Il contributo, introduzione del volume, chiarisce in che senso è stato inteso l’approccio formativo alle problematiche della devianza e della delinquenza minorile. Gli strumenti per un primo accostamento alla adolescenza marginale, emarginata, criminale sono stati elaborati secondo una prospettiva pedagogica tenendo presente una duplice intenzione-direzione: verso i giovani marginali, devianti, delinquenti da formare, e verso tutti coloro – in specie, nuovamente, giovani – che si propongono di divenirne i formatori. Il curatore chiarisce come il suo ruolo sia consistito nel mettere insieme, animare, coordinare e appunto intenzionare in senso educativo e pedagogico il gruppo di lavoro dal quale ha preso vita, progressivamente, il volume, variegato per provenienza scientifica e professionale, facendolo “crescere” a livello, nel contempo, delle competenze specifiche e del progetto complessivo. Il saggio prende le mosse dalla riflessione in merito alle pedagogie “con il complemento di specificazione” (“della” devianza, “della” marginalità, ecc.), o, comunque, “aggettivate” (“penitenziaria”, ecc.). Pedagogicamente, appunto, sembra sussistere più di una “controindicazione” per questo “uso”, che sembra ancorare l’azione educativa al passato, condizionarla a ciò che è dato e fissato, al riconoscimento di “differenze” stabilite altrove e che sembrano alludere a una sorta di esterno ed eteronomo “principio regolativo” per la riflessione-pratica pedagogica. Per l’autore tali pedagogie “particolari” o “speciali” vanno ripensate in un’ottica che potremmo definire di pedagogia sociale, a patto di intendere quest’ultima non come “autonoma” dalla pedagogia generale ma, al contrario, come una peculiare declinazione di quest’ultima, intesa in senso critico. La marginalità, la devianza e la criminalità, infatti, si pongono per l’educazione e per la pedagogia come “territori di confine”, ove tutte le loro tensioni e contraddizioni, concettuali e pratiche, vengono chiaramente alla luce.
This essay, which is an introduction to the book Il disagio giovanile come problema pedagogico, wishes to clarify the angle taken in the learning approach to the problems of juvenile deviance and delinquency. The tools used in the early approach to the problem of marginalised youth and juvenile criminals have been devised according to a pedagogic perspective, taking into account a double intention-direction: one towards marginalised, deviant, criminal youth and the other towards all those (mainly young people themselves) who wish to become their trainers and educators. The author and editor of the book clarifies that his role consisted in animating, coordinating and intentioning (providing an intention) in a pedagogic and educational context the heterogeneous and complex (from the point of view of professional and scientific roots and origins) workgroup which later has given shape and life to the volume, making it "grow" both at the specific skills and overall project levels. The essay takes off from a reflection on the different types of pedagogy "with a qualification" (pedagogy "of deviance", "of marginality", “correctional" pedagogy and so on). In pedagogy there seems to be more than one "contraindication" to that "use" that seems to lock and restrain the practical and educational reflection to the past, to what has been given and fixed, to the recognition of "differences" recognised in other places, to external and heteronomous "regulation principles".For the author, the "particular" or "special" pedagogies shall be re-thought in a perspective of social pedagogy, conceived not as something "independent" of general pedagogy but, on the contrary, as one peculiar, problematic and critical incarnation. Marginality, deviance and criminality represent "borderlands" for pedagogy, places where all their tensions and contradictions, conceptual and practical, come brightly to the light.
Per una pedagogia del disagio giovanile
This essay, which is an introduction to the book Il disagio giovanile come problema pedagogico, wishes to clarify the angle taken in the learning approach to the problems of juvenile deviance and delinquency. The tools used in the early approach to the problem of marginalised youth and juvenile criminals have been devised according to a pedagogic perspective, taking into account a double intention-direction: one towards marginalised, deviant, criminal youth and the other towards all those (mainly young people themselves) who wish to become their trainers and educators. The author and editor of the book clarifies that his role consisted in animating, coordinating and intentioning (providing an intention) in a pedagogic and educational context the heterogeneous and complex (from the point of view of professional and scientific roots and origins) workgroup which later has given shape and life to the volume, making it "grow" both at the specific skills and overall project levels. The essay takes off from a reflection on the different types of pedagogy "with a qualification" (pedagogy "of deviance", "of marginality", “correctional" pedagogy and so on). In pedagogy there seems to be more than one "contraindication" to that "use" that seems to lock and restrain the practical and educational reflection to the past, to what has been given and fixed, to the recognition of "differences" recognised in other places, to external and heteronomous "regulation principles".For the author, the "particular" or "special" pedagogies shall be re-thought in a perspective of social pedagogy, conceived not as something "independent" of general pedagogy but, on the contrary, as one peculiar, problematic and critical incarnation. Marginality, deviance and criminality represent "borderlands" for pedagogy, places where all their tensions and contradictions, conceptual and practical, come brightly to the light.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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