Dipartimento di Ingegneria e scienze dell'informazione e matematica
Codimensions of algebras with pseudoautomorphism and their exponential growth
2025-01-01 Campedel, Elena; Giordani, Ginevra; Ioppolo, Antonio
Classifying simple superalgebras with automorphism and pseudoautomorphism
2024-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; La Mattina, D.
Algebras with superautomorphism: simple algebras and codimension growth
2024-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; La Mattina, D.
Gradings and graded linear maps on algebras
2024-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Martino, F.
f-zpd algebras and a multilinear Nullstellensatz
2024-01-01 Bajuk, Z.; Bresar, M.; Fagundes, P.; Ioppolo, A.
On the colength sequence of G-graded algebras
2024-01-01 Cota, W. Q.; Ioppolo, A.; Martino, F.; Vieira, A. C.
On minimal varieties of superalgebras with superautomorphism
2024-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Pascucci, E.; Spinelli, E.
2023-01-01 Castellano, I.; Grazian, V.; Ioppolo, A.
2023-01-01 Castellano, I.; Grazian, V.; Ioppolo, A.
Trace Codimensions of Algebras and Their Exponential Growth
2023-01-01 Giambruno, A.; Ioppolo, A.; La Mattina, D.
On PI-algebras with additional structures: Rationality of Hilbert series and Specht's problem
2022-01-01 Centrone, L.; Estrada, A.; Ioppolo, A.
Polynomial identities in matrix algebras with pseudoinvolution
2022-01-01 Ioppolo, A.
Graded linear maps on superalgebras
2022-01-01 Ioppolo, A.
Matrix algebras with degenerate traces and trace identities
2022-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Koshlukov, P.; La Mattina, D.
Varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution: Codimensions, cocharacters and colengths
2022-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Martino, F.
Trace identities and almost polynomial growth
2021-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Koshlukov, P.; La Mattina, D.
Unitary superalgebras with graded involution or superinvolution of polynomial growth
2021-01-01 Costa, W. D. S.; Ioppolo, A.; dos Santos, R. B.; Vieira, A. C.
Superalgebras with graded involution: Classifying minimal varieties of quadratic growth
2021-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; dos Santos, R. B.; Santos, M. L. O.; Vieira, A. C.
A Characterization of Superalgebras with Pseudoinvolution of Exponent 2
2021-01-01 Ioppolo, A.
On multiplicities of cocharacters for algebras with superinvolution
2021-01-01 Ioppolo, A.; Martino, F.