Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Exploring the potentialities of thermal asymmetries in composite wind turbine blade structures via numerical and thermographic methods: a thermophysical perspective
2024-01-01 Figueiredo, A. A. A.; D’Alessandro, G.; Perilli, S.; Sfarra, S.; Fernandes, H.
Numerical and experimental analysis for flaw detection in composite structures of wind turbine blades using active infrared thermography
2023-01-01 Figueiredo, Alisson A. A.; D’Alessandro, Giampaolo; Perilli, Stefano; Sfarra, Stefano; Fernandes, Henrique
Maximizing the detection of thermal imprints in civil engineering composites via numerical and thermographic results pre-processed by a groundbreaking mathematical approach
2022-01-01 Sfarra, Stefano; Cicone, Antonio; Yousefi, Bardia; Perilli, Stefano; Robol, Leonardo; Maldague, Xavier P. V.
Evaluation of the heat changes in an ancient church because of restoration works: A microclimatic study supported by thermal images
2022-01-01 Ridolfi, Stefano; Crescenzi, Susanna; Zeli, Fabiana; Perilli, Stefano; Sfarra, Stefano
Measuring the Water Content in Wood Using Step-Heating Thermography and Speckle Patterns-Preliminary Results
2020-01-01 Madruga, Francisco J; Sfarra, Stefano; Perilli, Stefano; Pivarčiová, Elena; López-Higuera, José M
Enhanced Infrared Sparse Pattern Extraction and Usage for Impact Evaluation of Basalt-Carbon Hybrid Composites by Pulsed Thermography
2020-01-01 Hu, Jue; Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Sergi, Claudia; Perilli, Stefano; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente; Tian, Guiyun; Maldague, Xavier
Study on internal stress damage detection in long-distance oil and gas pipelines via weak magnetic method
2019-01-01 Liu, Bin; He, Luyao; Ma, Zeyu; Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Fernandes, Henrique; Perilli, Stefano
Precious walls built in indoor environments inspected numerically and experimentally within long-wave infrared (LWIR) and radio regions
2019-01-01 Sfarra, S.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, H.; Perilli, S.; Scozzafava, M.; Avdelidis, N. P.; Maldague, X. P. V.
On the use of phase change materials applied on cork-coconut-cork panels: A thermophysical point of view concerning the beneficial effect in terms of insulation properties
2019-01-01 Sfarra, S.; Perilli, S.; Guerrini, M.; Bisegna, F.; Chen, T.; Ambrosini, D.
Quantitative study of magnetic memory signal characteristic affected by external magnetic field
2019-01-01 Liu, Bin; He, Luyao; Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Fernandes, Henrique; Perilli, Stefano; Ren, Jian
Improving the detection of thermal bridges in buildings via on-site infrared thermography: The potentialities of innovative mathematical tools
2019-01-01 Sfarra, Stefano; Cicone, Antonio; Yousefi, Bardia; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente; Perilli, Stefano; Maldague, Xavier
Influence of insulation defects on the thermal performance of walls. An experimental and numerical investigation
2019-01-01 Nardi, Iole; Perilli, Stefano; de Rubeis, Tullio; Sfarra, Stefano; Ambrosini, Dario
Research on stress detection technology of long-distance pipeline applying non-magnetic saturation
2019-01-01 Liu, Bin; He, Luyao; Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Fernandes, Henrique; Perilli, Stefano; Ren, Jian
Optical and Mechanical Excitation Thermography for Impact Response in Basalt-Carbon Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Composite Laminates
2018-01-01 Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Sarasini, Fabrizio; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente; Perilli, Stefano; Fernandes, Henrique; Duan, Yuxia; Peeters, Jeroen; Avdelidis, Nicolas P.; Maldague, Xavier
A multi-technique nondestructive approach for characterizing the state of conservation of ancient bookbindings
2018-01-01 Sfarra, Stefano; Regi, Mauro; Tortora, MARIA GRAZIA; CASIERI RUSSO, Cinzia; Perilli, Stefano; Paoletti, Domenica
Impact Modelling and A Posteriori Non-destructive Evaluation of Homogeneous Particleboards of Sugarcane Bagasse
2018-01-01 Zhang, Hai; Sfarra, Stefano; Sarasini, Fabrizio; Fiorelli, Juliano; Peeters, Jeroen; Avdelidis, Nicolas P.; de Lucca Sartori, Diogo; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente; Perilli, Stefano; Mokhtari, Yacine; Tirillò, Jacopo; Maldague, Xavier P. V.
The thermophysical behaviour of cork supports doped with an innovative thermal insulation and protective coating: A numerical analysis based on in situ experimental data
2018-01-01 Perilli, Stefano; Sfarra, Stefano; Guerrini, Mirco; Bisegna, Fabio; Ambrosini, Dario
Combined experimental and computational approach for defect detection in precious walls built in indoor environments
2018-01-01 Perilli, Stefano; Sfarra, Stefano; Ambrosini, Dario; Paoletti, Domenica; Mai, Sabrina; Scozzafava, Marco; Yao, Yuan
Analysis of Damage in Hybrid Composites Subjected to Ballistic Impacts: An Integrated Non-Destructive Approach
2017-01-01 Sfarra, S.; López, F.; Sarasini, F.; Tirillò, J.; Ferrante, L.; Perilli, S.; Ibarra-Castanedo, C.; Paoletti, D.; Lampani, L.; Barbero, E.; Sánchez-Sáez, S.; Maldague, X.
Thermal and mechanical measurements of sustainable/innovative materials characterized under tensile loads: a numerical and experimental validation
2017-01-01 Sfarra, Stefano; Perilli, Stefano; Ambrosini, Dario; Paoletti, Domenica; Nardi, Iole; DE RUBEIS, Tullio; Santulli, Carlo