Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.772
EU - Europa 5.412
AS - Asia 3.978
AF - Africa 34
SA - Sud America 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
OC - Oceania 7
Totale 19.239
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.749
CN - Cina 2.105
IE - Irlanda 1.857
TR - Turchia 986
SE - Svezia 774
SG - Singapore 752
IT - Italia 616
DE - Germania 595
UA - Ucraina 536
GB - Regno Unito 497
FI - Finlandia 250
FR - Francia 161
BE - Belgio 52
IN - India 40
IR - Iran 35
EG - Egitto 32
VN - Vietnam 27
RU - Federazione Russa 24
CA - Canada 19
EU - Europa 17
BR - Brasile 13
KR - Corea 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
NL - Olanda 8
HU - Ungheria 7
AU - Australia 6
JP - Giappone 6
HK - Hong Kong 4
LT - Lituania 4
ES - Italia 3
PL - Polonia 3
RO - Romania 3
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CO - Colombia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
MA - Marocco 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BS - Bahamas 1
CH - Svizzera 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 19.239
Città #
Jacksonville 2.178
Chandler 1.901
Dublin 1.853
Santa Clara 744
Boardman 735
Hangzhou 604
Singapore 596
Izmir 518
San Mateo 394
Nanjing 392
Lawrence 296
Princeton 296
New York 274
Wilmington 260
Beijing 173
Ann Arbor 165
Nanchang 147
Milan 146
Ashburn 134
Woodbridge 125
L'aquila 116
Shenyang 93
Seattle 78
Hebei 74
Verona 72
Des Moines 69
Tianjin 68
Jiaxing 65
Mountain View 56
Kunming 55
Shanghai 51
Brussels 50
Jinan 50
Zhengzhou 42
Los Angeles 39
Changsha 34
Dearborn 34
Norwalk 33
Rome 31
Dallas 29
Guangzhou 29
Dong Ket 26
Pune 26
Ningbo 23
Taizhou 20
Munich 19
Fremont 16
Helsinki 16
Kitzingen 16
North Bergen 16
Lanzhou 14
Stroppiana 14
Auburn Hills 13
Frankfurt am Main 12
Sharif 12
Tappahannock 11
Lappeenranta 10
Mihan 10
Aquila 9
Bremen 8
Changchun 8
L’Aquila 8
Brno 7
Falls Church 7
Moscow 7
Cosenza 6
Fuzhou 6
London 6
Redwood City 6
Teramo 6
Arzignano 5
Evanston 5
Haikou 5
Houston 5
Marzabotto 5
Mumbai 5
Paris 5
Pescara 5
Redmond 5
Xian 5
Bologna 4
Budapest 4
Chongqing 4
Clifton 4
Düsseldorf 4
Florence 4
Genoa 4
Ottawa 4
Palermo 4
Philadelphia 4
Trento 4
Atlanta 3
Beauharnois 3
Bellante 3
Cagliari 3
Cepagatti 3
Delft 3
Fairfield 3
Fujigaoka 3
Hefei 3
Totale 13.578
Nome #
On the Use of the Multiple Scale Harmonic Balance Method for Nonlinear Energy Sinks Controlled Systems 735
Meccanica delle strutture: sistemi rigidi ad elasticità concentrata 125
Nonlinear Tuned Mass Damper for self-excited oscillations 114
A Methodology for fhe Reliable 3D DISS Model of Colosseum. Part One: Soil and Foundations 110
A simple model for damage analysis of a frame-masonry shear-wall system 106
Paradoxes in dynamic stability of mechanical systems: investigating the causes and detecting the nonlinear behaviors 98
Hard loss of stability of Ziegler’s column with nonlinear damping 95
Improving the linear stability of the Beck's beam by added dashpots 93
Aeroelastic instability analysis of NES-controlled systems via a mixed multiple scale/harmonic balance method 91
On the effect of twist angle on nonlinear galloping of suspended cables 91
Planar non-linear free vibrations of an elastic cable 91
Can a semi-simple eigenvalue admit fractional sensitivities? 90
Dynamic modelling of visco-elastic beams 89
Stabilità, Biforcazione e comportamento Postcritico delle Strutture Elastiche 88
Non-linear galloping of sagged cables in 1 : 2 internal resonance 87
Effects of damping on the stability of the compressed Nicolai beam 86
A non-linear model for the dynamic s of open cross-section thin-walled beams - Part II: Forced motion 86
A non-linear model for the dynamic s of open cross-section thin-walled beams - Part I: Formulation 86
Multiple Timescales Analysis for 1:2 and 1:3 Resonant Hopf Bifurcations 86
