Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.146
EU - Europa 1.252
AS - Asia 659
SA - Sud America 19
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 4.085
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.136
IE - Irlanda 665
SG - Singapore 269
CN - Cina 242
IT - Italia 154
DE - Germania 136
TR - Turchia 118
UA - Ucraina 77
FI - Finlandia 50
GB - Regno Unito 48
FR - Francia 39
SE - Svezia 30
BR - Brasile 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
IN - India 14
BE - Belgio 10
CA - Canada 9
VN - Vietnam 6
RU - Federazione Russa 5
AU - Australia 4
NL - Olanda 4
PT - Portogallo 4
HK - Hong Kong 3
ID - Indonesia 3
PL - Polonia 3
AT - Austria 2
EG - Egitto 2
ES - Italia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
LT - Lituania 2
RO - Romania 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
IL - Israele 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
Totale 4.085
Città #
Dublin 662
Chandler 358
Jacksonville 324
Santa Clara 253
Singapore 220
Boardman 216
New York 120
Ashburn 95
Izmir 56
Nanjing 55
San Mateo 54
Lawrence 53
Princeton 53
Wilmington 41
Los Angeles 34
Bremen 29
Helsinki 24
Beijing 21
Kitzingen 20
Nanchang 20
Rome 18
Ann Arbor 16
Jinan 16
Milan 16
Scottsdale 16
L’Aquila 15
Jiaxing 13
Munich 13
Washington 13
Dallas 12
Des Moines 12
Brno 11
Guangzhou 11
Shenyang 11
Verona 11
Brussels 10
Falls Church 10
Cepagatti 8
Norwalk 8
West Jordan 8
Aquila 7
Kunming 7
Dearborn 6
Dong Ket 6
Hebei 6
L'aquila 6
Naples 6
Tianjin 6
Mountain View 5
Seattle 5
Toronto 5
Changsha 4
Edinburgh 4
Pescara 4
Prague 4
Shanghai 4
Woodbridge 4
Amsterdam 3
Braga 3
Catania 3
Delhi 3
London 3
Phoenix 3
Shijiazhuang 3
Zhengzhou 3
Acerra 2
Agra 2
Berlin 2
Cairo 2
Chengdu 2
Dalian 2
Fremont 2
Ghaziabad 2
Houston 2
Hyderabad 2
Khammam 2
Kirkuk 2
Lappeenranta 2
Nagpur 2
Ningbo 2
San Severo 2
Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata 2
Santander 2
Shaoxing 2
Suzhou 2
São Paulo 2
Taizhou 2
Urgnano 2
Warsaw 2
Atlanta 1
Avellino 1
Avezzano 1
Baoding 1
Barreiros 1
Barueri 1
Bitetto 1
Bologna 1
Brescia 1
Brisbane 1
Cambridge 1
Totale 3.128
Nome #
Alcohol-free essential oils containing mouthrinse efficacy on three-day supragingival plaque regrowth: A randomized crossover clinical trial 99
Salivary markers and microbial flora in mouth breathing late adolescents 87
Frizione differenziale: versatilità dell'attacco "Sinergy" 85
Analyze my face 80
Factors related to maxillary expander loss due to anchoring deciduous molars exfoliation during treatment in the mixed dentition phase 75
Salivary levels of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli and other salivary indices in patients wearing clear aligners versus fixed orthodontic appliances: An observational study 70
Il Multi P: Indicazioni e controindicazioni 66
Dentoskeletal Class II Malocclusion: Maxillary Molar Distalization with No-Compliance Fixed Orthodontic Equipment 66
Valutazioni posturali di uno splint di stabilizzazione in pazienti con DTM 61
Surgical- Orthodontic Therapy on masticatory muscle activity 61
L'ortodonzia pediatrica o delle prime due dentature. Con poco... tanto 61
The Two by Four appliance: a nationwide cross-sectional survey 60
Effetti immediati di uno splint di stabilizzazione sull’attività neuromuscolare in pazienti con DTM 59
Trattamento non estrattivo in classe II con pendulum di Hilgers 59
Clinical comparison of two different 2d lingual system 59
Skeletal class III surgical and orthodontic treatment: A case report 59
Perspectives of tele-orthodontics in the COVID-19 emergency and as a future tool in daily practice 59
Valutazione meccanica del comportamento di un sistema ortodontico: analisi sperimentale 57
Orthodontic management of agenesis 57
Vantaggi di trattamento delle biomeccaniche self-ligating vs Biomeccaniche Convenzionali 57
Valutazione elettromiografica di pazienti con disgrazia di II classi . 57
Studio longitudinale sugli effetti scheletrici verticali indotti dall’espansione rapida del mascellare 56
Bruma MAD: a new way of treating OSAS patients 56
Platelet-rich fibrin in single and multiple coronally advanced flap for type 1 recession: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis 55
