Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.992
EU - Europa 2.558
AS - Asia 1.417
OC - Oceania 12
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
AF - Africa 3
Totale 7.993
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.974
IE - Irlanda 608
CN - Cina 568
IT - Italia 500
SG - Singapore 419
TR - Turchia 354
SE - Svezia 341
DE - Germania 282
UA - Ucraina 226
FR - Francia 224
GB - Regno Unito 209
FI - Finlandia 115
IN - India 17
NL - Olanda 16
BE - Belgio 14
CA - Canada 14
IR - Iran 12
KR - Corea 11
AU - Australia 9
JP - Giappone 9
AT - Austria 7
VN - Vietnam 6
EU - Europa 5
IL - Israele 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BR - Brasile 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
ID - Indonesia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
RO - Romania 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
MX - Messico 2
MY - Malesia 2
PL - Polonia 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AR - Argentina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
DM - Dominica 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.993
Città #
Jacksonville 897
Chandler 738
Dublin 604
Singapore 371
Boardman 298
Santa Clara 261
Izmir 204
Nanjing 175
San Mateo 163
Wilmington 121
Lawrence 117
Princeton 117
Ashburn 81
Ann Arbor 71
New York 71
Milan 67
L'aquila 63
Nanchang 63
Woodbridge 62
Beijing 53
Verona 34
Mountain View 30
Shenyang 29
Tianjin 29
Hebei 27
Kunming 24
Des Moines 20
Helsinki 19
Jiaxing 19
Jinan 19
Seattle 19
Hangzhou 18
Shanghai 18
Pescara 16
Falls Church 15
L’Aquila 15
Ripa Teatina 15
Turate 15
Torino 14
Changsha 13
Berlin 12
Brussels 12
Guangzhou 12
Norwalk 12
Bremen 11
Los Angeles 10
Ningbo 9
Rome 9
Zhengzhou 9
Houston 8
Penne 8
Toronto 8
Yazd 8
Lanzhou 7
San Francisco 7
Amsterdam 6
Dong Ket 6
Redwood City 6
Changchun 5
Fuzhou 5
Pune 5
Rimini 5
Temù 5
Teramo 5
Vienna 5
Wuhan 5
Aquila 4
Broomfield 4
Hangyang 4
Lanciano 4
London 4
Saarbrücken 4
Auburn Hills 3
Bari 3
Canberra 3
Dallas 3
Düsseldorf 3
Guardiagrele 3
Melbourne 3
Menlo Park 3
New Delhi 3
Nishikicho 3
Philadelphia 3
Riyadh 3
Taizhou 3
Aci Sant'antonio 2
Agropoli 2
Alba 2
Atlanta 2
Atri 2
Auckland 2
Bandung 2
Belgrade 2
Bologna 2
Brescia 2
Brno 2
Cambridge 2
Central District 2
Collarmele 2
Cork 2
Totale 5.298
Nome #
Sviluppo di dispositivi per la raccolta automatica del fiore dello zafferano 182
Dispositivi per la raccolta automatica del fiore dello zafferano 126
Numerical modelling and experimental validation of a McKibben pneumatic muscle actuator 112
SMA-Wire Position Control with Electrical Resistance Feedback 106
Attuatori a muscolo pneumatico a confronto 105
Automazione nella coltivazione di arance, zafferano e leguminose 104
Esoscheletro amplificatore di forza per ausilio alla deambulazione 101
Additive Manufacturing Applications on Flexible Actuators for Active Orthoses and Medical Devices 97
Development of an automated system for the selective harvesting of radicchio 94
Development of a Straight Fibers Pneumatic Muscle 93
Sulle applicazioni dei muscoli pneumatici a protesi, ortesi e robot per riabilitazione 90
Gait training using pneumatically actuated robot system 90
Development of an active orthosis for inferior limb with light structure 90
Ankle prosthesis with an active control of the pitch and the release of the energy 86
Development and testing of a grasper for NOTES powered by variable stiffness pneumatic actuation 85
Sistema di trasporto pneumatico, particolarmente per oggetti fragili 84
Corsetto a distrazione azionato pneumaticamente 83
Numerical and Experimental Analyses of the Structural Behaviour of Braided Composite Materials 82
A 4 d.o.f. Upper-limb Orthosis driven by Pneumatic Muscles 81
A Robot Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Wires 80
Un esempio di laboratorio didattico 80
A Novel Quad Harmony Search Algorithm for Grid-based Path Finding 79
Progettazione e realizzazione di muscoli pneumatici 79
Sviluppo di un esoscheletro amplificatore di forza ad 1 GDL con attuatore pneumatico 79
Development of an Active Exoskeleton for Assisting Back Movements in Lifting Weights 79
Esoscheletro amplificatore di forza per riabilitazione motoria e ausilio alla deambulazione 78
Development of a time of flight laser scanner 3D 77
Esoscheletro amplificatore di forza 75
Powered off-road wheelchair for the transportation of tetraplegics along mountain trails 75
Prestazioni a confronto di attuatori a muscolo pneumatico 74
On the automation of plant reproduction by cuttings 74
A 3-dof Robot Driven by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators 72
Robot: indici di qualità per la migliore scelta 71
Sega alternativa con tenditore dinamico a molla e massa sospesa 71
An analytical formula for designing McKibben pneumatic muscles 71
L’automazione della riproduzione di piante per talea 70
Development of a Robot driven by Pneumatic Muscles 69
Real-time spline trajectory creation and optimization for mobile robots 69
"Una stazione automatica per il controllo tenuta di radiatori da riscaldamento" 68
