Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile - architettura, ambientale
Modal analysis of a second-gradient annular plate made of an orthogonal network of logarithmic spiral fibers, chapter in “Sixty Shades of Generalized Continua”
In corso di stampa Ciallella, Alessandro; D’Annibale, Francesco; Dell’Isola, Francesco; Del Vescovo, Dionisio; Giorgio, Ivan
A 3D pantographic metamaterial behaving as a mechanical shield: Experimental and numerical evidence
2024-01-01 Ciallella, A.; Giorgio, I.; Barchiesi, E.; Alaimo, G.; Cattenone, A.; Smaniotto, B.; Vintache, A.; D'Annibale, F.; Dell'Isola, F.; Hild, F.; Auricchio, F.
Mesoscale DVC analyses and parameter calibration for pantographic block in 3-point flexure
2023-01-01 Valmalle, M.; Smaniotto, B.; Spagnuolo, M.; Ciallella, A.; Hild, F.
Deformation mode in 3-point flexure on pantographic block
2023-01-01 Ciallella, Alessandro; La Valle, Gabriele; Vintache, Antoine; Smaniotto, Benjamin; Hild, François
Modal Analysis of a Second-Gradient Annular Plate made of an Orthogonal Network of Logarithmic Spiral Fibers
2023-01-01 Ciallella, A.; D'Annibale, F.; Dell'Isola, F.; Del Vescovo, D.; Giorgio, I.
Multi-scale design of an architected composite structure and experimental characterization
2022-01-01 Casalotti, A.; Ciallella, A.; D’Annibale, Francesco
Multi-scale design and optimization of architected composite structure
2022-01-01 Casalotti, A.; Ciallella, A.; Rosi, G.; D’Annibale, Francesco
Experimental analysis, discrete modeling and parameter optimization of SLS-printed bi-pantographic structures
2022-01-01 Harsch, J; Ganzosch, G; Barchiesi, E; Ciallella, A; Eugster, Sr
Shear rupture mechanism and dissipation phenomena in bias extension test of pantographic sheets: numerical modeling and experiments
2022-01-01 Ciallella, Alessandro; Pasquali, Davide; D'Annibale, Francesco; Giorgio, Ivan
Matrix-embedded metamaterials: Applications for the architectural heritage
2022-01-01 Spagnuolo, M; Reccia, E; Ciallella, A; Cazzani, A
Deformation patterns in a second-gradient lattice annular plate composed of "Spira mirabilis" fibers
2022-01-01 Ciallella, A; D'Annibale, F; Del Vescovo, D; Giorgio, I
Local–global DVC analyses confirm theoretical predictions for deformation and damage onset in torsion of pantographic metamaterial
2022-01-01 Valmalle, Malo; Vintache, Antoine; Smaniotto, Benjamin; Gutmann, Florian; Spagnuolo, Mario; Ciallella, Alessandro; Hild, François
Bone Remodeling Process Based on Hydrostatic and Deviatoric Strain Mechano-Sensing
2022-01-01 Branecka, N.; Yildizdag, M. E.; Ciallella, A.; Giorgio, I.
On Boundary Layers Observed in Some 1D Second-Gradient Theories
2022-01-01 Barchiesi, E.; Ciallella, A.; Giorgio, I.
Propagation of Chaos for a Stochastic Particle System Modelling Epidemics
2022-01-01 Ciallella, Alessandro; Pulvirenti, Mario; Simonella, Sergio
Numerical evidence for the approximation of dissipative systems by gyroscopically coupled oscillator chains
2022-01-01 Bersani, Alberto Maria; Caressa, Paolo; Ciallella, Alessandro
Micro-mechano-morphology-informed continuum damage modeling with intrinsic 2nd gradient (pantographic) grain–grain interactions
2022-01-01 Placidi, L.; Timofeev, D.; Maksimov, V.; Barchiesi, E.; Ciallella, A.; Misra, A.; Dell'Isola, F.
The effect of local random defects on the response of pantographic sheets
2022-01-01 La Valle, G; Ciallella, A; Falsone, G
Investigating wave transmission and reflection phenomena in pantographic lattices using a second-gradient continuum model
2022-01-01 Yildizdag, Me; Ciallella, A; D'Ovidio, G
Nonlinear waves in pantographic beams induced by transverse impulses
2022-01-01 Turco, E.; Barchiesi, E.; Ciallella, A.; Dell'Isola, F.