Stabilizzazione dell’ATM nei pazienti trattati con approccio ortodontico-chirurgico 54
Trattamento associato fisioterapista e odontoiatra in patologie cervicali 54
Valutazione del sorriso nell’analisi estetica facciale 54
Valutazioni rinomanometriche dopo disgiunzione rapida del palato 54
Sequential slicing : A procedure for recovering space in young patients in the early mixed dentition 53
Implant-safe test in patients with peri-implantitis 53
La frenulectomia laser assistita 52
Valutazione elettromiografica di pazienti con disgnazia di II Classe 52
Paediatric Orthodontics Part 1: Anterior open bite in the mixed dentition 51
Color stability, chemico-physical and optical features of the most common petg and pu based orthodontic aligners for clear aligner therapy 51
Comparison of mandibular arch expansion by the schwartz appliance using two activation protocols: A preliminary retrospective clinical study 50
Masticatory muscle activity in patients before orthognathic surgery 49
Chlorhexidine gel used as antiseptic in periodontal pockets 49
Orthodontic treatment need and timing: Assessment of evolutive malocclusion conditions and associated risk factors 49
Trattamento associato fisioterapista e odontoiatra in patologie cervacale 48
L'Utilizzo dell'articolatore e dell'asiografo come ausilio nella diagnosi ortognatodontica 47
Periodontal disease in subjects suffering from coronary heart disease 46
Paediatric orthodontics Part 4: SEC III protocol in class III malocclusion 46
Thermoplastic disks used for commercial orthodontic aligners: complete physico-chemical and mechanical characterization 46
Oral and craniofacial manifestations of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome: A systematic review 46
Evaluation of Lower Dental Arch Crowding and Dimension after Treatment with Lip Bumper versus Schwarz Appliance. A Prospective Pilot Study 45
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as a possible correlation between COVID-19 and periodontal disease 45
Evaluation of the nasolabial angle in orthodontic diagnosis: A systematic review 45
Paediatric Orthodontics Part 3: Masticatory function during development 44
Paediatric Orthodontics Part 2: Periodontal effects of maxillary expansion 41
Digital analysis of the occlusal changes and palatal morphology using elastodontic devices. A prospective clinical study including Class II subjects in mixed dentition 40
Short-Term Effects of a Myofunctional Appliance on Atypical Swallowing and Lip Strength: A Prospective Study 40
Salivary concentrations of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli during an orthodontic treatment. An observational study comparing fixed and removable orthodontic appliances 39
Rigenera® autologous micrografts in oral regeneration: Clinical, histological, and radiographical evaluations 39
Silica dioxide colloidal solutions is efficient in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a case control study 34
Timing and treatment sequence in the management of odontomas associated with impacted teeth: A literature review and report of two cases 32
Utility of Teleorthodontics in Orthodontic Emergencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review 31
Oral Alterations in Heritable Epidermolysis Bullosa: A Clinical Study and Literature Review 31
Performance of Rigid and Soft Transfer Templates Using Viscous and Fluid Resin-Based Composites in the Attachment Bonding Process of Clear Aligners 30
Decontamination in the dental office: a comparative assessment of a new active principle 29
A spectroscopic study on orthodontic aligners: First evidence of secondary microplastic detachment after seven days of artificial saliva exposure 28
The Digital Diagnostic Approach to Stafne's Bone Cavity (SBC): From a Review of the Literature to the Description of a Clinical Case 27
Metal versus Fiberglass Post-Orthodontic Retainers Short-Term Effects on Plaque Index and Microbial Colonization: An Observational Study 26
Fluorinated Agents Effects on Orthodontic Alloys: A Descriptive In Vitro Study 26
PEEK polymer in orthodontics: a scoping review 25
Periodontology Part 4: Periodontal disease in children and adolescents 25
