I musei sono delle istituzioni che partecipano alla strutturazione del tessuto sociale e culturale preservando le diverse forme di patrimonio e contribuendo ad elaborare una formazione capace di dotare i cittadini di quelle competenze necessarie a divenire attori partecipi di una cultura nazionale, fondamento dell'identità come valore della comunità di appartenenza e di una cittadinanza democratica. Questo volume mette in evidenza la duplice azione che il bene culturale, come fine e come mezzo, può svolgere, se efficacemente utilizzato nell’ambito dell’istruzione, per consentire a tutti gli individui di accedere ai repertori simbolici della cultura e di rafforzare i profili culturali della popolazione. Per tale motivo le condizioni di fruibilità e di ricezione del bene, e l’esperienza che ne risulta, devono essere oggetto di specifica attenzione da parte della ricerca educativa, chiamata a studiare i modi attraverso i quali è possibile passare da una fruizione episodica ed esclusivamente suggestiva ad una qualitativamente apprezzabile sul piano degli apprendimenti. L’obiettivo del volume è quello di mostrare le strategie attraverso le quali l’azione di mediazione didattica permetta di superare l’impasse di un accesso “elitario” al patrimonio culturale, ossia ancora riservato a particolari categorie di cittadino, per andare verso una fruizione generalizzata ma di qualità capace di far compiere quel processo di democratizzazione culturale volto a realizzare un uso consapevole del bene indirizzato verso acquisizioni durevoli. In particolare, viene messo in evidenza il ruolo svolto dall’istruzione e della didattica museale nell’aiutare concretamente gli individui a costruire l’abitudine a fruire dei musei e ad effettuare esperienze positive di accesso alle molteplici forme e tipologie di bene museale esistenti e ai significati di cui sono portatrici.
The museums are institutions that participate in the structuring of the social fabric and preserving cultural heritage and the various forms of helping to develop a training designed to give citizens of those skills necessary to become actors is involved in a national culture, the foundation of how to value of communities and democratic citizenship. This volume highlights the dual action that the cultural property, as an end and as a means, can play, if effectively used in education, to enable all individuals to access the symbolic repertoire of culture and enhance the profiles cultural population. For this reason the conditions of usability and good reception, and the experience that results, should be the subject of specific attention from educational research, called to explore ways through which you can switch between episodic and use only suggestive of a qualitatively valuable in terms of learning. The aim of the book is to show what strategies should be developed in the action of teaching mediation to overcome the impasse of access "elitist" cultural heritage, which is still restricted to particular categories of citizens, to go towards a generalized use but quality that will take that process of cultural democratization aimed at achieving a conscious use of the property directed to durable purchases. In particular, it highlighted the role of education and practice of museum education in helping individuals to build a habit to enjoy the museums and to make positive experiences of access to multiple forms and types of property and the existing museum meanings they carry.
Musei, pubblici e didattiche. La didattica museale tra sperimentalismo, modelli teorici e proposte operative
NUZZACI, Antonella
The museums are institutions that participate in the structuring of the social fabric and preserving cultural heritage and the various forms of helping to develop a training designed to give citizens of those skills necessary to become actors is involved in a national culture, the foundation of how to value of communities and democratic citizenship. This volume highlights the dual action that the cultural property, as an end and as a means, can play, if effectively used in education, to enable all individuals to access the symbolic repertoire of culture and enhance the profiles cultural population. For this reason the conditions of usability and good reception, and the experience that results, should be the subject of specific attention from educational research, called to explore ways through which you can switch between episodic and use only suggestive of a qualitatively valuable in terms of learning. The aim of the book is to show what strategies should be developed in the action of teaching mediation to overcome the impasse of access "elitist" cultural heritage, which is still restricted to particular categories of citizens, to go towards a generalized use but quality that will take that process of cultural democratization aimed at achieving a conscious use of the property directed to durable purchases. In particular, it highlighted the role of education and practice of museum education in helping individuals to build a habit to enjoy the museums and to make positive experiences of access to multiple forms and types of property and the existing museum meanings they carry.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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