Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.294
EU - Europa 852
AS - Asia 429
SA - Sud America 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 2.595
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.291
IE - Irlanda 260
CN - Cina 218
SE - Svezia 200
TR - Turchia 142
DE - Germania 98
IT - Italia 88
GB - Regno Unito 67
UA - Ucraina 64
SG - Singapore 61
FI - Finlandia 42
BR - Brasile 14
FR - Francia 13
BE - Belgio 11
EU - Europa 4
IN - India 4
CA - Canada 3
AT - Austria 2
LT - Lituania 2
VN - Vietnam 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
IL - Israele 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 2.595
Città #
Chandler 263
Dublin 260
Jacksonville 259
Boardman 99
Santa Clara 90
Izmir 76
Ann Arbor 62
San Mateo 50
Woodbridge 44
Nanjing 37
Beijing 35
Lawrence 35
Princeton 35
Singapore 35
Wilmington 28
Rome 25
Ashburn 23
Milan 21
Nanchang 21
Berlin 18
Shenyang 15
Helsinki 12
Mountain View 12
New York 12
Brussels 11
Des Moines 10
Hangzhou 10
Hebei 9
Jinan 9
L’Aquila 9
Changsha 8
Jiaxing 8
Ningbo 8
Kunming 7
Los Angeles 7
Norwalk 7
Shanghai 7
Verona 7
Dearborn 6
Guangzhou 6
Tianjin 6
Auburn Hills 5
Falls Church 5
Resana 5
Fuzhou 4
Trieste 4
Fremont 3
Haikou 3
Lanzhou 3
Seattle 3
Taizhou 3
Zhengzhou 3
Changchun 2
Dong Ket 2
Düsseldorf 2
Houston 2
Kitzingen 2
Mentana 2
Montreal 2
Pune 2
São Paulo 2
Udine 2
West Jordan 2
Wuhan 2
Ambato 1
Atlanta 1
Carapicuíba 1
Cedar Knolls 1
Chattanooga 1
Chisinau 1
Dallas 1
Delhi 1
Diadema 1
Edinburgh 1
Fairfield 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Geneva 1
Hanover 1
Karkamış 1
L'aquila 1
Lagos 1
Lissone 1
Madison 1
Munich 1
Nepean 1
Nuremberg 1
Oslo 1
Paracatu 1
Philadelphia 1
Poções 1
Recife 1
Redmond 1
Redwood City 1
Rio de Janeiro 1
Santo Antônio da Patrulha 1
Secaucus 1
Simplício Mendes 1
Southwark 1
Sumaré 1
São José do Rio Preto 1
Totale 1.803
Nome #
Diffusive scaling of the spectral gap for the dilute Ising lattice gas dynamics below the percolation threshold 101
Comparison of finite volume canonical and grand canonical Gibbs measures:the continuous case 100
Facilitated oriented spin models: some non equilibrium results 96
Propagation of chaos for a balls into bins model 94
Reduction formula for moments of stochastic integrals 89
Facilitated spin models: recent and new results 88
Relaxation times of kinetically constrained spin models with glassy dynamics 88
Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gases 86
Kinetically constrained spin models 82
The two-dimensional stochastic heat equation: renormalizing a multiplicative noise 78
Logarithmic Sobolev constant for the dilute Ising lattice gas dynamics below the percolation threshold 78
The logarithmic Sobolev constant of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited 78
Comparison of finite volume canonical and grand canonical Gibbs measures under a mixing condition 77
Kinetically Constrained Models 77
The spectral gap for a Glauber-type dynamics in a continuous gas 76
Ensemble Dependence of Fluctuations: Canonical Microcanonical Equivalence of Ensembles 74
Mixing time of a kinetically constrained spin model on trees: power law scaling at criticality 73
On the spectral gap of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited 71
Approach to equilibrium in the symmetric simple exclusion process 70
On the Dynamical Behavior of the ABC Model 67
Diffusive long-time behavior of Kawasaki dynamics 65
Burgers equation forced by conservative or nonconservative noise 65
Relaxation Time for L-reversal processes and other chromosome shuffles, 64
Relaxation to equilibrium of spin exchange dynamics for lattice gases 63
Stochastic dynamics for the dilute Ising lattice gas: results and open problems 57
Spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev constant of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited 56
Stochastically Forced Burgers Equation 55
The spectral gap for the Kawasaki dynamics at low temperature 55
Mixing time for the repeated balls into bins dynamics 37
Propagation of chaos for a general balls into bins dynamics 29
Quantitative ergodicity for the symmetric exclusion process with stationary initial data 28
Modelling of Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation of Vegetable Oil by Deterministic Kinetics and Stochastic Simulations 23
Deterministic and stochastic simulations of heterogeneous catalytic reactions: an applicative example concerning selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil 19
An application of deterministic and stochastic modelling approaches to heterogeneous catalytic reactions: the example of selective hydrogenation of vegetable oils 17
Deterministic and stochastic modeling of heterogeneous catalytic selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil 14
Study of heterogenous catalytic selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil with different reaction schemes 9
Totale 2.634
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.486
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.486

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020202 0 0 0 0 0 34 74 0 34 24 3 33
2020/2021334 9 34 2 42 32 27 41 0 35 26 61 25
2021/2022315 26 24 84 27 11 6 12 13 17 17 9 69
2022/2023759 46 53 26 73 56 80 7 38 339 3 18 20
2023/2024174 23 5 7 29 10 19 2 18 1 10 6 44
2024/2025254 12 24 80 15 61 62 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.634