Dipartimento di Ingegneria e scienze dell'informazione e matematica
Constant speed random particles spontaneously confined on the surface of an expanding sphere
2024-01-01 Serva, M.
Particles with constant speed and random velocity in 3+1 space-time: separation of the space variables
2024-01-01 Serva, M.
Gradual Modifications and Abrupt Replacements: Two Stochastic Lexical Ingredients of Language Evolution
2023-01-01 Pasquini, M; Serva, M; Vergni, D
Linguistic clues suggest that the Indonesian colonizers directly sailed to Madagascar
2022-01-01 Serva, Maurizio; Pasquini, Michele
The Sabaki languages of Comoros
2021-01-01 Serva, Maurizio; Pasquini, Michele
Stability of Meanings versus Rate of Replacement of Words: An Experimental Test
2021-01-01 Pasquini, Michele; Serva, M.
Brownian Motion at the Speed of Light: A New Lorentz Invariant Family of Processes
2021-01-01 Serva, M.
Malagasy dialects in Mayotte
2021-01-01 Serva, M.; Pasquini, M.
Random Motion of Light-Speed Particles
2020-01-01 Serva, Maurizio
Dialects of Madagascar
2020-01-01 Serva, M.; Pasquini, M.
Horizontal transfers are a primary aspect of languages evolution
2019-01-01 Pasquini, Michele; Serva, Maurizio
Diffusione e reazione: dal moto Browniano alla diffusione delle epidemie.
2018-01-01 Serva, Maurizio; Vergni, Davide; Vulpiani, Angelo
The origins of the Malagasy people, some certainties and a few mysteries - As origens do povo malgaxe, algumas certezas e varios mistérios
2017-01-01 Serva, Maurizio
Le origini del popolo malgascio, alcune certezze e qualche mistero
2017-01-01 Serva, Maurizio
Recovering geography from a matrix of genetic distances
2017-01-01 Serva, Maurizio; Vergni, D.; Volchenkov, D.; A., Vulpiani
Observability of market daily volatility
2016-01-01 Petroni, Filippo; Serva, Maurizio
Linear and anomalous front propagation in systems with non-Gaussian diffusion: The importance of tails
2016-01-01 Serva, Maurizio; Vergni, Davide; Vulpiani, Angelo
Levenstein’s distance for measuring lexical evolution rates
2015-01-01 Petroni, F; Serva, Maurizio; Volchenkov, D.
A Stochastic Model for the Interbreeding of Two Populations Continuously Sharing the Same Habitat
2015-01-01 Serva, Maurizio
A percolation system with extremely long range connections and node dilution
2014-01-01 de Almeida, M. L.; Albuquerque, E. L.; Fulco, U. L.; Serva, Maurizio