Una applicazione della pneumatica proporzionale alle macchine per la produzione di calzature 68
The Automation of Plant Cutting Technique 68
Fatigue Characteristics of Pneumatic Muscles with Axial Threads 68
Control Architecture for a Lower Limbs Rehabilitation Robot System 68
Dispositivi microfluidici: le microvalvole 67
The experience at University of L'Aquila on shape memory alloys actuators 67
Una stazione automatica per il controllo di tenuta di radiatori da riscaldamento 66
Sviluppo di Sistemi con Attuatori a SMA 66
Ruoli e Fasi nella Progettazione Meccanica 66
Design of a Parallel Robot actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Wires 66
Self-tuning of a preshaping input method for vibration control of flexible structures 66
Powered Lower Limb Orthosis for Assisting Standing Up and Sitting Down Movements 65
A preshaping input method for the vibration control of flexible robot links 64
The Design of a 2-dof Robot for Functional Recovery Therapy Driven by Pneumatic Muscles 64
Towards accurate low-cost vision system based on time-of- flight (TOF) laser scanner for mobile robot applications 64
Sviluppo di un Manipolatore con Muscoli Pneumatici 63
Design and development of Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Laser Scanner 3D 63
An experience on the automation of plant cutting technique for propagating plants 63
Caratterizzazione di una pinza per NOTES con attuazione a rigidezza variabile 63
Control Architecture of a 10 DOF Lower Limbs Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation 63
Characterization and modeling of a 3D scanner for mobile robot navigation 63
Assessment of interface modelling procedures for distributed structural modification 63
Design and development of EEG based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for orthosis control 62
Mechanical design of a 3-dof parallel robot actuated by smart wires 61
The experience of the University of L’Aquila on the pneumatic muscle actuator for a 2 dof manipulator for functional recovery therapy 60
Silicon Microgripper driven by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators 60
A Procedure for the Fatigue Life Prediction of Straight Fibers Pneumatic Muscles 60
Experimental validation of a preshaping input control technique for a single link flexible robot 59
The upper and lower assist systems developed at the University of L’Aquila 59
On the design of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator 59
Design of an innovative pneumatic massage device for low back pain treatment 59
Development of a pneumatic soft actuator as a hand finger for a collaborative robot 59
Modeling and simulation of custom developed 3D laser range scanner 59
Il silicio negli elementi microfluidici 58
A polinomial approach to generate bounded inputs for point-to-point control of a one-link flexible robot arm 58
Development of a picking device of an orange harvesting machine 58
"Sul controllo tenuta di componenti in pressione" 58
Pneumatic Gripper for NOTES based on a Variable Stiffness Actuator 58
Il silicio come materiale innovativo negli elementi microfluidici 57
A preshaping input method for vibration control of a single link flexible robot: theoretical modelling and experimental validation 57
Una metodologia di progetto di attuatori a muscolo pneumatico 57
GSM/SMS Based Wireless systems for Home and Industrial Monitoring and Control 57
Tools and Biomechanical Modeling Use in Legal Disputes: Some Case Studies 57
Development of an active orthosis of inferior limb in light structure 56
A preshaping input method for the vibration control of a single link flexible robot: theoretical modelling and experimental validation 56
On the design of Pneumatic muscle actuators 56
Exoskeleton as man power amplifying system 55
Vibration control of a flexible cartesian robot: extension of a preshaping input method 55
Position and trajectory control of a single axis pneumatic actuator with pressure proportional valves 54
Pneumatically actuated exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation 54
Modello locale dell’interfaccia per la previsione dell’effetto di modifiche strutturali distribuite 54
Il controllo delle perdite in componenti a tenuta 53
Un prototipo di Gait Trainer 53
Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator 52
Distributed structural modification using local interface model 52
First clinical investigation on a pneumatic lumbar unloading orthosis 52
Dynamic modelling of mobile flexible structures for improvement of motion control 52
Totale 7.171
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.859
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.859

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020586 0 0 0 0 0 115 184 9 121 27 10 120
2020/20211.087 18 137 12 125 127 38 196 4 123 47 219 41
2021/2022792 40 74 152 38 43 11 30 52 53 12 43 244
2022/20231.996 142 82 36 229 200 242 23 161 805 9 43 24
2023/2024483 80 36 29 87 43 104 16 29 0 5 22 32
2024/2025873 133 35 270 39 270 126 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.095