Solution to the problem of Nicolai 85
Buckling and postbuckling analyses of tower-like structures 85
Static perturbation analysis of inclined shallow elastic cables under general 3D-loads 85
Analytical and numerical approaches to nonlinear galloping of internally-resonant suspended cables 84
Nonstationary nonplanar free motio ns of an orbiting string with multiple internal resonances 84
Flexural-Torsional Flutter and Buckling of Braced Foil Beams under a Follower Force 84
A Simple Kinematical Model of Frame-Masonry Shear-Wall Systems 83
A continuous approach to the aeroelastic stability of suspended cables in 1:2 internal resonance 82
A nonlinear model of curved beam for the analysis of galloping of suspended cables 82
Multiple-timescale analysis for bifur cation from a multiple-zero eigenvalue 82
One to one resonant double hopf bifurcation in aeroelastic osciilators with tuned mass dampers 81
A mixed numerical-perturbative algorithm for static analysis of nonlinear planar fabrics 81
Dynamic Analysis of Linear and Non-linear Oscillations of a Beam under Axial and transversal Random Poisson Pulses 80
Linear and Nonlinear Interactions Between Static and Dynamic Bifurcations of Damped Planar Beams 80
Bifurcation analysis of damped visco-elastic planar beams under simultaneous gravitational and follower forces 80
Mode localization by structural imperfections in one-dimensional continuous systems 79
Multiscale Analysis of Defective Multiple-Hopf Bifurcations 79
On the use of the multiple scale method in solving 'difficult' bifurcation problems 79
3-Dimensional vibrations of tethered satellite systems 78
Nonlinear elastic analysis of steel planar frames under fire loads 78
Dry galloping in inclined cables: linear stability analysis 78
Invariant subspace reduction for linear dynamic analysis of finite-dimensional viscoelastic structures 78
On the reconstitution problem in the multiple time-scale method 77
On the failure of the ‘Similar Piezoelectric Control’ in preventing loss of stability by nonconservative positional forces 77
Buckling of tower buildings on elastic foundation under compressive tip forces and self-weight 77
Qualitative analysis of classes of motion for multiresonant systems II. A geometrical method 76
Stabilization via parametric excitation of multi-dof statically unstable systems 76
Dynamic analysis of externally excited NES-controlled systems via a mixed Multiple Scale/Harmonic Balance algorithm 76
1:1 resonant Hopf bifurcations in slender space structures with tuned mass dampers 76
A Nonlinear Model of Open Cross Section Beams for Dynamic Interaction Analysis 76
Damping modeling of frame-masonry shear-wall system 76
Multiple interaction and localization phenomena in the postbuckling of compressed thin-walled members 75
On large-amplitude vibrations of cables 75
Simple and double Hopf bifurcations in aeroelastic oscillators with Tuned Mass Dampers 75
Dynamics of taut strings traveled by train of forces 75
On the effect of damping on the stabilization of mechanical systems via parametric excitation 75
Equivalent nonlinear beam model for the 3-D analysis of shear-type buildings: Application to aeroelastic instability 75
Control of primary and subharmonic resonances of a Duffing oscillator via nonlinear energy sink 74
Nonlinear viscoelastic analysis of a cylindrical balloon squeezed between two rigid moving plates 74
Mode localization in dynamics and buckling of linear imperfect continuous structures 74
1:1 Resonant Hopf bifurcations in slender space structures with tuned mass dampers 74
Bifurcations and stability of amplitude modulated planar oscillations of an orbiting string with internal resonances 74
Piezoelectric control of Hopf bifurcations: A non-linear discrete case study 74
A revisitation of the paradox of discontinuous trajectory for a mass particle moving on a taut string 74
