Dipartimento di Ingegneria e scienze dell'informazione e matematica
Reservoirs, Fick law, and the Darken effect
2021-01-01 De Masi, A; Merola, I; Presutti, E
Interface Fluctuations in Non Equilibrium Stationary States: The SOS Approximation
2020-01-01 De Masi, A.; Merola, I.; Olla, S.
Renewal properties of the d = 1 Ising model
2018-01-01 Cassandro, Marzio; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, Errico
Phase Separation for the Long Range One-dimensional Ising Model
2017-01-01 Cassandro, Marzio; Merola, Immacolata; Picco, Pierre
Layered Systems at the Mean Field Critical Temperature
2015-01-01 Luiz Renato, Fontes; Domingos H. U., Marchetti; Merola, Immacolata; Errico, Presutti; Maria Eulalia, Vares
Phase Transitions in Layered Systems
2014-01-01 fontes, L. R.; Marchetti, D. H. U.; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E; Vares, M. E.
One-Dimensional Ising Models with Long Range Interactions: Cluster Expansion, Phase-Separating Point
2014-01-01 Cassandro, M; Merola, Immacolata; Picco, P; Rozikov, U.
Study of a Long Range Perturbation of a One-Dimensional Kac Model
2011-01-01 Cassandro, M.; Merola, Immacolata; Vares, M. E.
Coexistence of ordered and disordered phases in Potts models in the continuum
2009-01-01 DE MASI, Anna; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E; Vignaud, Y.
Potts models in the continuum. Uniqueness and exponential decay in the restricted ensembles
2008-01-01 DE MASI, Anna; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E; Vignaud, Y.
First-order phase transition in Potts models with finite-range interactions
2007-01-01 Gobron, T; Merola, Immacolata
Bose Condensation and Large Loops in the Mean Field model
2005-01-01 Benfatto, G; Cassandro, M; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E.
Geometry of contours and Peierls estimates in d=1 Ising models with long range interactions
2005-01-01 Cassandro, M; Ferrari, P. A.; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E.
On the Gibbs phase rule in the Pirogov-Sinai regime
2004-01-01 Bovier, A; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E; Zahradnik, M.
The liquid and vapor phases in particle models with Kac potentials
2002-01-01 Baffioni, F; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E.
On the absence of non-translational invariant Gibbs states in two dimensions
2000-01-01 Merola, Immacolata
Lebowitz-Penrose limit for continuum particle systems
2000-01-01 Merola, Immacolata
Asymptotic expansion of the pressure in the inverse interaction range
1999-01-01 Merola, Immacolata
On the validity of the van der Waals theory in Ising systems with long range interactions
1997-01-01 Butta, P; Merola, Immacolata; Presutti, E.
A novel hierarchy of integrable lattices,
1994-01-01 Merola, Immacolata; Ragnisco, O; TU GUI, Zhang