytical reconstruction of the "map" of the educational and school periodicals in Rome under the Fascist regime. By taking into account the increase in size and complexity of the educational "Function" in the society of 1920s and 1930s Italy that was becoming a "mass" society in which the media were growing in reach and impact and that was also under a regime that pursued a "totalitarian" education project the author has regarded it necessary to broaden the scope of the analysis going beyond the mere school-pedagogical publications and adding the periodicals of the Fascist youth and students organisations, the magazines for children, teenagers and young people in general and even those periodicals that were not an open emanation of the National Fascist Party and also the "juvenile" magazines, i.e. those "founded and directed by young people", which mainly dealt with issues regarding "youth" and "renovation of culture" but also had educational purposes and aims, albeit dedicated to small elites (which were partly or fully also part of the aforementioned categories).Pubblicazioni consigliate
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