Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche applicate e biotecnologiche
Changes in hyoid bone and tongue position in Class I subjects after orthodontic treatment with rapid palatal expander
2022-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Esposito, R.; Montaruli, G.; Monaco, A.; Chimenti, C.; Ciavarella, D.
Long-term effect on adenoid dimensions and craniocervical angulation after maxillary expansion with fixed or functional appliances
2021-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Montaruli, G.; Scapato, F.; Laurenziello, M.; Suriano, C.; Chimenti, C.; Ciavarella, D.
Effect of Class II functional treatment on facial attractiveness, as perceived by professionals and laypeople
2021-01-01 Santori, F.; Masedu, F.; Ciavarella, D.; Staderini, E.; Chimenti, C.; Tepedino, M.
Microtensile Bond Strength of Etch-and-Rinse Adhesives in Different Hydroabrasion Conditionings
2021-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Iancu Potrubacz, M.; Imperiale, A.; Chimenti, C.; Capogreco, M.; D'Amario, M.
Sella turcica and craniofacial morphology in patients with palatally displaced canines: A retrospective study
2020-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Laurenziello, M.; Guida, L.; Montaruli, G.; Grassia, V.; Chimenti, C.; Campanelli, M.; Ciavarella, D.
Dimensional variability of orthodontic slots and archwires: an analysis of torque expression and clinical implications
2020-01-01 Tepedino, Michele; Paiella, Giordano; Iancu Potrubacz, Maciej; Monaco, Annalisa; Gatto, Roberto; Chimenti, Claudio
In vitro shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after enamel conditioning with acid etching and hydroabrasion
2020-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Potrubacz, M. I.; Arrizza, L.; Russo, M.; Cavarra, F.; Cordaro, M.; Chimenti, C.
Enamel preservation during composite removal after orthodontic debonding comparing hydroabrasion with rotary instruments
2020-01-01 Bosco, E.; Iancu Potrubacz, M.; Arrizza, L.; Chimenti, C.; Tepedino, M.
Biomarkers in the gingival crevicular fluid used to detect root resorption in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment: A systematic review
2019-01-01 Tarallo, F.; Chimenti, C.; Paiella, G.; Cordaro, M.; Tepedino, M.
Morphometric analysis of sella turcica in growing patients: an observational study on shape and dimensions in different sagittal craniofacial patterns
2019-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Laurenziello, M.; Guida, L.; Montaruli, G.; Troiano, G.; Chimenti, C.; Colonna, M.; Ciavarella, D.
Autotransplantation of an impacted maxillary canine with complete root formation in a young female – a case report
2019-01-01 Boschini, L.; Tepedino, M.; Melillo, M.; Mastrangelo, F.; Laurenziello, M.; Chimenti, C.; Lo Muzio, L.; Ciavarella, D.
Effect of facemask protraction on the development of impacted maxillary canines – A retrospective study
2019-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Montaruli, G.; Iancu Potrubacz, M.; Perillo, L.; Chimenti, C.; Ciavarella, D.
Post-orthodontic lower incisor inclination and gingival recession—a systematic review
2018-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Franchi, L.; Fabbro, O.; Chimenti, C.
Correlation between tooth size-arch length discrepancy and interradicular distances measured on CBCT and panoramic radiograph: An evaluation for miniscrew insertion
2018-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Cornelis, M. A.; Chimenti, C.; Cattaneo, P. M.
Movement of anterior teeth using clear aligners: a three-dimensional, retrospective evaluation
2018-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Paoloni, V.; Cozza, P.; Chimenti, C.
Correlation between body mass index and obstructive sleep apnea severity indexes — A retrospective study
2018-01-01 Ciavarella, D.; Tepedino, M.; Chimenti, C.; Troiano, G.; Mazzotta, M.; Foschino Barbaro, M. P.; Lo Muzio, L.; Cassano, M.
Retrospective evaluation of treatment time and efficiency of a predictable cantilever system for orthodontic extrusion of impacted maxillary canines
2018-01-01 Iancu Potrubacz, M.; Chimenti, C.; Marchione, L.; Tepedino, M.
Predictable method to deliver physiologic force for extrusion of palatally impacted maxillary canines
2018-01-01 Tepedino, Michele; Chimenti, Claudio; Masedu, Francesco; IANCU POTRUBACZ, Maciej
Does muscular activity related to vertical facial divergence influence the time needed for orthodontic extrusion of palatally impacted maxillary canines? A retrospective study
2018-01-01 Tepedino, M.; Iancu-Potrubacz, M.; Grippaudo, C.; Chimenti, C.; Lagana, G.
Expansion of permanent first molars with rapid maxillary expansion appliance anchored on primary second molars
2018-01-01 Tepedino, Michele; Iancu-Potrubacz, Maciej; Ciavarella, Domenico; Masedu, Francesco; Marchione, Laura; Chimenti, Claudio