Dipartimento di Medicina clinica, sanità pubblica, scienze della vita e dell'ambiente
Neuromuscular characteristics of unilateral and bilateral exercise during Maximal voluntary isometric contractions following acl reconstruction
2024-01-01 Di Giminiani, R.; Marinelli, S.; La Greca, S.; Di Blasio, A.; Angelozzi, M.; Cacchio, A.
Facial emotion recognition and judgment of affective scenes in Parkinson's disease
2024-01-01 Salfi, Federico; Toro, Stefano; Saporito, Gennaro; Sucapane, Patrizia; Marano, Massimo; Montaruli, Gianluca; Cacchio, Angelo; Ferrara, Michele; Pistoia, Francesca
Assessment of Frequency and Predictive Value of Comorbidities in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness in the Acute Setting
2024-01-01 Saporito, Gennaro; Gentili, Luca; Cacchio, Angelo; Casalena, Alfonsina; Necozione, Stefano; Ricci, Alessandro; Venturoni, Federica; Marinangeli, Franco; Pistoia, Francesca
Neuromuscular Characteristics of Unilateral and Bilateral Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contractions following ACL Reconstruction
2023-01-01 Di Giminiani, Riccardo; Marinelli, Stefano; La Greca, Stefano; Di Blasio, Andrea; Angelozzi, Massimo; Cacchio, Angelo
Edmonton Functional Assessment Tool - revised version (EFAT-2): Translation into Italian and assessment of its psychometric properties
2023-01-01 Cacchio, Angelo; Piccinini, Massimo; Bisegna, Roberta; Pistoia, Francesca; De Blasis, Elisabetta; Mangone, Massimiliano; Lorenzo, Eugenia Di; Agostini, Francesco; Marinangeli, Franco
Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound thalamotomy for refractory neuropathic pain: a systematic review and critical appraisal of current knowledge
2023-01-01 Taranta, Valentina; Saporito, Gennaro; Ornello, Raffaele; Splendiani, Alessandra; Bruno, Federico; Sucapane, Patrizia; Masciocchi, Carlo; Marinangeli, Franco; Cacchio, Angelo; Di Cesare, Ernesto; Pistoia, Francesca
Efficacy and Safety of the Phytochemical Product Linfadren in the Management of Patients With Persistent Ankle Edema Following Trauma or Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
2023-01-01 Cacchio, Angelo; Calvisi, Vittorio; Di Carlo, Giancarlo; Petralia, Giuseppe; Angelozzi, Massimo
Materials and techniques for effective at-home rehabilitation for hand mobility restoration based on the Virtual Glove
2023-01-01 Theodoridou, Eleni; Cacchio, Angelo; DI MATTEO, Alessandro; Polsinelli, Matteo; Placidi, Giuseppe
Translation, Linguistic Validation, and Readability of the Spanish Version of the VISA-H Scale in Elite Athletes
2022-01-01 Medina-Porqueres, Ivan; Rosado Velazquez, Daniel; Moya Torrecilla, Francisco; Orava, Sakari; Cacchio, Angelo
Effect of virtual reality rehabilitation on functional outcomes for return-to-work patients with Parkinson's disease: An umbrella review of systematic reviews
2022-01-01 Mangone, Massimiliano; Agostini, Francesco; de Sire, Alessandro; Cacchio, Angelo; Chiaramonte, Angelo; Butterini, Giulia; Martano, Andrea; Paoloni, Marco; Bernetti, Andrea; Paolucci, Teresa
Postural evaluation in sports and sedentary subjects by rasterstereographic back shape analysis
2020-01-01 Bernetti, A.; Agostini, F.; Cacchio, A.; Santilli, V.; Ruiu, P.; Paolucci, T.; Paoloni, M.; Mangone, M.
Effectiveness and safety of a mixture of diosmin, coumarin and arbutin (Linfadren®) in addition to conventional treatment in the management of patients with post-trauma/surgery persistent hand edema: a randomized controlled trial
2019-01-01 Cacchio, A.; Di Carlo, G.; Cofini, V.; Elisabetta, D. B.
Effectiveness and safety of a product containing diosmin, coumarin, and arbutin (Linfadren®) in addition to complex decongestive therapy on management of breast cancer-related lymphedema
2019-01-01 Cacchio, A.; Prencipe, R.; Bertone, M.; De Benedictis, L.; Taglieri, L.; D'Elia, E.; Centoletti, C.; Di Carlo, G.
Hand movement parameters calculated by the LEAP based Virtual Glove
2018-01-01 Polsinelli, Matteo; Banchetti, Paola Andrea; Cacchio, Angelo; Calvisi, Vittorio; Marini, Carmine; Placidi, Giuseppe; Spezialetti, Matteo; Cinque, Luigi
Comparison between extracorporeal shock wave therapy and intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in the treatment of first carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis
2018-01-01 Ioppolo, F.; Saracino, F.; Rizzo, R. S.; Monacelli, G.; Lanni, D.; Sante, L. D.; Cacchio, A.; Santilli, V.; Venditto, T.
Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Is Effective and Safe in Chronic Distal Biceps Tendinopathy
2016-01-01 Furia, John P; Rompe, Jan Dirk; Maffulli, Nicola; Cacchio, Angelo; Schmitz, Christoph
Prevention Strategies of Shoulder Injuries
2015-01-01 Severini, G; Cacchio, Angelo; Milano, G.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy and ultrasound therapy improve pain and function in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. A randomized controlled trial
2015-01-01 Paoloni, M; Tavernese, E; Cacchio, Angelo; D'Orazi, V; Ioppolo, F; Fini, M; Santilli, V; Mangone, M.
Radial shock wave treatment alone is less efficient than radial shock wave treatment combined with tissue-specific plantar fascia-stretching in patients with chronic plantar heel pain
2015-01-01 Rompe, Jan D; Furia, John; Cacchio, Angelo; Schmitz, Christoph; Maffulli, Nicola
Objective Functional Assesment in the Deficient and Reconstructed ACL- A Short Review
2014-01-01 Cacchio, Angelo; Borra, Fabrizio; Severini, Gabriele