Traumatic Events and Eagle Syndrome: Is There Any Correlation? A Systematic Review 24
Analysis of Earlier Temporomandibular Joint Disorders in JIA Patients: A Clinical Report 24
BRIX3000® Papain Gel for Cavity Treatment in the Adult Patient 24
Electromyography-Guided Adjustment of an Occlusal Appliance: Effect on Pain Perceptions Related with Temporomandibular Disorders. A Controlled Clinical Study 24
Myofunctional therapy Part 3: Tongue function and breastfeeding as precursor of oronasal functions 23
Skeletal and dental effects of serial extractions performed with or without maxillary expansion - a retrospective controlled study 22
Autotransplatation of immature third molars as substitutes for congenitally missing second premolars: an alternative solution in a young patient with oligodontia 22
Telemedicine for a Multidisciplinary Assessment of Orofacial Pain in a Patient Affected by Eagle???s Syndrome: A Clinical Case Report 21
A comparison between stereophotogrammetry and smartphone structured light technology for three-dimensional face scanning 21
Association between Anatomical Variations and Maxillary Canine Impaction: A Retrospective Study in Orthodontics 21
Description of a Digital Work-Flow for CBCT-Guided Construction of Micro-Implant Supported Maxillary Skeletal Expander 20
Class III malocclusions in deciduous or early mixed dentition: an early orthopaedic treatment 20
Diagnostic ability of the primary second molar crown-to-root length ratio and the corresponding underlying premolar position in estimating future expander anchoring teeth exfoliation 20
Evaluation of the effects on SpO2 of N95 mask (FFP2) on dental health care providers: a cross-sectional observational study 19
Fixed and removable orthodontic retainers, effects on periodontal health compared: A systematic review 19
Myofunctional therapy. Part 1: Culture, industrialisation and the shrinking human face 19
Maldevelopment of the cranio-facial-respiratory complex: A Darwinian perspective 19
Catering Work Profession and Medico-Oral Health: A Study on 603 Subjects 19
Mesial Rotation of the Upper First Molar: Association with Anterior Dental Crowding in Mixed and Permanent Dentition 18
ATR-FTIR Analysis of Orthodontic Invisalign® Aligners Subjected to Various In Vitro Aging Treatments 18
Elastodontic Devices in Orthodontics: An In-Vitro Study on Mechanical Deformation under Loading 18
Prevalence of cross-bite in a sample of Italian preschoolers 18
Analysis of Class II Intermaxillary Elastics Applied Forces: An in-vitro Study 18
Myofunctional therapy Part 2: Prevention of dentofacial disorders 18
Facial Scanning Accuracy with Stereophotogrammetry and Smartphone Technology in Children: A Systematic Review 18
Strumento odontoiatrico "SPACELIP" 17
Tooth automatic segmentation from CBCT images: a systematic review 17
Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence Models in the Prediction of Periodontitis: A Systematic Review 17
Rare syndromes in dentistry Part 1: The Pierre Robin sequence: a focus on a rare congenital anomaly 17
Use of Edibles as Effective Tools in Myofunctional Therapy: A Pilot Study 16
Comparative analysis of treatment outcomes between Bi-Maxillary Plates and Facemask for treating class III malocclusion in growing subjects. A retrospective study 16
Management of pedodontic patients in moderate sedation in clinical dentistry: evaluation of behaviour before and after treatment 16
Full-digital workflow to rehabilitate a high value aesthetic zone. A case report 16
Comparison of the Accuracy of Two Transfer Caps in Positional Transmission of Palatal Temporary Anchorage Devices: An In Vitro Study 15
Totale 3.958
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.407
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.407

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020196 0 0 0 0 0 34 59 7 41 11 4 40
2020/2021378 3 44 4 40 54 3 69 0 57 4 93 7
2021/2022258 3 21 9 3 26 8 10 15 24 7 42 90
2022/20231.420 74 60 20 91 105 154 7 74 766 16 33 20
2023/2024590 30 31 51 80 66 173 5 12 16 46 17 63
2024/2025862 58 50 178 56 287 233 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.217