Dipartimento di Ingegneria e scienze dell'informazione e matematica
Existence and regularity for solutions of quasilinear degenerate elliptic systems
2024-01-01 Di Gironimo, P.; Leonetti, F.; Macri', M.
Existence of solutions to some quasilinear degenerate elliptic systems with right hand side in a Marcinkiewicz space
2023-01-01 Di Gironimo, P.; Leonardi, S.; Leonetti, F.; Macri, M.; Petricca, P. V.
Existence of solutions to some quasilinear degenerate elliptic systems when the datum has an intermediate degree of integrability
2023-01-01 Di Gironimo, P; Leonetti, F; Macri', M; Petricca, Pv
Finding nicer mappings with lower or equal energy in nonlinear elasticity
2021-01-01 Leonetti, F.; Macri, M.; Petricca, P. V.
Existence of Bounded Solutions for some Quasilinear Degenerate Elliptic Systems
2021-01-01 Di Gironimo, P; Leonetti, F; Macrì, M; Petricca, Pv
Regularity for minimizers with positive Jacobian
2020-01-01 Gao, Hongya; Leonetti, Francesco; Macri', Marta; Vincenzo Petricca, Pier
Stationary solutions for the non-linear Hartree equation with a slowly varying potential
2009-01-01 Macri', Marta; Nolasco, Margherita
Homoclinic solutions to invariant tori in a center manifold
2008-01-01 COTI ZELATI, V; Macri', Marta
Existence and asymptotics for self-dual periodic vortices of topological-type
2007-01-01 Macri', Marta; Nolasco, Margherita
Uniqueness of topological solutions for a class of self-dual vortex theories
2007-01-01 Macri', Marta; Nolasco, Margherita
Existence of uncountable many homoclinic solutions to periodic orbits in a center manifolds
2005-01-01 Macri', Marta
Existence and asymptotics for self-dual periodic vortices of topological-type
2005-01-01 Macri', Marta; Nolasco, M.
Multibump solutions homoclinic to periodic orbits of large energy in a center manifold
2005-01-01 COTI ZELATI, V; Macri', Marta
Asymptotics for selfdual vortices on the torus and on the plane: a gluing tecnique
2005-01-01 Macri', Marta; Ricciardi, T.; Nolasco, Margherita
Existence of homoclinic solutions to periodic orbits in a center manifold
2004-01-01 COTI ZELATI, V; Macri', Marta