Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Evaluation of typical rail defects by induction thermography: experimental results and procedure for data analysis during high-speed laboratory testing
2024-01-01 D’Accardi, E.; Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Masciopinto, G.; Marinelli, G.; Fumarola, G.; Palumbo, D.; Galietti, U.
Non-destructive estimation of mechanical properties in Usibor® 1500 via thermal diffusivity measurements: A thermographic procedure
2024-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, G.; Bison, P.; Palmieri, M. E.; Ferrarini, G.; Palumbo, D.; Tricarico, L.; Galietti, U.
Thermographic procedure for the assessment of Resistance Projection Welds (RPW): Investigating parameters and mechanical performances
2024-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, G.; Palumbo, D.
Induction Thermography: Influence of Testing Parameters for Different Crack Geometry
2024-01-01 De Vanna, Davide; D’Accardi, Ester; Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, Umberto
Preliminary procedure for the assessment of probeless friction stir spot welds (P-FSSW) in dissimilar aluminum alloys by long pulsed laser thermography
2024-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Rashkovets, Mariia; Castellano, Anna; Palumbo, Davide; Contuzzi, Nicola; Casalino, Giuseppe; Galietti, Umberto
Scanning inductive and line laser thermography for surface crack detection and characterization in railway rails
2024-01-01 D'Accardi, Ester; Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Masciopinto, Giuseppe; Fumarola, Gianluca; Marinelli, Gaetano; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, Umberto
Conduction thermography for non-destructive assessment of fatigue cracks in metallic materials
2024-01-01 D'Accardi, Ester; De Finis, Rosa; Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Masciopinto, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, Umberto
A non-destructive thermographic procedure for the estimation of mechanical properties in steel through thermal diffusivity measurements
2023-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Palmieri, Maria Emanuela; Tricarico, Luigi; Galietti, Umberto
Exploring the Correlation between Thermal Diffusivity and Ultimate Tensile Strength in Usibor® 1500 through Laser Thermography
2023-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, G.; Bison, P.; Ferrarini, G.; Palmieri, M. E.; Palumbo, D.; Tricarico, L.; Galietti, U.
A non-destructive thermographic procedure for the evaluation of heat treatment in Usibor®1500 through the thermal diffusivity measurement
2023-01-01 Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, Umberto
Laser Thermography: An Investigation of Test Parameters on Detection and Quantitative Assessment in a Finite Crack
2023-01-01 Addante, G. D.; Dell'Avvocato, G.; Bisceglia, F.; D'Accardi, E.; Palumbo, D.; Galietti, U.
Quantitative evaluation of the welded area in Resistance Projection Welded (RPW) thin joints by pulsed laser thermography
2022-01-01 Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Gohlke, Dirk; Palumbo, Davide; Krankenhagen, Rainer; Galietti, Umberto
Non-destructive thermographic method for the assessment of heat treatment in boron steel
2022-01-01 Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Maria Emanuela Palmieri, ; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, U.
Non-destructive evaluation of resistance projection welded joints (RPW) by flash thermography
2021-01-01 Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Pepe, Raffaele; Galietti, U.
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Heat Treatments in Boron Steel by Laser Thermography
2021-01-01 Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Maria Emanuela Palmieri, ; Galietti, Umberto
Limits and advantages in using low-cost microbolometric IR-camera in lock-in thermography for CFRP applications
2021-01-01 D'Accardi, Ester; Dell'Avvocato, Giuseppe; Palumbo, Davide; Galietti, Umberto
Assessing overload-induced delaminations in glass fiber reinforced polymers by its geometry and thermal resistance
2020-01-01 Müller, Jan P.; Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Krankenhagen, Rainer
Applying a Two-Layer Quadrupole Model for Quantitative Thermography at Overload-Induced Delaminations in GFRP
2019-01-01 Müller, Jan P.; Dell’Avvocato, Giuseppe; Krankenhagen, Rainer