Dipartimento di Ingegneria e scienze dell'informazione e matematica
The mathematical theory of Hughes’ model: a survey of results
2023-01-01 Amadori, D.; Andreianov, B.; Di Francesco, M.; Fagioli, S.; Girard, T.; Goatin, P.; Markowich, P.; Pietschmann, J. -F.; Rosini, M. D.; Russo, G.; Stivaletta, G.; Wolfram, and M. T.
Second Order Two-Species Systems with Nonlocal Interactions: Existence and Large Damping Limits
2023-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Fagioli, S.; Iorio, V.
Particle approximation of one-dimensional Mean-Field-Games with local interactions
2022-01-01 Francesco, Marco Di; Duisembay, Serikbolsyn; Gomes, Diogo Aguiar; Ribeiro, Ricardo
The one-sided lipschitz condition in the follow-the-leader approximation of scalar conservation laws
2022-01-01 Francesco, Marco Di; Stivaletta, Graziano
Many-particle limit for a system of interaction equations driven by Newtonian potentials
2021-01-01 Difrancesco, M.; Esposito, A.; Schmidtchen, M.
Convergence of the follow-the-leader scheme for scalar conservation laws with space dependent flux
2020-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Stivaletta, G.
Measure solutions to a system of continuity equations driven by Newtonian nonlocal interactions
2020-01-01 Carrillo, J. A.; Di Francesco, M.; Esposito, A.; Fagioli, S.; Schmidtchen, M.
Multiple large-time behavior of nonlocal interaction equations with quadratic diffusion
2019-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Jaafra, Yahya
Deterministic particle approximation for nonlocal transport equations with nonlinear mobility
2019-01-01 Di Francesco, Marco; Fagioli, Simone; Radici, Emanuela
A deterministic particle approximation for non-linear conservation laws
2018-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Fagioli, S.; Rosini, M. D.; Russo, G.
Nonlinear degenerate cross-diffusion systems with nonlocal interaction
2018-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Esposito, Antonio; Fagioli, S.
Sorting phenomena in a mathematical model for two mutually attracting/repelling species
2018-01-01 Burger, Martin; Di Francesco, Marco; Fagioli, Simone; Stevens, Angela
Many particle approximation of the Aw-Rascle-Zhang second order model for vehicular traffic
2017-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Fagioli, Simone; Rosini, Massimiliano D.
Follow-the-leader approximations of macroscopic models for vehicular and pedestrian flows
2017-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Fagioli, S.; Rosini, M. D.; Russo, G.
Deterministic particle approximation of the hughes model in one space dimension
2017-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Fagioli, Simone; Rosini, Massimiliano Daniele; Russo, Giovanni
Deterministic particle approximation of scalar conservation laws
2017-01-01 Di Francesco, M.; Fagioli, Simone; Rosini, M. D.
A nonlocal swarm model for predators-prey interactions
2016-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Fagioli, Simone
Condensation phenomena in nonlinear drift equations
2016-01-01 Carrillo, J. A.; DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Toscani, G.
Rigorous derivation of nonlinear scalar conservation laws from follow-the-leader type models via many particle limit
2015-01-01 DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Rosini, M. D.
Equivalence of gradient flows and entropy solutions for singular nonlocal interaction equations in 1D
2015-01-01 Bonaschi, G. A.; Carrillo, J. A.; DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Peletier, M. A.