REA, Silvio
REA, Silvio
Dipartimento di Medicina clinica, sanità pubblica, scienze della vita e dell'ambiente
It May Happen: Endometrioma from Hemorrhagic Corpus Luteum
2017-01-01 Piazze, Juan; Palma, Ettore; Recchia, Francesco; Gallicani, Cristina; Rea, Silvio
False Positive also Exists: Keep it in Mind when Dual Test is Performed
2017-01-01 Piazze, Juan; D'Orazi, Valerio; Romanzi, Daniela; Rea, Silvio
Cyst of Canal of Nuck: Our Experience
2016-01-01 Piazze, Juan; Palma, Ettore; Recchia, Francesco; D’Orazi, Valerio; Romanzi, Daniela; Rosselli, Michele; Bratta, Massimo; Rea, Silvio
Long-term Follow-up of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin and Oxaliplatin in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
2016-01-01 Recchia, Francesco; Candeloro, Giampiero; Rea, Silvio
Primitive sarcoma of the breast: New insight on the proper surgical management
2015-01-01 Pasta, Vittorio; Monti, Massimo; Cialini, Michela; Vergine, Massimo; Urciuoli, Paolo; Iacovelli, Annunziata; Rea, Silvio; D'Orazi, Valerio
Adjuvant Ovarian Suppression, High-dose Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for Premenopausal Patients with High-risk Breast Cancer
2015-01-01 Recchia, Francesco; Candeloro, Giampiero; Rosselli, Michele; Bratta, Massimo; Pasta, Vittorio; D'Orazi, Valerio; Fumagalli, Luca A; Rea, Silvio
LH-RH analogues in the treatment of young women with early breast cancer: Long-term follow-up of a phase II study
2015-01-01 Recchia, F; Necozione, Stefano; Bratta, M; Rosselli, M; Guerriero, G; Rea, Silvio
Anthracycline‑based induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5‑fluorouracil and radiation therapy in surgically resected axillary node‑positive breast cancer
2014-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Cesta, A; DI Staso, M; Bonfili, P; Gravina, GIOVANNI LUCA; DI CESARE, Ernesto; Necozione, Stefano; Rea, Silvio
Vascular endothelial growth factor expression and T-regulatory cells in premenopausal breast cancer
2013-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Necozione, Stefano; Desideri, Giovambattista; Cesta, A; Recchia, L; Rea, Silvio
A multicenter¸open label phase II trial of liposomal doxorubicin (LD) and docetaxel (DX), followed by concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy in locally advanced high risk, early breast cancer (HRBC). A multicenter¸open label phase II trial of liposomal doxorubicin (LD) and docetaxel (DX), followed by concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy in locally advanced high risk, early breast cancer (HRBC). J Clin Oncol 30: 2012 (ASCO MEETING ABSTRACTS May 30, 2012:e11041 ASCO MEETING ABSTRACTS May 30, 2012:e11041
2012-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Cesta, A; Desideri, Giovambattista; Necozione, S; Rea, Silvio
Chemoembolization of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: Decreased toxicity with slow-release doxorubicin‑eluting beads compared with lipiodol
2012-01-01 Recchia, F; Passalacqua, G; Filauri, P; Doddi, M; Boscarato, P; Candeloro, G; Necozione, Stefano; Desideri, Giovambattista; Rea, Silvio
. Extended phase II study of maintenance immunotherapy in advancer Cancer. Proc Am Ass Cancer Res 53:5366, 2012 Abstract #5366.
2012-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Desideri, Giovambattista; Necozione, S; Rea, Silvio
Triple-negative breast cancer: multipronged approach, single-arm pilot phase II study
2012-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Desideri, Giovambattista; Necozione, Stefano; Recchia, Co; Cirulli, V; Rea, Silvio
Premenopausal hormone-responsive breast cancer with extensive axillary nodes involvement: total estrogen blockade and chemotherapy
2011-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Necozione, Stefano; Desideri, Giovambattista; Recchia, Coc; Piazze, J; Rea, Silvio
Long term follow up of a multicenter phase II study of chemo-immunotherapy in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (MCC). J Clin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr…)
2011-01-01 Recchia, F.; Candeloro, G.; Necozione, S.; Lippe, P.; Desideri, Giovambattista; Rea, Silvio
Pegylated lyposomal Doxorubicin (PLD) and Oxaliplatin (LOH) as Salvage chemotherapy in patients with previously treated metastatic gastric cancer (MGC). J Clin Oncol 28:15s, 2010 (suppl; abstr e13051)
2010-01-01 Recchia, F.; Candeloro, G.; Necozione, S.; Rea, Silvio
Liposomal pegylated doxorubicin and oxaliplatin as salvage chemotherapy in patients with metastatic gastric cancer treated earlier
2010-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Guerriero, G; Piazze, J; Desideri, Giovambattista; Necozione, Stefano; Rea, Silvio
Prolonged Disease Control after Myeloablative Chemotherapy, Autologous Transplantation and Immunotherapy in High-risk Early Breast Cancer
2010-01-01 Recchia, F; Candeloro, G; Necozione, Stefano; Accorsi, P; Recchia, Co; Tombolini, V; Rea, Silvio
Maintenance immunotherapy in recurrent ovarian cancer: long term follow-up of a phase II study
2010-01-01 Recchia, F; DI ORIO, Ferdinando; Candeloro, G; Guerriero, G; Piazze, J; Rea, Silvio
Chemoradioimmunotherapy in Locally Advanced Pancreatic and Biliary Tree Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter Phase II Study
2009-01-01 Recchia, F; Sica, G; Candeloro, G; Bisegna, R; Bratta, M; Bonfili, P; Necozione, Stefano; Tombolini, V; Rea, Silvio