A minimal continuous model for tower-building nonlinear static analysis 74
Multiscale Analysis for Multiple Bifurcations of Continuous Nonconservative Mechanical Systems 73
Linear and nonlinear damping effects on the stability of the Ziegler column 73
A direct approach for the evaluation of the conventional modes within the GBT formulation 72
Nonlinear free periodic oscillations of a tethered satellite system 72
Parametric, external and self-excitation of a tower under turbulent wind flow 72
Bifurcation Equations through Multiple-Scales Analysis for a Continuous Model of a Planar Beam 72
Multiple interactive buckling of thin-walled members in compression 72
Multiple Time Scale Analysis for Resonant Double Hopf Bifurcations 72
Linear stability of piezoelectric-controlled discrete mechanical systems under nonconservative positional forces 72
Perturbation method for the dynamic analysis of a bistable oscillator under slow harmonic excitation 72
A perturbation method for evaluating nonlinear normal modes of a piecewise linear two-degrees-of-freedom system 71
Nonlinear energy sink to control vibrations of an internally nonresonant elastic string 71
A linear model of curved-beam for the analysis of galloping oscillations in suspended cables 71
Bifurcation, Stability and Postcritical behaviour of elastic structures 71
A Methodology for fhe Reliable 3D DISS Model of Colosseum. Part Two: Elevation and Tests 71
Controlling the limit-cycle of the Ziegler column via a tuned piezoelectric damper 71
GBT pre-buckling and buckling analyses of thin-walled members under axial and transverse loads 71
A paradigmatic minimal system to explain the Ziegler paradox 70
Sensitivities and linear stability analysis around a double-zero eigenvalue 70
Interactive buckling of an elastically restrained truss structure 70
Free-vibrations and sensitivity analysis of a defective 2-degree-of-freedom system 70
Divergence, Hopf and Double-Zero Bifurcations of a Nonlinear Planar Beam 70
Qualitative Analysis of Classes of Motion for Multiresonant Systems I. An Algebraic Method 70
Plane bias extension test for a continuum with two inextensible families of fibers: A variational treatment with Lagrange multipliers and a perturbation solution 70
One to one resonant double Hopf bifurcation in aeroelastic oscillators with tuned mass dampers 69
Analisi Asintotica di Strutture Autoeccitate in Risonanza 1:2 e 1:3 69
Dynamic instability of inclined cables under combined wind flow and support motion 69
On the effect of the local overall interaction on the postbuckling of uniformly compressed channels 68
Dynamics of the pendulum with periodically varying length 68
Static and dynamic consistent perturbation analysis for nonlinear inextensible planar frames 68
A unified perturbation approach to static/dynamic coupled instabilities of nonlinear structures 68
Fractional Sensitivities of Semi-Simple Eigenvalues For Bifurcation Analysis 68
Nonlinear Energy Sink to control elastic strings: the internal resonance case 68
A new approach for thin-walled member analysis in the framework of GBT 67
Bifurcation and stability of a two-tower system under wind-induced parametric, external and self-excitation 67
Analisi di Sensibilità delle Proprietà spettrali di Sistemi Lineari Monoparametrici 67
Totale 8.488
Categoria #
all - tutte 82.425
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 82.425

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.444 0 0 0 0 0 308 425 28 300 52 47 284
2020/20212.350 13 273 3 296 278 91 324 7 321 97 535 112
2021/20221.644 93 161 343 90 48 9 14 101 115 5 130 535
2022/20235.360 415 290 122 502 464 593 20 347 2.350 25 153 79
2023/20241.415 207 67 65 224 151 420 18 85 2 56 47 73
2024/20252.213 149 141 700 108 665 450 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.519