La riabilitazione psicosociale ai tempi della recovery
2024-01-01 Roncone, Rita; Salza, Anna; Ussorio, Donatella; Casacchia, Massimo
'I Can't Get No Satisfaction'… Experience in the treatment, satisfaction, and professional support of young depressed people using SPARX
2024-01-01 Del Vecchio, Sasha; Mammarella, Silvia; Giusti, Laura; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
Psychological distress and academic success: a two-year study comparing the outcome of two online interventions at a university counseling and consultation service in Italy
2024-01-01 Mammarella, Silvia; Giusti, Laura; Del Vecchio, Sasha; Salza, Anna; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
La qualità della didattica vista con l’occhio dello studente dell’area bio-medica
2023-01-01 Casacchia, Massimo; Giusti, Laura; Mammarella, Silvia; Roncone, Rita
Tutorato: la centralità dello studente tra bisogni, desideri e diritti
2023-01-01 Casacchia, Massimo; Giusti, Laura; Mammarella, Silvia; Roncone, Rita
Family functioning and personal growth in Italian caregivers living with a family member affected by schizophrenia: Results of an add-on study of the Italian network for research on psychoses
2023-01-01 Roncone, Rita; Giusti, Laura; Bianchini, Valeria; Casacchia, Massimo; Carpiniello, Bernardo; Aguglia, Eugenio; Altamura, Mario; Barlati, Stefano; Bellomo, Antonello; Bucci, Paola; Cascino, Giammarco; Concerto, Carmen; Fagiolini, Andrea; Marchesi, Carlo; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Pinna, Federica; Siracusano, Alberto; Galderisi, Silvana
Deepening Depression in Women Balancing Work–Life Responsibilities and Caregiving during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from Gender-Specific Face-to-Face Street Interviews Conducted in Italy
2023-01-01 Giusti, Laura; Mammarella, Silvia; Del Vecchio, Sasha; Salza, Anna; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
L'integrazione degli interventi psicoeducativi e farmacologici nel periodo perinatale.
2022-01-01 Roncone, R; Giusti, L; Mammarella, S.; Del Vecchio, S.; Casacchia, M.
Interventi sullo stigma pubblico, sul self-stigma e dintorni
2022-01-01 Casacchia, M; Salza, A; Giusti, L; Roncone, R.
Stigma and Attitude Towards Personal Recovery from Mental Illness Among Italian Mental Health Professionals.
2022-01-01 Roncone, R; Giusti, L; Bianchini, V; Salza, A.; Casacchia, M
Difficoltà cognitive II. Cognizione sociale.
2022-01-01 Giusti, L; Mammarella, S; Casacchia, M; Roncone, R.
Easier Said Than Done: The Challenge to Teach "Personal Recovery" to Mental Health Professionals Through a Short, Targeted and Structured Training Programme
2022-01-01 Giusti, Laura; Ussorio, Donatella; Salza, Anna; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
2022-01-01 Giusti, Laura; Bianchini, Valeria; Aggio, Annalisa; Mammarella, Silvia; Salza, Anna; Necozione, Stefano; Alunno, Alessia; Ferri, Claudio; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
Distance education during COVID 19: an Italian survey on the university teachers' perspectives and their emotional conditions
2021-01-01 Casacchia, Massimo; Cifone, Maria Grazia; Giusti, Laura; Fabiani, Leila; Gatto, Roberto; Lancia, Loreto; Cinque, Benedetta; Petrucci, Cristina; Giannoni, Mario; Ippoliti, Rodolfo; Frattaroli, Anna Rita; Macchiarelli, Guido; Roncone, Rita
Heart and Head: Profiles and Predictors of Self-Assessed Cognitive and Affective Empathy in a Sample of Medical and Health Professional Students
2021-01-01 Giusti, L; Mammarella, S; Salza, A; Ussorio, D; Bianco, D; Casacchia, M; Roncone, R
“Hang in There!”: Mental Health in a Sample of the Italian Civil Protection Volunteers during the COVID-19 Health Emergency
2021-01-01 Roncone, R.; Giusti, L.; Mammarella, S.; Salza, A.; Bianchini, V.; Lombardi, A.; Prosperocco, M.; Ursini, E.; Scaletta, V.; Casacchia, M.
Predictors of academic performance during the covid-19 outbreak: impact of distance education on mental health, social cognition and memory abilities in an Italian university student sample
2021-01-01 Giusti, L.; Mammarella, S.; Salza, A.; Del Vecchio, S.; Ussorio, D.; Casacchia, M.; Roncone, R.
Il ruolo sociale della psichiatria
2020-01-01 Roncone, R; Giusti, L; Salza, A; Casacchia, M
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) anxiety management and reasoning bias modification in young adults with anxiety disorders: A real-world study of a therapist-assisted computerized (TACCBT) program Vs. “person-to-person” group CBT
2020-01-01 Salza, Anna; Giusti, Laura; Ussorio, Donatella; Casacchia, Massimo; Roncone, Rita
#Everything Will Be Fine. Duration of Home Confinement and “All-or-Nothing” Cognitive Thinking Style as Predictors of Traumatic Distress in Young University Students on a Digital Platform During the COVID-19 Italian Lockdown
2020-01-01 Giusti, L; Salza, A; Mammarella, S; Bianco, D; Ussorio, D; Casacchia, M; Roncone, R