La prontezza con cui la Camera di Commercio colse le potenzialità economiche dell’edificio dell’antica Dogana e dell’area, in cui esso si collocava, è un segno evidente di quanto fosse ormai atteso lo sviluppo della città fuori da “l’angusta cerchia dei confini” papalini. Il Palazzo delle colonne o delle Anticaglie e i suoi stretti legami con la città camerale , in particolare con la Curia a Montecitorio, voluti e realizzati da papa Innocenzo XII (1691-1700), mantenevano ancora integralmente immutati, nel 1870, il loro prestigio politico e la capacità commerciale acquisiti al volgere del XVII secolo e via via consolidati. Nel corso dell’Ottocento l’area compresa tra il campo Marzio e piazza Colonna aveva assunto una certa ‘aria cittadina’ attraverso una lenta trasformazione degli edifici ad appartamenti realizzata, attorno ai palazzi del governo, della nobiltà e del clero, dalla piccola nobiltà, da commercianti, notai, artigiani, artisti e forestieri.
The speed with which the Chamber of Commerce grasped the economic potential of the building of the old Customs and the area in which it was situated is a clear sign of the widespread expectation that the city would develop beyond “the narrow circle of the confines” of the Papal State. The Palazzo delle colonne o delle Anticaglie and its close links with the papal city, especially with the Curia at Montecitorio, encouraged and realized by Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700), maintained the political prestige and commercial capacity acquired at the end of the seventeenth century and gradually consolidated over the years. During the course of the nineteenth century the area between the Campo Marzio and Piazza Colonna had assumed a certain ‘city air’ due to the slow conversion of the buildings into apartments, carried out, around the government buildings, by the nobility, the clergy, merchants, notaries, artisans, artists and foreigners.
La Borsa di Roma capitale. La «difficile e rara invenzione di raccordare il moderno con l’antico» / The Stock Exchange of Roma Capitale and the difficult and rare invention in joining the modern with the ancient
The speed with which the Chamber of Commerce grasped the economic potential of the building of the old Customs and the area in which it was situated is a clear sign of the widespread expectation that the city would develop beyond “the narrow circle of the confines” of the Papal State. The Palazzo delle colonne o delle Anticaglie and its close links with the papal city, especially with the Curia at Montecitorio, encouraged and realized by Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700), maintained the political prestige and commercial capacity acquired at the end of the seventeenth century and gradually consolidated over the years. During the course of the nineteenth century the area between the Campo Marzio and Piazza Colonna had assumed a certain ‘city air’ due to the slow conversion of the buildings into apartments, carried out, around the government buildings, by the nobility, the clergy, merchants, notaries, artisans, artists and foreigners.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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