Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Progetto e costruzione di macchine. Con Connect
2024-01-01 Joseph E., Shigley; Richard G., Budynas; J. Keith, Nisbett; Giovanni B., Broggiato; Chiappini, Gianluca; Cortese, Luca; Mancini, Edoardo; Rossi, Marco; Sasso, Marco
High Strain Rate Tests by a 90 m Long Tension-Torsion Hopkinson Bar
2024-01-01 Sasso, Marco; Mancini, Edoardo; Chiappini, Gianluca; Utzeri, Mattia; Amodio, Dario
High strain rate investigation on the mechanical anisotropy induced by SLM technology on a 3D printed steel
2024-01-01 Mancini, E.; Utzeri, M.; Cortis, G.; Marco, S.; Cortis, D.; Orlandi, D.; Cortese, L.; Di Angelo, L.
Contact pressure in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Development of analytical models based on experimental investigation and a posteriori design of experiments
2024-01-01 Marcelli, L.; Chamoret, D.; Mancini, E.; François, X.; Meyer, Y.; Candusso, D.
A 90-meter Split Hopkinson Tension–Torsion Bar: Design, Construction and First Tests
2024-01-01 Sasso, M.; Mancini, E.; Chiappini, G.; Utzeri &, M.; Amodio, D.
DLP printed 3D gyroid structure: Mechanical response at meso and macro scale
2024-01-01 Mancini, Edoardo; Utzeri, Mattia; Farotti, Emanuele; Lattanzi, Attilio; Sasso, Marco
Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modelling of the Impact Behavior of PVC Foams
2023-01-01 Sasso, M; Sarasini, F; Mancini, E; Lattanzi, A; Tirillo, J; Sergi, C
Simple multiaxial tests to assess dynamic ductility of 17-4PH
2023-01-01 Mancini, E.; Cortis, G.; Cortese, L.; Utzeri, M.; Sasso, M.
Compression Tests at High Strain Rate on 3D-Printed CuCrZr Alloy Specimens - Material Model Calibration
2023-01-01 Cortis, D.; Mancini, E.; Nisi, S.; Orlandi, D.; Di Stefano, P.; Utzeri, M.; Sasso, M.
High-Strain-Rate Behavior of 3D-Printed CuCrZr
2023-01-01 Sasso, M.; Mancini, E.; Utzeri, M.; Chiappini, G.; Cortis, D.; Orlandi, D.; Di Angelo, L.
Constitutive material law improvements for metals that manifest an unstable behavior in dynamic condition
2023-01-01 Mancini, E.; Sasso, M.; Farotti, E.; Amodio, D.
Additively manufactured CuCrZr alloy: improvement of mechanical properties by heat treatment
2023-01-01 Cortis, D.; Mancini, E.; Orlandi, D.; Pilone, D.; Sasso, M.
Constitutive Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of Cork Material
2022-01-01 Sasso, M.; Lattanzi, A.; Farotti, E.; Sarasini, F.; Sergi, C.; Tirillo, J.; Mancini, E.
Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Ductility of an API X65 Grade Steel
2022-01-01 Cortis, Gabriele; Nalli, Filippo; Sasso, Marco; Cortese, Luca; Mancini, Edoardo
Effect of temperature and strain rate on the formation of shear bands in polymers under quasi-static and dynamic compressive loadings: Proposed constitutive model and numerical validation
2022-01-01 Farotti, E.; Mancini, E.; Lattanzi, A.; Utzeri, M.; Sasso, M.
Definition of a unified material model for cellular materials with high morphological and topological dispersion: Application to an AA7075-T6 aluminium foam
2022-01-01 Mancini, E.; Campana, F.; Pilone, D.; Amodio, D.; Sasso, M.
Investigation on Homogeneous Modeling of Gyroid Lattice Structures: Numerical Study in Static and Dynamic Conditions
2022-01-01 Mancini, Edoardo; Utzeri, Mattia; Sasso, Marco
Numerical methodology for design and optimization of a connecting rod for very high speed engines
2022-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Mancini, E.; Di Stefano, P.
2021-01-01 Sasso, Marco; Mancini, Edoardo
Mesoscale modeling of aluminum foams for fea of scattering effects due to cell distribution
2021-01-01 Bici, M.; Campana, F.; Mancini, E.; Pilone, D.; Sasso, M.