A real-fluid low-dissipative solver for flash boiling simulations of non-equilibrium mixtures
2024-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Battistoni, Michele; Di Mascio, Andrea; De Vita, Angelo; Rahantamialisoa, Faniry Nadia Zazaravaka; Zembi, Jacopo
CFD analysis of hydrogen and methane turbulent transitional under-expanded jets
2024-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; De Vita, Angelo
CFD unified approach under Eulerian–Lagrangian framework for methanol and gasoline direct injection sprays in evaporative and flash boiling conditions
2024-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Lien, Hao-Pin; De Vita, Angelo
Assessment of an effervescent breakup model for Lagrangian simulations of real fuel sprays
2024-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Zhang, Anqi; Zhao, Le; De Vita, Angelo
Effects of Ultra-High Injection Pressure and Flash Boiling Onset on GDI Sprays Morphology
2023-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Allocca, Luigi; Montanaro, Alessandro; Ranieri, Stefano; De Vita, Angelo
Experimental Investigation and Numerical CFD Assessment of a Thermodynamic Breakup Model for Superheated Sprays with Injection Pressure up to 700 Bar
2023-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; De Vita, Angelo De; Montanaro, Alessandro; Allocca, Luigi
Under-Expanded Jets in Advanced Propulsion Systems—A Review of Latest Theoretical and Experimental Research Activities
2023-01-01 Duronio, F.; Villante, C.; De Vita, A.
Eulerian–Lagrangian modeling of phase transition for application to cavitation-driven chemical processes
2023-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Di Mascio, Andrea; De Vita, Angelo; Innocenzi, Valentina; Prisciandaro, Marina
Effects of Thermodynamic Conditions and Nozzle Geometry in Gaseous Fuels Direct Injection Process for Advanced Propulsion Systems
2022-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Montanaro, Alessandro; Allocca, Luigi; Ranieri, Stefano; De Vita, Angelo
2022-01-01 De Vita, M.; Laurini, E.; De Vita, A.; Duronio, F.; Berardinis, De
Adaptive Retrofit for Adaptive Reuse: Converting an Industrial Chimney into a Ventilation Duct to Improve Internal Comfort in a Historic Environment
2022-01-01 DE VITA, Mariangela; Duronio, Francesco; DE VITA, Angelo; DE BERARDINIS, Pierluigi
ECN Spray G: Coupled Eulerian internal nozzle flow and Lagrangian spray simulation in flash boiling conditions
2022-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Di Mascio, Andrea; Villante, Carlo; Anatone, Michele; De Vita, Angelo
An Energy-Based Assessment of Expected Benefits for V2H Charging Systems through a Dedicated Dynamic Simulation and Optimization Tool
2022-01-01 Villante, Carlo; Ranieri, Stefano; Duronio, Francesco; DE VITA, Angelo; Anatone, Michele
Sustainability assessment of the whole biomass-to-energy chain of a combined heat and power plant based on biomass gasification: biomass supply chain management and life cycle assessment
2022-01-01 Costa, Michela; Piazzullo, Daniele; Di Battista, Davide; De Vita, Angelo
Under-Expanded Jets Characterization by Means of CFD Numerical Simulation Using an Open FOAM Density-Based Solver
2021-01-01 Duronio, F.; Montanaro, A.; Ranieri, S.; Allocca, L.; De Vita, A.
ECN Spray G injector: Numerical modelling of flash-boiling breakup and spray collapse
2021-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Ranieri, Stefano; Montanaro, Alessandro; Allocca, Luigi; De Vita, Angelo
Experimental visualization and lagrangian simulation of ECN spray G injection process
2021-01-01 Montanaro, A.; Duronio, F.; Allocca, L.; De Vita, A.; Ranieri, S.
Cartesian mesh generation with local refinement for immersed boundary approaches
2021-01-01 Di Angelo, L.; Duronio, F.; De Vita, A.; Di Mascio, A.
Simulation of high pressure, direct injection processes of gaseous fuels by a density-based OpenFOAM solver
2021-01-01 Duronio, Francesco; Ranieri, Stefano; Mascio, Andrea Di; Vita, Angelo De
Under-Expanded Gaseous Jets Characterization for Application in Direct Injection Engines: Experimental and Numerical Approach
2020-01-01 Allocca, L.; Montanaro, A.; Meccariello, G.; Duronio, F.; Ranieri, S.; De Vita, A.