Il saggio propone un primo approfondimento della figura e dell’opera dello studioso e uomo politico ligure Alfredo Poggi (Sarzana, Spezia, 1881 – Genova, 1974). Militante nel PSI, ancora giovanissimo fu sottoposto a sorveglianza dalle autorità di P.S.; perseguitato durante il ventennio per la sua manifesta opposizione al regime, fu protagonista della lotta resistenziale, durante la quale fu deportato nel campo di concentramento nazista di Bolzano-Gries. Sotto il profilo intellettuale, Poggi si distinse per la sua continua ricerca di una “conciliazione” e di un contemperamento fra marxismo e kantismo, fra socialismo e criticismo: idea che gli fu suggerita, da principio, dai suoi maestri presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Università di Palermo, Giovanni Vidari e Giuseppe Tarozzi, ma che inizierà a sviluppare sistematicamente soltanto grazie alle indicazioni ricevute da Antonio Labriola, al quale si era rivolto per via epistolare per individuare un argomento per la sua tesi di laurea. Il filosofo di Cassino, rispondendogli, il 20 dicembre 1902, gli consigliò di approfondire il rapporto fra ideale morale e materialismo storico nel neokantismo tedesco. Poggi studiò allora Mehring, Plechanov, Bernstein, Kautsky e Karl Vorländer, con il quale iniziò, nel 1904, un duraturo sodalizio intellettuale. In Socialismo e cultura, pubblicato nel 1925 con Gobetti, nei “Quaderni della Rivoluzione liberale”, il suo volume più riuscito, Poggi si richiamò al concetto di praxis rovesciata di Rodolfo Mondolfo, che faceva dell’uomo il “motore della storia anzi che sottometterlo alle cose”, per proporre un “allacciamento” fra le due filosofie che prevedeva di “accogliere” entrambe (il marxismo come teoria scientifica e tutta “terrena” della storia e della società, il kantismo come concezione della morale e della persona altrettanto autonoma), mantenendole distinte teoreticamente e affidando alla “attività dell’uomo” la loro riunificazione pratica. La centralità “dell’azione pratico-sociale” che ne derivava conferiva, nella visuale di Poggi, il massimo rilievo all’educazione, alla formazione della coscienza come preparazione della battaglia per il riscatto sociale. Il saggio intende evidenziare l’interesse, ma anche le difficoltà, del tentativo di sintesi fra le due Weltanschauung effettuato dallo studioso ligure, analizzandone, in specie, il contributo offerto, praticamente per l’intero corso delle sue pubblicazioni, alla “Rivista Pedagogica” di Luigi Credaro.
This essay proposes an in-depth research of the works of the Ligurian scholar and politician Alfredo Poggi (Sarzana, Spezia, 1881 – Genova, 1974). A militant of the Italian socialist party, anti-fascist and persecuted for his political ideas during the regime, he became part of the Resistance and detained in the Nazi concentration camp of Bolzano-Gries. Poggi's main distinguishing feature was his attempt at "reconciling" marxism and kantianism, socialism and criticism: he was suggested this idea by his masters at the Faculty of Philosophy of Palermo University, Giovanni Vidari and Giuseppe Tarozzi and he started developing it together with Antonio Labriola who, responding to his request of a suggestion of a topic for the graduation thesis advised him, in December 1902, to attempt an in-depth research on the relationship between moral ideal and historical materialism in German neokantianism. Poggi studied Mehring, Plechanov, Bernstein, Kautsky and Karl Vorländer with which in 1904 he started a long lasting intellectual relationship. In his best work, Socialismo e. cultura, published in 1925 in “Quaderni della Rivoluzione liberale” di Gobetti, Poggi referred to the concept of reversed praxis of Rodolfo Mondolfo, who put man as the engine of history instead of submitting it to the things and operated a connection between the two philosophies that made it possible to "host" both (marxism as a scientific, fully "mundane" theory of history and society and kantianism as a likewise fully autonomous idea of morals) and person, keeping them theoretically separated and entrusting to the "activities of man" the actual, practical reunification of the theories. The central role of the "pratical and social action" that stems from this assigned, according to Poggi, the maximum importance to education and shaping of conscience as a preparation of the battle for social liberation. From that stems his constant interest for the problems of school and pedadogy testified, amongst other things, by his long and fruitful partnership with the “Rivista Pedagogica” of Luigi Credaro.
Ancora su Antonio Labriola e Luigi Credaro. “Rivista Pedagogica” e dintorni: Alfredo Poggi
This essay proposes an in-depth research of the works of the Ligurian scholar and politician Alfredo Poggi (Sarzana, Spezia, 1881 – Genova, 1974). A militant of the Italian socialist party, anti-fascist and persecuted for his political ideas during the regime, he became part of the Resistance and detained in the Nazi concentration camp of Bolzano-Gries. Poggi's main distinguishing feature was his attempt at "reconciling" marxism and kantianism, socialism and criticism: he was suggested this idea by his masters at the Faculty of Philosophy of Palermo University, Giovanni Vidari and Giuseppe Tarozzi and he started developing it together with Antonio Labriola who, responding to his request of a suggestion of a topic for the graduation thesis advised him, in December 1902, to attempt an in-depth research on the relationship between moral ideal and historical materialism in German neokantianism. Poggi studied Mehring, Plechanov, Bernstein, Kautsky and Karl Vorländer with which in 1904 he started a long lasting intellectual relationship. In his best work, Socialismo e. cultura, published in 1925 in “Quaderni della Rivoluzione liberale” di Gobetti, Poggi referred to the concept of reversed praxis of Rodolfo Mondolfo, who put man as the engine of history instead of submitting it to the things and operated a connection between the two philosophies that made it possible to "host" both (marxism as a scientific, fully "mundane" theory of history and society and kantianism as a likewise fully autonomous idea of morals) and person, keeping them theoretically separated and entrusting to the "activities of man" the actual, practical reunification of the theories. The central role of the "pratical and social action" that stems from this assigned, according to Poggi, the maximum importance to education and shaping of conscience as a preparation of the battle for social liberation. From that stems his constant interest for the problems of school and pedadogy testified, amongst other things, by his long and fruitful partnership with the “Rivista Pedagogica” of Luigi Credaro.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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