Capanna, Ilaria
Capanna, Ilaria
Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Simplified multicriteria method for seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings
2022-10-27 Capanna, Ilaria
A simplified method for seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings
2022-01-01 Capanna, I.; Di Fabio, F.; Fragiacomo, M.
Comparative assessment of empirical and mechanical approaches for the estimation of the seismic fragility of ordinary masonry buildings type of the inner central Italy
2021-01-01 Capanna, Ilaria; DI FABIO, Franco; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Sensitivity assessment of the seismic response of a masonry palace via non-linear static analysis: A case study in l’aquila (italy)
2021-01-01 Capanna, I.; Aloisio, A.; Di Fabio, F.; Fragiacomo, M.
Operational modal analysis, model update and fragility curves estimation, through truncated incremental dynamic analysis, of a masonry belfry
2021-01-01 Capanna, I.; Cirella, R.; Aloisio, A.; Alaggio, R.; Fabio, F. D.; Fragiacomo, M.
Operational Modal Analysis, Model Update and Fragility Curves Estimation, through Truncated Incremental Dynamic Analysis, of a Masonry Belfry
2021-01-01 Capanna, Ilaria; Cirella, Riccardo; Aloisio, Angelo; Alaggio, Rocco; Di Fabio, Franco; Fragiacomo, Massimo
Operational modal analysis and non-linear dynamic simulations of a prototype low-rise masonry building
2021-01-01 Capanna, I.; Cirella, R.; Aloisio, A.; Di Fabio, F.; Fragiacomo, M.
The St. Silvestro belfry in l'aquila: From the rehabilitation works to the actual performance in terms of dynamic properties and fragility functions estimation
2020-01-01 Capanna, I.; Cirella, R.; Aloisio, A.; Alaggio, R.; Di Fabio, F.; Fragiacomo, M.
Identification and Model Update of the Dynamic Properties of the San Silvestro Belfry in L'Aquila and Estimation of Bell's Dynamic Actions
2020-01-01 Aloisio, A.; Capanna, I.; Cirella, R.; Alaggio, R.; Di Fabio, F.; Fragiacomo, M.